Thomas Jung

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Publications of Thomas Jung (51 listed):

IMA Fungus (2023) 14 (4) - Phylogeography and population
Martin S. Mullett, Kris Van Poucke, Annelies Haegeman, Fran Focquet, Nicholas C. Cauldron, Brian J. Knaus, Marilia Horta Jung, Koji Kageyama, Ayaka Hieno, Hayato Masuja, Seiji Uematsu, Joan F. Webber, Clive M. Brasier, József Bakonyi, Kurt Heungens, Niklaus J. Grünwald and Thomas Jung (2023)
Phylogeography and population structure of the global, wide host-range hybrid pathogen Phytophthora × cambivora

Plant Disease (2023) 107, p. 1246 (Dorado et al.)
F.J. Dorado, T. Corcobado, A. Brandano, Y. Abbas, F. Alcaide, J. Janousek, T. Jung, B. Scanu and A. Solla (2023)
First report of dieback of Quercus suber trees associated with Phytophthora quercina in Morocco

IMA Fungus (2022) 13 (12) - Phytophthora: an ancient,
Clive Brasier, Bruno Scanu, David Cooke and Thomas Jung (2022)
Phytophthora: an ancient, historic, biologically and structurally cohesive and evolutionarily successful generic concept in need of preservation

Forest Pathology (2021) 51 (3 - e12687)
Leonardo Sarno Soares Oliveira, Thomas Jung, Ivan Milenkovic, Marthin Tarigan, Marília Horta Jung, Pantun David Mangatas Lumbangaol, Betti Andriany Sirait and Alvaro Durán (2021)
Damping-off, root rot and wilting caused by Pythium myriotylum on Acacia crassicarpa in Sumatra, Indonesia

IMA Fungus (2021) 12 (16) - Unravelling hybridization in
Kris Van Poucke, Annelies Haegeman, Thomas Goedefroit, Fran Focquet, Leen Leus, Marília Horta Jung, Corina Nave, Miguel Angel Redondo, Claude Husson, Kaloyan Kostov, Aneta Lyubenova, Petya Christova, Anne Chandelier, Slavcho Slavov, Arthur de Cock, Peter Bonants, Sabine Werres, Jonàs Oliva Palau, Benoit Marçais, Thomas Jung, Jan Stenlid, Tom Ruttink and Kurt Heungens (2021)
Unravelling hybridization in Phytophthora using phylogenomics and genome size estimation

Forest Pathology (2021) 51 (4 - e12705)
Aleksandar Vemic, Ivona Kerkez Jankovic, Tomás Kudlácek, Thomas Jung, Mirjana Sijacic-Nikolic, Marina Nonic and Ivan Milenkovic (2021)
Development of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on seedlings from different half-sib lines of Fraxinus angustifolia in Serbia

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2021) 128, 769-774
Jan Nechwatal and Thomas Jung (2021)
A study of Phytophthora spp. in declining highbush blueberry in Germany reveals that P. cinnamomi can thrive under Central European outdoor conditions

Forests (2020) 11 (1 - 93)
Thomas Jung, Bruno Scanu, Clive M. Brasier, Joan Webber, Ivan Milenkovic, Tamara Corcobado, Michal Tomsovsky, Matej Pánek, József Bakonyi, Cristiana Maia, Aneta Bacová, Milica Raco, Helen Rees, Ana Pérez-Sierra and Marília Horta Jung (2020)
A survey in natural forest ecosystems of Vietnam reveals high diversity of both new and described Phytophthora taxa including P. ramorum

Forests (2020) 11 (8 - 895)
Tamara Corcobado, Thomas L. Cech, Martin Brandstetter, Andreas Daxer, Christine Hüttler, Tomás Kudlácek, Marília Horta Jung and Thomas Jung (2020)
Decline of European beech in Austria: Involvement of Phytophthora spp. and contributing biotic and abiotic factors

Forest Pathology (2019) 49 (5 - e12539)
Aleksandar Vemic, Michal Tomsovsky, Thomas Jung and Ivan Milenkovic (2019)
Pathogenicity of fungi associated with ash dieback symptoms of one-year-old Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro

Persoonia (2018) 40, 182-220
T. Jung, A. Pérez-Sierra, A. Durán, M. Horta Jung, Y. Balci and B. Scanu (2018)
Canker and decline diseases caused by soil- and airborne Phytophthora species in forests and woodlands

Forest Pathology (2018) 48 (5 - e12443)
Thomas Jung, Alvaro Durán, Eugenio Sanfuentes von Stowasser, Leonardo Schena, Saveria Mosca, Sebastian Fajardo, Mariela González, Angella D. Navarro Ortega, Jozsef Bakonyi, Diana Seress, Michal Tomsovsky, Alfredo Cravador, Cristiana Maia and Marilia Horta Jung (2018)
Diversity of Phytophthora species in Valdivian rainforests and association with severe dieback symptoms

Forest Pathology (2018) 48 (4 - e12436)
I. Milenkovic, N. Keca, D. Karadzic, Z. Radulovic, M. Tomsovsky and T. Jung (2018)
Occurrence and pathogenicity of Phytophthora × cambivora on Prunus laurocerasus in Serbia

Persoonia (2017) 38, 100-135
T. Jung, M.H. Jung, B. Scanu, D. Seress, G.M. Kovács, C. Maia, A. Pérez-Sierra, T.-T. Chang, A. Chandelier, K. Heungens, K. Van Poucke, P. Abad-Campos, M. Léon, S.O. Cacciola and J. Bakonyi (2017)
Six new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 7a including two sexually functional heterothallic hybrid species detected in natural ecosystems in Taiwan

Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12359)
I. Milenkovic, T. Jung, Z. Stanivukovic and D. Karadzic (2017)
First report of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro

Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (5 - 12363)
A. Lehtijärvi, A.G. Aday Kaya, S. Woodward, T. Jung and H.T. Dogmus Lehtijärvi (2017)
Oomycota species associated with deciduous and coniferous seedlings in forest tree nurseries of Western Turkey

Plant Pathology (2017) 66, 194-211
T. Jung, T.T. Chang, J. Bakonyi, D. Seress, A. Pérez-Sierra, X. Yang, C. Hong, B. Scanu, C.H. Fu, K.L. Hsueh, C. Maia, P. Abad-Campos, M. Léon and M. Horta Jung (2017)
Diversity of Phytophthora species in natural ecosystems of Taiwan and association with disease symptoms

PLoS ONE (2017) 12 (2 - e0172085)
Ivana Puglisi, Alessandro De Patrizio, Leonardo Schena, Thomas Jung, Maria Evoli, Antonella Pane, Nguyen Van Hoa, Mai Van Tri, Sandra Wright, Mauritz Ramstedt, Christer Olsson, Roberto Faedda, Gaetano Magnano di San Lio and Santa Olga Cacciola (2017)
Two previously unknown Phytophthora species associated with brown rot of Pomelo (Citrus grandis) fruits in Vietnam

Plant Pathology (2017) 66, 792-804
T. Corcobado, J.J. Miranda-Torres, J. Martín-García, T. Jung and A. Solla (2017)
Early survival of Quercus ilex subspecies from different populations after infections and co-infections by multiple Phytophthora species

Forest Pathology (2016) 46, 134-163
T. Jung, L. Orlikowski, B. Henricot, P. Abad-Campos, A.G. Aday, O. Aguín Casal, J. Bakonyi, S.O. Cacciola, T. Cech, D. Chavarriaga, T. Corcobado, A. Cravador, T. Decourcelle, G. Denton, S. Diamandis, H.T. Dogmus-Lehtijärvi, A. Franceschini, B. Ginetti, S. Green, M. Glavendeki, J. Hantula, G. Hartmann, M. Herrero, D. Ivic, M. Horta Jung, A. Lilja, N. Keca, V. Kramarets, A. Lyubenova, H. Machado, G. Magnano di San Lio, P.J. Mansilla Vázquez, B. Marçais, I. Matsiakh, I. Milenkovic, S. Moricca, Z.Á. Nagy, J. Nechwatal, C. Olsson, T. Oszako, A. Pane, E.J. Paplomatas, C. Pintos Varela, S. Prospero, C. Rial Martínez, D. Rigling, C. Robin, A. Rytkönen, M.E. Sánchez, A.V. Sanz Ros, B. Scanu, A. Schlenzig, J. Schumacher, S. Slavov, A. Solla, E. Sousa, J. Stenlid, V. Talgø, Z. Tomic, P. Tsopelas, A. Vannini, A.M. Vettraino, M. Wenneker, S. Woodward and A. Peréz-Sierra (2016)
Widespread Phytophthora infestations in European nurseries put forest, semi-natural and horticultural ecosystems at high risk of Phytophthora diseases

Plant Pathology (2014) 63, 858-876
B. Ginetti, S. Moricca, J.N. Squires, D.E.L. Cooke, A. Ragazzi and T. Jung (2014)
Phytophthora acerina sp. nov., a new species causing bleeding cankers and dieback of Acer pseudoplatanus trees in planted forests in northern Italy

Plant Pathology (2014) 63, 1095-1109
B. Henricot, A. Pérez Sierra and T. Jung (2014)
Phytophthora pachypleura sp. nov., a new species causing root rot of Aucuba japonica and other ornamentals in the United Kingdom

Forest Pathology (2014) 44, 1-20
B. Scanu, G.C. Hunter, B.T. Linaldeddu, A. Franceschini, L. Maddau, T. Jung and S. Denman (2014)
A taxonomic re-evaluation reveals that Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. cinnamomi var. parvispora are separate species

Forest Pathology (2014) 44, 169-190
W. Oßwald, F. Fleischmann, D. Rigling, A.C. Coelho, A. Cravador, J. Diez, R.J. Dalio, M. Horta Jung, H. Pfanz, C. Robin, G. Sipos, A. Solla, T. Cech, A. Chambery, S. Diamandis, E. Hansen, T. Jung, L.B. Orlikowski, J. Parke, S. Prospero and S. Werres (2014)
Strategies of attack and defence in woody plant-Phytophthora interactions

Plant Disease (2014) 98, p. 846 (Dogmus-Lehtijaervi et al.)
T. Dogmus-Lehtijärvi, A.G. Aday Kaya, A. Lehtijärvi and T. Jung (2014)
First report of Phytophthora syringae on Cedrus libani in Turkey

Forest Pathology (2013) 43, 331-339
A. Pérez-Sierra, C. López-García, M. León, J. García-Jiménez, P. Abad-Campos and T. Jung (2013)
Previously unrecorded low-temperature Phytophthora species associated with Quercus decline in a Mediterranean forest in eastern Spain

New Phytologist (2013) 197, 238-250
A. Santini, L. Ghelardini, C. De Pace, M.L. Desprez-Loustau, P. Capretti, A. Chandelier, T. Cech, D. Chira, S. Diamandis, T. Gaitniekis, J. Hantula, O. Holdenrieder, L. Jankovsky, T. Jung, D. Jurc, T. Kirisits, A. Kunca, V. Lygis, M. Malecka, B. Marcais, S. Schmitz, J. Schumacher, H. Solheim, A. Solla, I. Szabò, P. Tsopelas, A. Vannini, A.M. Vettraino, J. Webber, S. Woodward and J. Stenlid (2013)
Biogeographical patterns and determinants of invasion by forest pathogens in Europe

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 355-369
J. Nechwatal, J. Bakonyi, S.O. Cacciola, D.E.L. Cooke, T. Jung, Z.Á. Nagy, A. Vannini, A.M. Vettraino and C.M. Brasier (2013)
The morphology, behaviour and molecular phylogeny of Phytophthora taxon Salixsoil and its redesignation as Phytophthora lacustris sp. nov.

Forest Pathology (2013) 43, 266-288
T. Jung, I.J. Colquhoun and G.E. St. J. Hardy (2013)
New insights into the survival strategy of the invasive soilborne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi in different natural ecosystems in Western Australia

Persoonia (2012) 28, 138-182
P.W. Crous, B.A. Summerell, R.G. Shivas, T.I. Burgess, C.A. Decock, L.L. Dreyer, L.L. Granke, D.I. Guest, G.E.S.T.J. Hardy, M.K. Hausbeck, D. Hüberli, T. Jung, O. Koukol, C.L. Lennox, E.C.Y. Liew, L. Lombard, A.R. McTaggart, J.S. Pryke, F. Roets, C. Saude, L.A. Shuttleworth, M.J.C. Stukely, K. Vánky, B.J. Webster, S.T. Windstam and J.Z. Groenewald (2012)
Fungal Planet description sheets: 107-127

Plant Disease (2012) 96, p. 1694 (Ginetti et al.)
B. Ginetti, A. Uccello, M. Bracalini, A. Ragazzi, T. Jung and S. Moricca (2012)
Root rot and dieback of Pinus pinea caused by Phytophthora humicola in Tuscany, Central Italy

Forest Pathology (2012) 42, 289-298
P.M. Scott, T. Jung, B.L. Shearer, P.A. Barber, M. Calver and G.E. St. J. Hardy (2012)
Pathogenicity of Phytophthora multivora to Eucalyptus gomphocephala and Eucalyptus marginata

Forest Pathology (2011) 41, 510-519
L.B. Orlikowski, M. Ptaszek, A. Rodziewicz, J. Nechwatal, K. Thinggaard and T. Jung (2011)
Phytophthora root and collar rot of mature Fraxinus excelsior in forest stands in Poland and Denmark

Persoonia (2011) 26, 13-39
T. Jung, M.J.C. Stukely, G.E.S.t.J. Hardy, D. White, T. Paap, W.A. Dunstan and T.I. Burgess (2011)
Multiple new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 6 associated with natural ecosystems in Australia: evolutionary and ecological implications

Plant Pathology (2010) 59, p. 798 (Solla et al.)
A. Solla, A. Pérez-Sierra, T. Corcobado, M.M. Haque, J.J. Diez and T. Jung (2010)
Phytophthora alni on Alnus glutinosa reported for the first time in Spain

Gesunde Pflanzen (2010) 62, 53-62
Jan Nechwatal, Philipp Haug, Catharina V. Huber and Thomas Jung (2010)
Studien zur Bekämpfung von Phytophthora ramorum an Rhododendron im Rahmen der Entwicklung eines Behandlungskonzeptes für Park- und Gartenanlagen
[Studies on the control of Phytophthora ramorum on Rhododendron for the development of management strategies in parks and gardens]

Australasian Plant Pathology (2010) 39, 477-491
Alexander J. Rea, Thomas Jung, Treena I. Burgess, Michael J.C. Stukely and Giles E. St J. Hardy (2010)
Phytophthora elongata sp. nov., a novel pathogen from the Eucalyptus marginata forest of Western Australia

Forest Pathology (2009) 39, 73-94
T. Jung (2009)
Beech decline in Central Europe driven by the interaction between Phytophthora infections and climatic extremes

Persoonia (2009) 22, 95-110
T. Jung and T.I. Burgess (2009)
Re-evaluation of Phytophthora citricola isolates from multiple woody hosts in Europe and North America reveals a new species, Phytophthora plurivora sp. nov.

Persoonia (2009) 22, 1-13
P.M. Scott, T.I. Burgess, P.A. Barber, B.L. Shearer, M.J.C. Stukely, G.E.St.J. Hardy and T. Jung (2009)
Phytophthora multivora sp. nov., a new species recovered from declining Eucalyptus, Banksia, Agonis and other plant species in Western Australia

Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1708 (Vettraino et al.)
A.M. Vettraino, T. Jung and A. Vannini (2008)
First report of Phytophthora cactorum associated with beech decline in Italy

Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 502-511
U. Jönsson, T. Jung, K. Sonesson and U. Rosengren (2005)
Relationships between health of Quercus robur, occurrence of Phytophthora species and site conditions in southern Sweden

Forest Pathology (2005) 35, 57-70
D.E.L. Cooke, T. Jung, N.A. Williams, R. Schubert, W. Oßwald and J.M. Duncan (2005)
Genetic diversity of European populations of the oak fine-root pathogen Phytophthora quercina

Plant Pathology (2004) 53, 197-208
T. Jung and M. Blaschke (2004)
Phytophthora root and collar rot of alders in Bavaria: distribution, modes of spread and possible management strategies

New Phytologist (2003) 158, 355-364
Ulrika Jönsson, Thomas Jung, Ulrika Rosengren, Bengt Nihlgård and Kerstin Sonesson (2003)
Pathogenicity of Swedish isolates of Phytophthora quercina to Quercus robur in two different soils

Forest Pathology (2003) 33, 175-179
U. Jönsson, L. Lundberg, K. Sonesson and T. Jung (2003)
First records of soilborne Phytophthora species in Swedish oak forests

Plant Disease (2002) 86, p. 1275 (Jung et al.)
T. Jung and G. Dobler (2002)
First report of littleleaf disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi on Pinus occidentalis in the Dominican Republic

Forest Pathology (2001) 31, 85-97
J. Nechwatal, A. Schlenzig, T. Jung, D.E.L. Cooke, J.M. Duncan and W.F. Oßwald (2001)
A combination of baiting and PCR techniques for the detection of Phytophthora quercina and P. citricola in soil samples from oak stands

Plant Pathology (2000) 49, 706-718
T. Jung, H. Blaschke and W. Oßwald (2000)
Involvement of soilborne Phytophthora species in Central European oak decline and the effect of site factors on the disease

European Journal of Forest Pathology (1999) 29, 169-188
R. Schubert, G. Bahnweg, J. Nechwatal, T. Jung, D.E.L. Cooke, J.M. Duncan, G. Muller-Starck, C. Langebartels, H. Sandermann and W. Osswald (1999)
Detection and quantification of Phytophthora species which are associated with root-rot diseases in European deciduous forests by species-specific polymerase chain reaction

European Journal of Forest Pathology (1996) 26, 253-272
T. Jung, H. Blaschke and P. Neumann (1996)
Isolation, identification and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species from declining oak stands