Author Page
Alois Honek +
, Zdenka Martinkova +
1997 +
The incidence of primary seed dormancy in weed species of the Czech Republic +
Zdenka Martinková, [[Alois Honek]] and Jindra Stolcová +
Plant Protection Science +
265 +
33 (4) +
Publication on pest
Cirsium arvense (weed) +
, Convolvulus arvensis (weed) +
, Taraxacum officinale (weed) +
, Amaranthus retroflexus (weed) +
, Portulaca oleracea (weed) +
, Rumex crispus (weed) +
, Mercurialis annua (weed) +
, Urtica urens (weed) +
, Veronica persica (weed) +
, Fumaria officinalis (weed) +
, Galinsoga quadriradiata (weed) +
, Galinsoga parviflora (weed) +
, Sonchus arvensis (weed) +
, Chenopodium album (weed) +
, Anagallis arvensis (weed) +
, Thlaspi arvense (weed) +
, Capsella bursa-pastoris (weed) +
, Galeopsis tetrahit (weed) +
, Tussilago farfara (weed) +
, Aethusa cynapium (weed) +
, Matricaria chamomilla (weed) +
, Persicaria lapathifolia (weed) +
, Polygonum aviculare (weed) +
, Fallopia convolvulus (weed) +
, Lactuca serriola (weed) +
, Senecio vulgaris (weed) +
, Atriplex patula (weed) +
, Solanum nigrum (weed) +
, Anchusa officinalis (weed) +
, Lapsana communis (weed) +
, Sisymbrium officinale (weed) +
, Sinapis arvensis (weed) +
, Spergula arvensis (weed) +
, Viola arvensis (weed) +
, Lamium purpureum (weed) +
, Lamium amplexicaule (weed) +
, Myosotis arvensis (weed) +
, Daucus carota (weed) +
, Matricaria discoidea (weed) +
, Erodium cicutarium (weed) +
, Bassia scoparia (weed) +
, Reseda lutea (weed) +
, Melilotus officinalis (weed) +
, Arabidopsis thaliana (weed) +
, Silene vulgaris (weed) +
, Descurainia sophia (weed) +
, Heracleum mantegazzianum (weed) +
, Cerastium fontanum (weed) +
, Kickxia elatine (weed) +
, Plantago major (weed) +
, Vicia sativa (weed) +
, Cichorium intybus (weed) +
, Brassica napus (weed) +
, Achillea millefolium (weed) +
, Plantago lanceolata (weed) +
, Rumex obtusifolius (weed) +
, Ranunculus repens (weed) +
, Anthriscus sylvestris (weed) +
, Aegopodium podograria (weed) +
, Bidens tripartita (weed) +
, Sonchus asper (weed) +
, Amaranthus powellii (weed) +
, Tripleurospermum maritimum (weed) +
, Amaranthus albus (weed) +
, Conium maculatum (weed) +
, Chenopodium glaucum (weed) +
, Cirsium vulgare (weed) +
, Veronica arvensis (weed) +
, Vicia cracca (weed) +
, Hypericum perforatum (weed) +
, Artemisia vulgaris (weed) +
, Sisymbrium altissimum (weed) +
, Bidens frondosa (weed) +
, Neslia paniculata (weed) +
, Persicaria hydropiper (weed) +
, Galega officinalis (weed) +
, Alliaria petiolata (weed) +
, Solidago canadensis (weed) +
, Securigera varia (weed) +
, Tanacetum vulgare (weed) +
, Urtica dioica (weed) +
, Medicago sativa (weed) +
, Adonis aestivalis (weed) +
, Anthemis ruthenica (weed) +
, Arctium lappa (weed) +
, Arctium minus (weed) +
, Armoracia rusticana (weed) +
, Astragalus glycyphyllos (weed) +
, Atriplex tatarica (weed) +
, Ballota nigra (weed) +
, Bellis perennis (weed) +
, Berteroa incana (weed) +
, Campanula rapunculoides (weed) +
, Caucalis platycarpos (weed) +
, Chaerophyllum bulbosum (weed) +
, Chelidonium majus (weed) +
, Chenopodium polyspermum (weed) +
, Consolida regalis (weed) +
, Cuscuta europaea (weed) +
, Echinops sphaerocephalus (weed) +
, Epilobium obscurum (weed) +
, Falcaria vulgaris (weed) +
, Fallopia dumetorum (weed) +
, Filago vulgaris (weed) +
, Geranium pratense (weed) +
, Geranium pusillum (weed) +
, Heracleum sphondylium (weed) +
, Herniaria glabra (weed) +
, Hyoscyamus niger (weed) +
, Lepidium ruderale (weed) +
, Lupinus polyphyllus (weed) +
, Papaver dubium (weed) +
, Pastinaca sativa (weed) +
, Plantago media (weed) +
, Argentina anserina (weed) +
, Potentilla reptans (weed) +
, Rapistrum perenne (weed) +
, Reseda luteola (weed) +
, Rhinanthus minor (weed) +
, Rumex alpinus (weed) +
, Scleranthus annus (weed) +
, Senecio viscosus (weed) +
, Sherardia arvensis (weed) +
, Sisymbrium loeselii (weed) +
, Symphytum officinale (weed) +
, Torilis arvensis (weed) +
, Trifolium arvense (weed) +
, Valerianella dentata (weed) +
, Xanthium albinum (weed) +
, Arenaria serpyllifolia (weed) +
, Anchusa arvensis (weed) +
, Asteraceae (weeds) +
, Amaranthus (weeds) +
, Chenopodium (weeds) +
, Papaver (weeds) +
, Brassicaceae (weeds) +
, Brassica (weeds) +
, Solanum (weeds) +
, Senecio (weeds) +
, Apiaceae (weeds) +
, Heracleum (weeds) +
, Erodium (weeds) +
, Caryophyllaceae (weeds) +
, Cirsium (weeds) +
, Sinapis (weeds) +
, Portulaca (weeds) +
, Xanthium (weeds) +
, Bidens (weeds) +
, Galinsoga (weeds) +
, Ranunculus (weeds) +
, Solidago (weeds) +
, Sisymbrium (weeds) +
, Lamium (weeds) +
, Cuscuta (weeds) +
, Reynoutria japonica (weed) +
, Fallopia (weed genus) +
, Polygonum (weeds) +
, Persicaria (weeds) +
, Bassia (weeds) +
, Plantago (weeds) +
, Veronica (weeds) +
, Jacobaea vulgaris (weed) +
, Rumex (weeds) +
, Geranium (weeds) +
, Lepidium (weeds) +
, Trifolium (weeds) +
, Artemisia (weeds) +
, Reynoutria (weed genus) +
, Atriplex (weeds) +
, Medicago (weeds) +
, Silene (weeds) +
, Cerastium (weeds) +
, Lepidium draba (weed) +
, Urtica (weeds) +
, Galium (weeds) +
, Galium aparine (weed) +
, Sonchus (weeds) +
, Convolvulus (weeds) +
, Violaceae (weeds) +
, Tripleurospermum (weeds) +
, Solanaceae (weeds) +
, Hypericaceae (weeds) +
, Erigeron (weeds) +
, Erigeron canadensis (weed) +
, Descurainia (weeds) +
, Potentilla (weeds) +
, Anthemis (weeds) +
, Primulaceae (weeds) +
, Fumaria (weeds) +
, Vicia (weeds) +
, Myosotis (weeds) +
, Anchusa (weeds) +
, Galeopsis (weeds) +
, Rapistrum (weeds) +
, Matricaria (weeds) +
, Melilotus (weeds) +
, Lupinus (weeds) +
, Rhinanthus (weeds) +
, Galega (weeds) +
Publication year
1,997 +
Research topic
general biology - morphology - evolution +
Has query"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
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Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
4 April 2019 19:25:48 +
Has subobject "Has subobject" is a predefined property representing a container construct that allows to accumulate property-value assignments similar to that of a normal wiki page.
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