Plant Disease (2008) 92 (8)
Articles of Plant Disease entered for 2008 and volume (issue): 92 (8)
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1144-1149
N. Yasuda, M.T. Noguchi and Y. Fujita (2008)
Induced rice resistance to blast varies as a function of Magnaporthe grisea avirulence genes
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1158-1163
J.B. Meyer, G.G.F. Kasdorf, L.H. Nel and G. Pietersen (2008)
Transmission of activated-episomal Banana streak OL (badna)virus (BSOLV) to cv. Williams banana (Musa sp.) by three mealybug species
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1164-1170
Megumi Yoshida, Takashi Nakajima, Michiyoshi Arai, Fumihiko Suzuki and Kenta Tomimura (2008)
Effect of the timing of fungicide application on Fusarium head blight and mycotoxin accumulation in closed-flowering barley
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1171-1176
Mauricio Montero-Astúa, Viviana Vasquéz, William W. Turechek, Ueli Merz and Carmen Rivera (2008)
Incidence, distribution, and association of Spongospora subterranea and Potato mop-top virus in Costa Rica
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1177-1182
W.E. Copes and J.L. Thomson (2008)
Survival analysis to determine the length of the incubation period of camellia twig blight caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1183-1189
S.N. Hill and M.K. Hausbeck (2008)
Virulence and fungicide sensitivity of Phytophthora cactorum isolated from American ginseng gardens in Wisconsin and Michigan
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1190-1196
H.-D. Wang, J.-P. Chen, H.-M. Zhang, X.-L. Sun, J.-L. Zhu, A.-G. Wang, W.-X. Sheng and M.J. Adams (2008)
Recent Rice stripe virus epidemics in Zhejiang Province, China, and experiments on sowing date, disease-yield loss relationships, and seedling susceptibility
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1197-1200
V.N. Bilgi, C.A. Bradley, S.D. Khot, K.F. Grafton and J.B. Rasmussen (2008)
Response of dry bean genotypes to Fusarium root rot, caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli, under field and controlled conditions
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1201-1207
Chuanxue Hong, Patricia A. Richardson and Ping Kong (2008)
Pathogenicity to ornamental plants of some existing species and new taxa of Phytophthora from irrigation water
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1208-1214
A.-M. Chèvre, H. Brun, F. Eber, J.-C. Letanneur, P. Vallee, M. Ermel, I. Glais, Hua Li, K. Sivasithamparam and M.J. Barbetti (2008)
Stabilization of resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus-B. juncea recombinant lines and its introgression into spring-type Brassica napus
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1223-1228
Anthony P. Keinath (2008)
Survival of Didymella bryoniae in infested muskmelon crowns in South Carolina
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1229-1236
C.-G. Chu, S.S. Xu, J.D. Faris, E. Nevo and T.L. Friesen (2008)
Seedling resistance to tan spot and Stagonospora nodorum leaf blotch in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides)
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1237-1240
S. de Breuil, M.S. Nievas, F.J. Giolitti, L.M. Giorda and S.L. Lenardon (2008)
Occurrence, prevalence, and distribution of viruses infecting peanut in Argentina
Plant Disease (2008) 92, 1241-1246
J.A. Kolmer, D.L. Long and M.E. Hughes (2008)
Physiologic specialization of Puccinia triticina on wheat in the United States in 2006
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1247 (Nam et al.)
M.H. Nam, T.I. Kim, M.L. Gleason, J.Y. Song and H.G. Kim (2008)
First report of anthracnose fruit rot caused by Colletotrichum acutatum on strawberry in Korea
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1247 (Bulajic et al.)
A. Bulajic, J. Jovic, S. Krnjajic, M. Petrov, I. Djekic and B. Krstic (2008)
First report of iris yellow spot virus on onion (Allium cepa) in Serbia
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1247 (Chen et al.)
Y.K. Chen and Y.H. Hong (2008)
First report of begonia chlorotic ringspot caused by Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Taiwan
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1248 (Han et al.)
H. Han, Y.-J. Chung and S.-C. Shin (2008)
First report of the European type of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus on Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) in Korea
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1248 (Ko et al.)
Y. Ko, C.Y. Chen, K.S. Yao, C.W. Liu, S. Maruthasalam and C.H. Lin (2008)
First report of fruit rot of strawberry caused by an Alternaria sp. in Taiwan
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1248 (Koike et al.)
S.T. Koike, Y.-W. Kuo, M.R. Rojas and R.L. Gilbertson (2008)
First report of impatiens necrotic spot virus infecting lettuce in California
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1249 (Gijon-Hernandez et al.)
A. Gijón-Hernandez, D. Téliz-Ortiz, E. Cárdenas-Soriano, C. De León, A. Mora-Aguilera, D. Mejía-Sánchez and R. De La Torre-Almaraz (2008)
Leaf stripe and stem rot caused by Burkholderia gladioli, a new disease of maize in México
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1249 (Marek et al.)
S.M. Marek, I.R. Moncrief and N.R. Walker (2008)
First report of dollar spot of buffalograss caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in Oklahoma
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1249 (Montero-Astua et al.)
M. Montero-Astúa, G. Saborío-R., C. Chacón-Díaz, W. Villalobos, C.M. Rodríguez, L. Moreira and C. Rivera (2008)
First report of Xylella fastidiosa in Nerium oleander in Costa Rica
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1250 (Garibaldi et al.)
A. Garibaldi, P. Pensa and M.L. Gullino (2008)
First report of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Argyranthemum frutescens in Italy
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1250 (Mekuria et al.)
T. Mekuria, R.R. Martin and R.A. Naidu (2008)
First report of the occurrence of Grapevine fanleaf virus in Washington State vineyards
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1250 (Palmateer et al.)
A.J. Palmateer, J.M. Pérez, R.A. Cating, R.C. Ploetz and M.A. Hoy (2008)
First report of tar spot on orange Geiger, Cordia sebestena, caused by Diatractium cordianum in Florida
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1251 (Han et al.)
H. Han, Y.-J. Chung and S.-C. Shin (2008)
First report of pine wilt disease on Pinus koraiensis in Korea
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1251 (Bobev et al.)
S.G. Bobev, S. Baeyen, J. Van Vaerenbergh and M. Maes (2008)
First record of bacterial blight caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae on Pyracantha coccinea and an Amelanchier sp. in Bulgaria
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1251 (Polston et al.)
J.E. Polston, L.L. Hladky, F. Akad and W.M. Wintermantel (2008)
First report of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus in cucurbits in Florida
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1252 (Moral et al.)
J. Moral, R. De la Rosa, L. León, D. Barranco, T.J. Michailides and A. Trapero (2008)
High susceptibility of olive cultivar FS-17 to Alternaria alternata in southern Spain
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1252 (Reeser et al.)
P.W. Reeser, W. Sutton and E.M. Hansen (2008)
Phytophthora species causing tanoak stem cankers in southwestern Oregon
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1252 (Engel et al.)
E.A. Engel, P. Escobar, C. Montt, S. Gómez-Talquenca and P.D.T. Valenzuela (2008)
First report on the occurrence of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7 and 9 in Chilean grapevines
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1253 (Koike)
S.T. Koike (2008)
Crown rot of strawberry caused by Macrophomina phaseolina in California
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1253 (Wei et al.)
T. Wei, M.N. Pearson, D. Cohen, J.Z. Tang and G.R.G. Clover (2008)
First report of Zantedeschia mosaic virus infecting a Zantedeschia sp. in New Zealand
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1254 (Gudmestad et al.)
N.C. Gudmestad, I. Mallik, J.S. Pasche and J.M. Crosslin (2008)
First report of Tobacco rattle virus causing corky ringspot in potatoes grown in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1254 (Tian et al.)
T. Tian, H.-Y. Liu and S.T. Koike (2008)
First report of Apium virus Y on cilantro, celery, and parsley in California
Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1254 (Sabanadzovic et al.)
S. Sabanadzovic and N. Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic (2008)
First report of Black raspberry necrosis virus in Rubus canadensis in Tennessee