Environmental Entomology (2010) 39 (4)

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Articles of Environmental Entomology entered for 2010 and volume (issue): 39 (4)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1059-1067
L.P.S. Kuenen and J.P. Siegel (2010)
Protracted emergence of overwintering Amyelois transitella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from pistachios and almonds in California

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1068-1084
G.K. Mironidis, D.C. Stamopoulos and M. Savopoulou-Soultani (2010)
Overwintering survival and spring emergence of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in northern Greece

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1085-1091
Craig A. Abel, Gordon L. Snodgrass, Ryan Jackson and Clint Allen (2010)
Oviposition and development of the tarnished plant bug (Heteroptera: Miridae) on field maize

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1092-1100
James A. Tansey, Lloyd M. Dosdall, Andrew Keddie and Owen Olfert (2010)
Flight activity and dispersal of the cabbage seedpod weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are related to atmospheric conditions

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1101-1110
D.B. Taylor, R.D. Moon, J.B. Campbell, D.R. Berkebile, P.J. Scholl, A.B. Broce and J.A. Hogsette (2010)
Dispersal of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from larval development sites in a Nebraska landscape

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1111-1121
G.L. Snodgrass, R.E. Jackson, C.A. Abel and O.P. Perera (2010)
Utilization of early soybeans for food and reproduction by the tarnished plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) in the Delta of Mississippi

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1141-1150
Alexei D. Rowles and Jules Silverman (2010)
Argentine ant invasion associated with loblolly pines in the southeastern United States: Minimal impacts but seasonally sustained

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1178-1183
S.T. Ramírez-Puebla, M. Rosenblueth, C.K. Chávez-Moreno, M.C. Catanho Pereira De Lyra, A. Tecante and E. Martínez-Romero (2010)
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Dactylopius (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) and identification of the symbiotic bacteria

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1184-1194
P.G. Tillman (2010)
Parasitism and predation of stink bug (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) eggs in Georgia corn fields

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1195-1205
A.J. Blake, L.M. Dosdall and B.A. Keddie (2010)
Plant nutrients and the spatiotemporal distribution dynamics of Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its parasitoids

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1206-1231
Anna-Maria Botha, Zacharias H. Swanevelder and Nora L.V. Lapitan (2010)
Transcript profiling of wheat genes expressed during feeding by two different biotypes of Diuraphis noxia

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1232-1241
Menelaos C. Stavrinides, Kent M. Daane, Bruce D. Lampinen and Nicholas J. Mills (2010)
Plant water stress, leaf temperature, and spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) outbreaks in California vineyards

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1242-1248
David R. Coyle, William J. Mattson Jr. and Kenneth F. Raffa (2010)
Laboratory performance of two polyphagous invasive weevils on the predominant woody plant species of a northern hardwood community

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1249-1254
Ji-Hong Zhang, Liu-Qi Gu and Chen-Zhu Wang (2010)
Superparasitism behavior and host discrimination of Campoletis chlorideae (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera) toward Mythimna separata (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1255-1263
Dominic D. Reisig and Larry D. Godfrey (2010)
Remotely sensing arthropod and nutrient stressed plants: A case study with nitrogen and cotton aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1264-1275
Youngsoo Son, Russell L. Groves, Kent M. Daane, David J.W. Morgan, Rodrigo Krugner and Marshall W. Johnson (2010)
Estimation of feeding threshold for Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and its application to prediction of overwintering mortality

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1276-1282
Ana Mutis, Leonardo Parra, Loreto Manosalva, Rubén Palma, Oscar Candia, Marcelo Lizama, Fernando Pardo, Fernando Perich and Andrés Quiroz (2010)
Electroantennographic and behavioral responses of adults of raspberry weevil Aegorhinus superciliosus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to odors released from conspecific females

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1283-1290
Alan Knight (2010)
Improved monitoring of female codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with pear ester plus acetic acid in sex pheromone-treated orchards

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1291-1301
Bridget F. O'Neill, Arthur R. Zangerl, Evan H. Delucia and May R. Berenbaum (2010)
Olfactory preferences of Popillia japonica, Vanessa cardui, and Aphis glycines for Glycine max grown under elevated CO2

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1302-1308
Christelle Guédot, David R. Horton and Peter J. Landolt (2010)
Sex attraction in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1309-1314
Ezra G. Schwartzberg, Kenneth F. Haynes, Douglas W. Johnson and Grayson C. Brown (2010)
Wax structures of Scymnus louisianae attenuate aggression from aphid-tending ants

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1315-1322
F. De M.M. Bento, R.N. Marques, M.L.Z. Costa, J.M.M. Walder, A.P. Silva and J.R.P. Parra (2010)
Pupal development of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) at different moisture values in four soil types

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1323-1335
M.A. Keena and P.M. Moore (2010)
Effects of temperature on Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) larvae and pupae

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1344-1351
Yudi Liu, Maolin Hou and Kongming Wu (2010)
Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA in Chinese populations of Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1352-1358
P.A. Eliopoulos, D.C. Kontodimas and G.J. Stathas (2010)
Temperature-dependent development of Chilocorus bipustulatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1369-1377
J.C. Tian, Z.C. Liu, M. Chen, Y. Chen, X.X. Chen, Y.F. Peng, C. Hu and G.Y. Ye (2010)
Laboratory and field assessments of prey-mediated effects of transgenic Bt rice on Ummeliata insecticeps (Araneida: Linyphiidae)

Environmental Entomology (2010) 39, 1378-1387
Guoping Li, Hongqiang Feng, Peiyu Chen, Shaoying Wu, Bing Liu and Feng Qiu (2010)
Effects of transgenic Bt cotton on the population density, oviposition behavior, development, and reproduction of a nontarget pest, Adelphocoris suturalis (Hemiptera: Miridae)