Forest Pathology (2017)
Articles of Forest Pathology entered for 2017:
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12288)
T.J. Dreaden, A.S. Campbell, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, R.C. Ploetz and J.A. Smith (2017)
Response of swamp bay, Persea palustris, and redbay, P. borbonia, to Raffaelea spp. isolated from Xyleborus glabratus
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12288)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12291)
L. Botella, M. Dvorák, P. Capretti and N. Luchi (2017)
Effect of temperature on GaRV6 accumulation and its fungal host, the conifer pathogen Gremmeniella abietina
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12291)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12292)
T. Paap, T.I. Burgess, M. Calver, J.A. McComb, B.L. Shearer and G.E.StJ. Hardy (2017)
A thirteen-year study on the impact of a severe canker disease of Corymbia calophylla, a keystone tree in Mediterranean-type forests
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12292)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12293)
M.E. Ostry, M.J. Moore, J.J. Jacobs, J.A. Smith and N.A. Anderson (2017)
Disease biology and histopathology of bronze leaf disease: a threat to cultivated aspens, white poplars and their hybrids
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12293)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12296)
M.L. Inácio, F. Nóbrega, M. Mota and P. Vieira (2017)
First detection of Bursaphelenchus luxuriosae associated with Pinus pinaster in Portugal and in Europe
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12296)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12298)
C.L. Swett and T.R. Gordon (2017)
Exposure to a pine pathogen enhances growth and disease resistance in Pinus radiata seedlings
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12298)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12301)
C.A. Alvares, P.C. Sentelhas, E.M. Mattos, A.C. Miranda, W.B. Moraes, P.H.M. Silva, E.L. Furtado and J.L. Stape (2017)
Climatic favourability zones for Eucalyptus rust in Brazil
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12301)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12302)
S.E. Cho, J.H. Park, Y.J. Choi, S.H. Lee, C.K. Lee and H.D. Shin (2017)
Occurrence of leaf spot caused by Cristulariella depraedans on Acer ginnala
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12302)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12324)
C. Marcone (2017)
Elm yellows: A phytoplasma disease of concern in forest and landscape ecosystems
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e12324)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e18858)
P. Boron and B. Grad (2017)
The occurrence of Tubakia dryina in Poland – new hosts and ITS variation
Forest Pathology 47 (1 - e18858)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - 12303)
J.A. Nowakowska, T. Malewski, A. Tereba and T. Oszako (2017)
Rapid diagnosis of pathogenic Phytophthora species in soil by real-time PCR
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - 12303)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - 12307)
F. Gaffuri, C.M.O. Longa, T. Turchetti, R. Danti and G. Maresi (2017)
'Pink rot ' : infection of Castanea sativa fruits by Colletotrichum acutatum
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - 12307)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12299)
C. Zamora-Ballesteros, M.M.U. Haque, J.J. Diez and J. Martín-García (2017)
Pathogenicity of Phytophthora alni complex and P. plurivora in Alnus glutinosa seedlings
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12299)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12306)
J. Kaitera, R. Hiltunen and J. Hantula (2017)
Nasa, Nemesia and Euphrasia: new alternate hosts of Cronartium spp.
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12306)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12310)
A.H. Smith, T.J. Wardlaw, E.A. Pinkard, D. Ratkowsky and C.L. Mohammed (2017)
Impacts of Teratosphaeria leaf disease on plantation Eucalyptus globulus productivity
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12310)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12311)
M. Hrabeová, K. Crny, D. Zahradník and L. Havrdová (2017)
Efficacy of fungicides on Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and their potential for control of ash dieback in forest nurseries
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12311)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12313)
N.R. LaBonte, J.R. McKenna and K. Woeste (2017)
Effectiveness of a detached-leaf assay as a proxy for stem inoculations in backcrossed chestnut (Castanea) blight resistance breeding populations
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12313)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12314)
M.J. Piotrowska, R.A. Ennos, C. Riddell and P.N. Hoebe (2017)
Fungicide sensitivity of Dothistroma septosporum isolates in the UK
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12314)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12321)
J. Lamarche, A. Potvin, D. Stewart, M. Blais, G. Pelletier, S.F. Shamoun, R.C. Hamelin and P. Tanguay (2017)
Real-time PCR assays for the detection of Heterobasidion irregulare, H. occidentale, H. annosum sensu stricto and the Heterobasidion annosum complex
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12321)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (2 - e12323)
G.T. Tziros, Z.G. Nakopoulou, C. Perlerou and S. Diamandis (2017)
Current status of the Dutch elm disease pathogen populations affecting Ulmus minor in Greece
Forest Pathology 47 (2 - e12323)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12325)
M. Tomalak (2017)
Parasitic association of the mycetophagous wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus fraudulentus with the honey fungus Armillaria ostoyae
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12325)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12326)
B. Skulason, O.K. Hansen, I.M. Thomsen, V. Talgø and U.B. Nielsen (2017)
Damage by Neonectria neomacrospora and Adelges piceae in provenance trials of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) in Denmark
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12326)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12327)
C.A. Rolando, M.A. Dick, J. Gardner, M. K-F. Bader and N.M. Williams (2017)
Chemical control of two Phytophthora species infecting the canopy of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata)
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12327)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12329)
M.R. Cleary, M. Blomquist, R.R. Vetukuri, H. Böhlenius and J. Witzell (2017)
Susceptibility of common tree species in Sweden to Phytophthora cactorum, P. cambivora and P. plurivora
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12329)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12330)
D. Safaee, S.A. Khodaparast, M. Mirabolfathy and S. Mousanejad (2017)
A multiplex PCR-based technique for identification of Biscogniauxia mediterranea and Obolarina persica causing charcoal disease of oak trees in Zagros forests
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12330)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12331)
C.H. Bock, M.W. Hotchkiss and B.W. Wood (2017)
Fruit and nut weight in pecan tree canopies in relation to the severity of pecan scab at different heights
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12331)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12332)
T. Möykkynen, S. Fraser, S. Woodward, A. Brown and T. Pukkala (2017)
Modelling of the spread of Dothistroma septosporum in Europe
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12332)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12333)
A. Schlenzig, R.B. Campbell and A.M.I. Roberts (2017)
The susceptibility of selected conifer foliage to infection with Phytophthora lateralis
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12333)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (3 - e12339)
M. Mehrabi, R. Hemmati and F.P. Trouillas (2017)
First report of Cryptosphaeria pullmanensis as causal agent of Cryptosphaeria canker of Populus nigra in Iran
Forest Pathology 47 (3 - e12339)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47, 1-11
Milica Zlatkovic, Nenad Keca, Michael J. Wingfield, Fahimeh Jami and Bernard Slippers (2017)
New and unexpected host associations for Diplodia sapinea in the Western Balkans
Forest Pathology 47 (3), p. 1
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12334)
L.F. Zhou, F.M. Chen, L.Y. Xie, H.Y. Pan and J.R. Ye (2017)
Genetic diversity of pine-parasitic nematodes Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Bursaphelenchus mucronatus in China
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12334)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12336)
L. Pimenta, M.A. Ferreira, P.M. Ribeiro Jr, L.M. Zacaroni, R.G. Mafia and M.L.V. Resende (2017)
Physiological responses of Eucalyptus spp. hybrids to infection by Ceratocystis fimbriata
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12336)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12338)
E. Bari, M. Karim, R. Oladi, M.A. Tajick Ghanbary, M. Ghodskhah Daryaei, O. Schmidt, J.P. Benz and M. Emaminasab (2017)
A comparison between decay patterns of the white-rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus in chestnut–leaved oak (Quercus castaneifolia) shows predominantly simultaneous attack both in vivo and in vitro
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12338)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12340)
A. Hopf-Biziks, T. Schröder and S. Schütz (2017)
Long-term survival and non-vector spread of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, via wood chips
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12340)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12342)
F. Arentz (2017)
Phytophthora cinnamomi A1: An ancient resident of New Guinea and Australia of Gondwanan origin?
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12342)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12343)
M. González, P. Caetano and M.E. Sánchez (2017)
Testing systemic fungicides for control of Phytophthora oak root disease
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12343)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12344)
I. Kelnarová, K. Cerny, D. Zahradník and O. Koukol (2017)
Widespread latent infection of Cryptostroma corticale in asymptomatic Acer pseudoplatanus as a risk for urban plantations
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12344)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12345)
X. Gao, X. Zhou, H. Wang, X. Kong, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, W. Wu, Z. Zhang and F. Lieutier (2017)
Influence of severe drought on the resistance of Pinus yunnanensis to a bark beetle-associated fungus
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12345)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12346)
S. Marincowitz, T.A. Duong, U. Heiniger, B.D. Wingfield, M.J. Wingfield and Z.W. de Beer (2017)
A new Leptographium species from the roots of declining Pinus sylvestris in Switzerland
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12346)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12347)
K. Cerny, M. Hrabetová, I. Svobodová, M. Mrázková and T. Kowalski (2017)
Eutypella parasitica naturalised in Bohemian and Polish Silesia
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12347)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12348)
A. Kovalchuk, L. Zhu, S. Keriö and F.O. Asiegbu (2017)
Differential responses of Scots pine stilbene synthase and chalcone synthase genes to Heterobasidion annosum infection
Forest Pathology 47 (4 - e12348)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12353)
E. Ghanbary, M. Tabari Kouchaksaraei, M. Mirabolfathy, S.A.M. Modarres Sanavi and M. Rahaie (2017)
Growth and physiological responses of Quercus brantii seedlings inoculated with Biscogniauxia mediterranea and Obolarina persica under drought stress
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12353)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12354)
H. Feng, M. Xu, Y. Liu, X. Gao, Z. Yin, R.T. Voegele and L. Huang (2017)
The distinct roles of Argonaute protein 2 in the growth, stress responses and pathogenicity of the apple tree canker pathogen
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12354)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12355)
S.R. Mohali, F. Castro-Medina, J.R. Úrbez-Torres and W.D. Gubler (2017)
First report of Lasiodiplodia theobromae and L. venezuelensis associated with blue stain on Ficus insipida wood from the Natural Forest of Venezuela
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12355)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12356)
O. Maschek and E. Halmschlager (2017)
Natural distribution of Verticillium wilt on invasive Ailanthus altissima in eastern Austria and its potential for biocontrol
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12356)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12357)
D.N. Aghayeva, D. Rigling and S. Prospero (2017)
Low genetic diversity but frequent sexual reproduction of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica in Azerbaijan
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12357)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12358)
M. Torii, Y. Matsuda and S. Ito (2017)
Comparisons of hyphal growth of Raffaelea quercivora among four Japanese Fagaceae species
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12358)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12359)
I. Milenkovic, T. Jung, Z. Stanivukovic and D. Karadzic (2017)
First report of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12359)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12362)
R.J.D. Dalio, F. Fleischmann, A. Chambery, R. Eichmann, N.S. Massola Jr, S.F. Pascholati and W. Osswald (2017)
Immunodepletion of α-plurivorin effector leads to loss of virulence of Phytophthora plurivora towards Fagus sylvatica
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12362)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12363)
A. Lehtijärvi, A.G. Aday Kaya, S. Woodward, T. Jung and H.T. Dogmus Lehtijärvi (2017)
Oomycota species associated with deciduous and coniferous seedlings in forest tree nurseries of Western Turkey
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - 12363)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - e12349)
J. Kaitera, L. Kalleinen, J. Mikkilä and J. Hantula (2017)
Cronartium flaccidum sporulates on new Euphrasia species in natural habitats in Finland
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - e12349)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - e12350)
T. Reglinski, J.T. Taylor, G.L. Northcott, A. Ah Chee, M. Spiers, M. Wohlers and R.A. Hill (2017)
Biochemical responses associated with induced resistance to Colletotrichum acutatum in Pinus radiata seedlings treated with methyl jasmonate and Trichoderma spp.
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - e12350)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - e12351)
A. Gross, L. Beenken, V. Dubach, V. Queloz, K. Tanaka, A. Hashimoto and O. Holdenrieder (2017)
Pseudodidymella fagi and Petrakia deviata: Two closely related tree pathogens new to central Europe
Forest Pathology 47 (5 - e12351)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12361)
S.N. Fajardo, S. Valenzuela, A.F. Dos Santos, M.P. González and E.A. Sanfuentes (2017)
Phytophthora pseudosyringae associated with the mortality of Nothofagus obliqua in a pure stand in central-southern Chile
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12361)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12364)
A. Lehtijärvi, H.T. Dogmus-Lehtijärvi, A.G. Aday Kaya, S. Ünal and S. Woodward (2017)
Armillaria ostoyae in managed coniferous forests in Kastamonu in Turkey
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12364)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12365)
J. Kaitera, T. Kauppila and J. Hantula (2017)
New Picea hosts for Chrysomyxa ledi and Thekopsora areolata
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12365)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12366)
C. Félix, G. Pinto, J. Amaral, I. Fernandes, A. Alves and A.C. Esteves (2017)
Strain-related pathogenicity in Diplodia corticola
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12366)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12367)
M.L. Double, D.L. Nuss, W.R. Rittenour, I. Holásková, D.P.G. Short, M.T. Kasson and W.L. MacDonald (2017)
Long-term field study of transgenic hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica in a forest setting
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12367)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12368)
M. Kazemzadeh Chakusary, H. Mohammadi and S.A. Khodaparast (2017)
Decline-associated Phaeoacremonium species occurring on forest trees in the north of Iran
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12368)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12369)
G.L. Beier, B.W. Held, C.P. Giblin, J. Cavender-Bares and R.A. Blanchette (2017)
American elm cultivars: Variation in compartmentalization of infection by Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and its effects on hydraulic conductivity
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12369)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12370)
Z. Hanácková, O. Koukol, A. Cmoková, D. Zahradník and L. Havrdová (2017)
Direct evidence of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus infection pathway through the petiole-shoot junction
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12370)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12371)
M. Arzanlou and A. Narmani (2017)
Outbreak of powdery mildew caused by Sawadaea negundinis on boxelder in Iran
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12371)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12372)
E. Kligun, B. Ostretsov, A. Titievsky, M. Farkov, S.M. Alamouti and L. Brodsky (2017)
Adaptation of the pine fungal pathogen Grosmannia clavigera to monoterpenes: Biochemical mechanisms revealed by RNA-seq analysis
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12372)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12373)
Z.G. Ren, X.Y. Zhao, Y.R. Dong, J.Z. Wang, R. Yang, S.J. Wang, G.Z. Tian and Y.M. Wei (2017)
Molecular characterization of a phytoplasma associated with Euonymus bungeanus witches' broom in China
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12373)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12374)
M. Latifah, M.A. Zainal Abidin, S. Kamaruzaman and S.A. Nusaibah (2017)
Cross-infectivity of oil palm by Phytophthora spp. isolated from perennial crops in Malaysia
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12374)
Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (6 - e12397)
M.B. Pildain, G.A. Pérez, G. Robledo, D.B. Pappano and M. Rajchenberg (2017)
Arambarria the pathogen involved in canker rot of Eucalyptus, native trees wood rots and grapevine diseases in the Southern Hemisphere
Forest Pathology 47 (6 - e12397)