European Journal of Entomology (2007)

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Articles of European Journal of Entomology entered for 2007:

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 15-22
R. Socha (2007)
Factors terminating ovarian arrest in long-winged females of a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 15

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 23-31
E.B. Lopatina, S.V. Balashov and V.E. Kipyatkov (2007)
First demonstration of the influence of photoperiod on the thermal requirements for development in insects and in particular the linden-bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 23

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 47-50
G. Kunert, J. Trautsch and W.W. Weisser (2007)
Density dependence of the alarm pheromone effect in pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 47

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 51-56
A. Honek, Z. Martinkova and S. Pekar (2007)
Aggregation characteristics of three species of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) at hibernation sites
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 51

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 57-65
T.B. Toshova, M.A. Subchev and M. Toth (2007)
Role of olfactory and visual stimuli in the mating behaviour of male vine bud moths, Theresimima ampellophaga (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 57

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 67-72
H. Askary and H. Yarmand (2007)
Development of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Lecanicillium muscarium (Hyphomycetes: Moniliales) on various hosts
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 67

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 81-87
J. Havelka, V. Landa Jr. and V. Landa (2007)
Embryogenesis of Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): Morphological markers for staging of living embryos
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 81

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 89-98
Y. Ke and W. Bu (2007)
Female copulatory tubes and the subdivision of the genus Anthocoris (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Anthocorini)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 89

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 105-110
M. Doganlar and S.V. Triapitsyn (2007)
Review of Ceranisus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of Turkey, with description of a new species
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 105

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 153-158
G. Grabenweger, H. Hopp, B. Jäckel, H. Balder, T. Koch and S. Schmolling (2007)
Impact of poor host-parasitoid synchronisation on the parasitism of Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 153

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 159-161
W. Dekoninck, K. Lock and F. Janssens (2007)
Acceptance of two native myrmecophilous species, Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and Cyphoderus albinus (Collembola: Cyphoderidae) by the introduced invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Belgium
European Journal of Entomology 104 (1),  p. 159

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 173-180
Y.M. Choo, K.S. Lee, B.Y. Kim, D.H. Kim, H.J. Yoon, H.D. Sohn and B.R. Jin (2007)
A gut-specific chitinase from the mulberry longicorn beetle, Apriona germari (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): cDNA cloning, gene structure, expression and enzymatic activity
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 173

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 187-194
A. Gokce, L.L. Stelinski, L.J. Gut and M.E. Whalon (2007)
Comparative behavioral and EAG responses of female obliquebanded and redbanded leafroller moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to their sex pheromone components
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 187

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 199-204
D.P. Lykouressis, D.C. Perdikis and M.D. Gaspari (2007)
Prey preference and biomass consumption of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) fed Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 199

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 205-210
C. Tkaczuk, P.A. Shah, S.J. Clark and J.K. Pell (2007)
Influence of host plant on susceptibility of the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to the fungal pathogen Pandora neoaphidis (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 205

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 211-216
J. Lazarevic, V. Peric-Mataruga and N. Tucic (2007)
Pre-adult development and longevity in natural populations of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 211

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 217-224
H. Zwölfer, M. Böheim and E. Beck (2007)
Eurytoma robusta (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), a local key factor in the population dynamics of Urophora cardui (Diptera: Tephritidae): a comparative analysis
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 217

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 235-242
K.D. Poulios, J.T. Margaritopoulos and J.A. Tsitsipis (2007)
Morphological separation of host adapted taxa within the Hyalopterus pruni complex (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 235

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 247-258
T.F.S. Lau and V.B. Meyer-Rochow (2007)
The compound eye of Orgyia antiqua (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): Sexual dimorphism and light/dark adaptational changes
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 247

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 295-301
C. Malumphy, M.B. Suarez, R. Glover, N. Boonham and D.W. Collins (2007)
Morphological and molecular evidence supporting the validity of Trialeurodes lauri and T. ricini (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 295

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 341-345
R. Iwata, T. Maro, Y. Yonezawa, T. Yahagi and Y. Fujikawa (2007)
Period of adult activity and response to wood moisture content as major segregating factors in the coexistence of two conifer longhorn beetles, Callidiellum rufipenne and Semanotus bifasciatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (2),  p. 341

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 353-362
H.V.D. Souza, H.E.M. Bicudo, L.A.A. Costa and M.M. Itoyama (2007)
A study of meiosis and spermiogenesis in the testicular lobes of Antiteuchus tripterus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 353

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 363-367
Z.-X. Li (2007)
Molecular differentiation of the four most commonly occurring Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) species in China
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 363

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 385-392
A. Khani, S. Moharramipour and M. Barzegar (2007)
Cold tolerance and trehalose accumulation in overwintering larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 385

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 393-398
P.R. Haddrill, D.M. Shuker, S. Mayes and M.E.N. Majerus (2007)
Temporal effects of multiple mating on components of fitness in the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 393

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 399-405
J.P. Michaud and J.L. Jyoti (2007)
Repellency of conspecific and heterospecific larval residues to Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) ovipositing on sorghum plants
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 399

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 407-415
D.C. Kontodimas, P.G. Milonas, G.J. Stathas, L.P. Economou and N.G. Kavallieratos (2007)
Life table parameters of the pseudococcid predators Nephus includens and Nephus bisignatus (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 407

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 417-423
G. Salerno, F. Frati, E. Conti and F. Bin (2007)
Influence of different diets and oviposition substrates on Lygus rugulipennis biology (Heteroptera: Miridae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 417

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 425-431
C.P. Bonsignore and C. Bellamy (2007)
Daily activity and flight behaviour of adults of Capnodis tenebrionis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 425

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 471-477
J. Havelka and P. Stary (2007)
Myzocallis walshii (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae), an exotic invasive aphid on Quercus rubra, the American red oak: Its bionomy in the Czech Republic
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 471

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 631-634
M. Mehrparvar and B. Hatami (2007)
Effect of temperature on some biological parameters of an Iranian population of the Rose Aphid, Macrosiphum rosae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (3),  p. 631

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 653-659
P.C. Colombo (2007)
Effects of polymorphic Robertsonian rearrangements on the frequency and distribution of chiasmata in the water-hyacinth grasshopper, Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 653

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 685-691
R. Socha, D. Kodrik and R. Zemek (2007)
Crustacean red pigment-concentrating hormone Panbo-RPCH affects lipid mobilization and walking activity in a flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera) similarly to its own AKH-peptides
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 685

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 693-697
X.-P. Wang, F.-S. Xue, Y.-Q. Tan and C.-L. Lei (2007)
The role of temperature and photoperiod in diapause induction in the brassica leaf beetle, Phaedon brassicae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 693

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 699-704
G.-M. Liang, K.-M. Wu, B. Rector and Y.-Y. Guo (2007)
Diapause, cold hardiness and flight ability of Cry1Ac-resistant and -susceptible strains of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 699

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 705-713
S.Y. Reznik and N.P. Vaghina (2007)
Effect of photoperiod on parasitization by Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 705

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 721-724
Z.-M. Song, Z. Li, D.-M. Li, B.-Y. Xie and J.-Y. Xia (2007)
Adult feeding increases fecundity in female Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 721

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 737-743
E. Lucas, C. Vincent, G. Labrie, G. Chouinard, F. Fournier, F. Pelletier, N.J. Bostanian, D. Coderre, M.-P. Mignault and P. Lafontaine (2007)
The multicolored Asian ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Quebec agroecosystems ten years after its arrival
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 737

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 745-752
S.-L. Sandre, T. Tammaru and T. Mand (2007)
Size-dependent colouration in larvae of Orgyia antiqua (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): A trade-off between warning effect and detectability?
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 745

European Journal of Entomology (2007) 104, 753-761
A.A. Ifoulis and M. Savopoulou-Soultani (2007)
Probability distribution, sampling unit, data transformations and sequential sampling of European vine moth, Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larval counts from Northern Greece vineyards
European Journal of Entomology 104 (4),  p. 753