Forest Pathology (2008)
Articles of Forest Pathology entered for 2008:
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 1-15
R.-L. Petäistö (2008)
Infection of Norway spruce container seedlings by Gremmeniella abietina
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 1
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 16-28
S. Ugawa and K. Fukuda (2008)
Effect of aerial insecticide spraying on pine wilt disease in central Japan
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 16
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 29-36
T. Yamanobe, Y. Oribe and K. Nishimura (2008)
Methods for inoculum production and inoculation of Cistella japonica, the causal agent of resinous stem canker in Chamaecyparis obtusa
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 29
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 37-46
K.V. Tubby, D. Scott and J.F. Webber (2008)
Relationship between stump treatment coverage using the biological control product PG Suspension, and control of Heterobasidion annosum on Corsican pine, Pinus nigra ssp. laricio
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 37
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 47-60
A.Y. Rossman, L.A. Castlebury, D.F. Farr and G.R. Stanosz (2008)
Sirococcus conigenus, Sirococcus piceicola sp. nov. and Sirococcus tsugae sp. nov. on conifers: anamorphic fungi in the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 47
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 61-72
M. Bendel and D. Rigling (2008)
Signs and symptoms associated with Heterobasidion annosum and Armillaria ostoyae infection in dead and dying mountain pine (Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata)
Forest Pathology 38 (1), p. 61
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 73-77
T. Rana, V. Chandel, V. Hallan and A.A. Zaidi (2008)
Himalayan wild cherry (Prunus cerasoides D. Don): a new host of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 73
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 78-82
P. Martín-Pinto, J. Pajares and J. Díez (2008)
Pathogenicity of Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium oxysporum on Pinus nigra seedlings in northwest Spain
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 78
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 83-89
B. Karlsson, P. Tsopelas, L. Zamponi, P. Capretti, N. Soulioti and G. Swedjemark (2008)
Susceptibility to Heterobasidion parviporum in Picea abies clones grown in different environments
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 83
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 104-112
C. Nasmith, R. Jeng and M. Hubbes (2008)
A comparison of in vivo targeted gene expression during fungal colonization of DED-susceptible Ulmus americana
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 104
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 113-123
A.V. Rice, M.N. Thormann and D.W. Langor (2008)
Mountain pine beetle-associated blue-stain fungi are differentially adapted to boreal temperatures
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 113
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 124-128
O. Schmidt, D. Dujesiefken, H. Stobbe, U. Moreth, R. Kehr and Th. Schröder (2008)
Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi associated with horse chestnut bleeding canker in Germany
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 124
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 129-145
A. Belisario, M. Scotton, A. Santori and S. Onofri (2008)
Variability in the Italian population of Gnomonia leptostyla, homothallism and resistance of Juglans species to anthracnose
Forest Pathology 38 (2), p. 129
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 147-155
J. Luque, J. Pera and J. Parladé (2008)
Evaluation of fungicides for the control of Botryosphaeria corticola on cork oak in Catalonia (NE Spain)
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 147
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 156-168
D.R. Smith and G.R. Stanosz (2008)
PCR primers for identification of Sirococcus conigenus and S. tsugae, and detection of S. conigenus from symptomatic and asymptomatic red pine shoots
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 156
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 169-177
R. Jankowiak and R. Rossa (2008)
Associations between Pityogenes bidentatus and fungi in young managed Scots pine stands in Poland
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 169
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 178-195
I. Barnes, T. Kirisits, A. Akulov, D.B. Chhetri, B.D. Wingfield, T.S. Bulgakov and M.J. Wingfield (2008)
New host and country records of the Dothistroma needle blight pathogens from Europe and Asia
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 178
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 196-202
I.A. Munck and G.R. Stanosz (2008)
Excised shoots of top-pruned red pine seedlings, a source of inoculum of the Diplodia blight pathogen
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 196
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 203-217
W. Kraj and T. Kowalski (2008)
Genetic variation in Polish strains of Gremmeniella abietina
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 203
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 218-226
Y. Hashizume, N. Sahashi and K. Fukuda (2008)
The influence of altitude on endophytic mycobiota in Quercus acuta leaves collected in two areas 1000 km apart
Forest Pathology 38 (3), p. 218
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 227-243
T. Turchetti, F. Ferretti and G. Maresi (2008)
Natural spread of Cryphonectria parasitica and persistence of hypovirulence in three Italian coppiced chestnut stands
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 227
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 244-256
J.A. Martin, A. Solla, M.A. Coimbra and L. Gil (2008)
Metabolic fingerprinting allows discrimination between Ulmus pumila and U. minor, and between U. minor clones of different susceptibility to Dutch elm disease
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 244
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 257-262
A.V. Rice and D.W. Langor (2008)
A comparison of heat pulse velocity and lesion lengths for assessing the relative virulence of mountain pine beetle-associated fungi on jack pine
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 257
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 263-274
J. Bajo, O. Santamaría and J.J. Diez (2008)
Cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of Pestalotiopsis funerea on Cupressus arizonica
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 263
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 275-287
A. Mougou, C. Dutech and M.-L. Desprez-Loustau (2008)
New insights into the identity and origin of the causal agent of oak powdery mildew in Europe
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 275
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 288-298
A.C. Wickland, C.E. Jensen and D.M. Rizzo (2008)
Geographic distribution, disease symptoms and pathogenicity of Phytophthora nemorosa and Phytophthora pseudosyringae in California, USA
Forest Pathology 38 (4), p. 288
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 299-301
M. Scirè, L. D'Amico, E. Motta and T. Annesi (2008)
North American P type of Heterobasidion annosum shows pathogenicity towards Pinus halepensis in Italy
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 299
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 302-313
E.P. Hogan and G.J. Griffin (2008)
Importance of Cryphonectria parasitica stromata production and intermediate-pigmented isolates in spread of Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 on grafted American chestnut trees
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 302
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 314-319
P. Lakomy and R. Cieslak (2008)
Early infection of Fagus sylvatica by Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 314
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 320-331
Y. Balci, S. Balci, W.L. MacDonald and K.W. Gottschalk (2008)
Foliar susceptibility of eastern oak species to Phytophthora infection
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 320
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 332-355
A. Eyles, C. Beadle, K. Barry, A. Francis, M. Glen and C. Mohammed (2008)
Management of fungal root-rot pathogens in tropical Acacia mangium plantations
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 332
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 356-370
A. Fabi, V. Graziani, N. Anselmi and L. Varvaro (2008)
Newly recognized bacteria involved in trunk scab and canker of white and hybrid poplars
Forest Pathology 38 (5), p. 356
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 371-380
N. Mielke, M. Weber, S. Khan and H.-P. Muehlbach (2008)
Detection of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARAV) in Sorbus aucuparia L. by a specific antiserum and reverse transcription-PCR
Forest Pathology 38 (6), p. 371
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 381-393
H. Vartiamäki, A. Uotila, R. Vasaitis and J. Hantula (2008)
Genetic diversity in Nordic and Baltic populations of Chondrostereum purpureum: a potential herbicide biocontrol agent
Forest Pathology 38 (6), p. 381
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 394-409
Y. Balci, S. Balci, W.L. MacDonald and K.W. Gottschalk (2008)
Relative susceptibility of oaks to seven species of Phytophthora isolated from oak forest soils
Forest Pathology 38 (6), p. 394
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 410-418
A.N. Shukla (2008)
Resistance of Dalbergia sissoo to Fusarium solani f.sp. dalbergiae
Forest Pathology 38 (6), p. 410
Forest Pathology (2008) 38, 419-428
Y.-S. Kim, K.-S. Woo, Y.-B. Koo and J.-K. Yeo (2008)
Variation in susceptibility of six pine species and hybrids to pitch canker caused by Fusarium circinatum
Forest Pathology 38 (6), p. 419