Angelo De Stradis

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Name Angelo De Stradis
Position Researcher in charge of the laboratory of electron microscopy
Affiliation Laboratory electron microscopy
Istituto di Virologia Vegetale -Sezione di Bari
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
[Institute of Plant Virology - Bari Unit
National Research Council of Italy]
Via Amendola 165/A
70126 Bari
Email a.destradis(at)
Tel. +39 338 6677533
Remarks Histopathological and ultrastructural research on diagnosis of viruses
Last update 08.08.2013

Publications of Angelo De Stradis (46 listed):

Plant Pathology (2023) 72, 144-153
Vito Montilon, Angelo De Stradis, Maria Saponari, Raied Abou Kubaa, Annalisa Giampetruzzi, Giusy D'Attoma and Pasquale Saldarelli (2023)
Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca ST53 exploits pit membranes of susceptible olive cultivars to spread systemically in the xylem

Plant Pathology (2023) 72, 521-535
Nancy C. Walker, Steven M. White, Dan McKay Fletcher, Siul A. Ruiz, Kathryn E. Rankin, Angelo De Stradis, Maria Saponari, Katherine A. Williams, Chiara Petroselli and Tiina Roose (2023)
The impact of xylem geometry on olive cultivar resistance to Xylella fastidiosa: An image-based study

Viruses (2022) 14 (12 - 2695)
Martin Jagunic, Angelo De Stradis, Darko Preiner, Pierfederico La Notte, Maher Al Rwahnih, Rodrigo P.P. Almeida and Darko Voncina (2022)
Biology and ultrastructural characterization of Grapevine badnavirus 1 and Grapevine virus G

Journal of Pest Science (2017) 90, 521-530
Daniele Cornara, Maria Saponari, Adam R. Zeilinger, Angelo de Stradis, Donato Boscia, Giuliana Loconsole, Domenico Bosco, Giovanni P. Martelli, Rodrigo P.P. Almeida and Francesco Porcelli (2017)
Spittlebugs as vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in olive orchards in Italy

Journal of General Virology (2016) 97, 3073-3087
Michela Chiumenti, Massimiliano Morelli, Angelo De Stradis, Toufic Elbeaino, Livia Stavolone and Angelantonio Minafra (2016)
Unusual genomic features of a badnavirus infecting mulberry

Plant Disease (2016) 100, 66-71
Mohammad Sadegh Sadeghi, Alireza Afsharifar, Keramatollah Izadpanah, Giuliana Loconsole, Angelo De Stradis, Giovanni P. Martelli and Maria Saponari (2016)
Isolation and partial characterization of a novel cytorhabdovirus from citrus trees showing foliar symptoms in Iran

Journal of Plant Pathology (2015) 97, p. 548 (Morelli et al.)
M. Morelli, A. De Stradis, A. Minafra, P. Saldarelli and G.P. Martelli (2015)
Mixed infection by Eggplant mottled dwarf virus and an ophiovirus species in Japanese Pittosporum

Virus Genes (2015) 50, 160-164
M. Morelli, M. Chiumenti, A. De Stradis, P. La Notte and A. Minafra (2015)
Discovery and molecular characterization of a new cryptovirus dsRNA genome from Japanese persimmon through conventional cloning and high-throughput sequencing

Journal of Plant Pathology (2014) 96, 425-429
C. Cariddi, M. Saponari, D. Boscia, A. De Stradis, G. Loconsole, F. Nigro, F. Porcelli, O. Potere and G.P. Martelli (2014)
Isolation of a Xylella fastidiosa strain infecting olive and oleander in Apulia, Italy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2014) 111, 4291-4296
Tiziana Mascia, Franco Nigro, Alì Abdallah, Massimo Ferrara, Angelo De Stradis, Roberto Faedda, Peter Palukaitis and Donato Gallitelli (2014)
Gene silencing and gene expression in phytopathogenic fungi using a plant virus vector

Journal of Economic Entomology (2014) 107, 1316-1319
Maria Saponari, Giuliana Loconsole, Daniele Cornara, Raymond K. Yokomi, Angelo De Stradis, Donato Boscia, Domenico Bosco, Giovanni P. Martelli, Rodrigo Krugner and Francesco Porcelli (2014)
Infectivity and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Apulia, Italy

Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 95, 207-210
T. Elbeaino, M. Chiumenti, A. De Stradis, M. Digiaro, A. Minafra and G.P. Martelli (2013)
Identification of a badnavirus infecting mulberry

Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 95, 655-658
M. Chiumenti, A. Campanale, G. Bottalico, A. Minafra, A. De Stradis, V. Savino and G.P. Martelli (2013)
Sanitation trials for the production of virus-free fig stocks

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2013) 11, 204-207
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis, B. Greco and F. Villanueva (2013)
First report of Eggplant mottled dwarf virus in China rose in southern Spain

Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 95, 619-621
R. Miglino, R. Sorrentino, A. De Stradis, A. Zoina and D. Alioto (2013)
Necrotic potato tubers infected by Eggplant mottled dwarf virus in Italy

Phytopathology (2012) 102, 1168-1175
G. Loconsole, N. Önelge, O. Potere, A. Giampetruzzi, O. Bozan, S. Satar, A. De Stradis, V. Savino, R.K. Yokomi and M. Saponari (2012)
Identification and characterization of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus, a putative new member of the genus Mandarivirus

Archives of Virology (2012) 157, 1629-1633
Luisa Rubino, Marcello Russo, Angelo De Stradis and Giovanni P. Martelli (2012)
Tepovirus, a novel genus in the family Betaflexiviridae

Journal of Plant Pathology (2011) 93, 751-756
L. Rubino, A. De Stradis, M. Russo and G.P. Martelli (2011)
Generation of virus-like particles in plants expressing the capsid protein of Cymbidium ringspot virus

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2010) 23, 1514-1524
Tiziana Mascia, Fabrizio Cillo, Vilma Fanelli, Mariella Matilde Finetti-Sialer, Angelo De Stradis, Peter Palukaitis and Donato Gallitelli (2010)
Characterization of the interactions between Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus Y in mixed infections in tomato

Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 92, 165-172
Toufic Elbeaino, M. Digiaro, K. Heinoun, A. De Stradis and G.P. Martelli (2010)
Fig mild mottle-associated virus, a novel Closterovirus infecting fig

Journal of General Virology (2009) 90, 1281-1288
Toufic Elbeaino, Michele Digiaro, Abdulkader Alabdullah, Angelo De Stradis, Angelantonio Minafra, Nicole Mielke, Maria Antonietta Castellano and Giovanni P. Martelli (2009)
A multipartite single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus is the putative agent of fig mosaic disease

Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 91, 697-700
M.A. Castellano, A. De Stradis, A. Minafra, D. Boscia and G.P. Martelli (2009)
Seed transmission of Fig latent virus 1

Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 91, 555-564
G. Gattoni, A. Minafra, M.A. Castellano, A. De Stradis, D. Boscia, T. Elbeaino, M. Digiaro and G.P. Martelli (2009)
Some properties of Fig latent virus 1, a new member of the family Flexiviridae

Archives of Virology (2009) 154, 321-325
M. Russo, L. Rubino, A. De Stradis and Giovanni P. Martelli (2009)
The complete nucleotide sequence of Potato virus T

Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 91, p. 238 (Minafra et al.)
A. Minafra, A. De Stradis, M.I. Clara and G.P. Martelli (2009)
Viruses in mosaic-affected figs in Portugal and the Island of Crete

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, 281-286
P. Saldarelli, D. Boscia, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2008)
A new member of the family Flexiviridae from Phlomis fructicosa

Plant Pathology (2008) 57, p. 392 (Parrella et al.)
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2008)
First report of Olive latent virus 2 in wild castor bean (Ricinus communis) in Italy

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, 363-369
M. Russo, A. De Stradis, D. Boscia, L. Rubino, M.G. Redinbaugh, J.J. Abt and G.P. Martelli (2008)
Molecular and ultrastructural properties of maize white line mosaic virus

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, 359-361
A. De Stradis, G. Parrella, C. Vovlas and A. Ragozzino (2008)
Vein yellowing of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis caused by Eggplant mottled dwarf virus in southern Italy

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, p. 400 (Russo et al.)
M. Russo, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2008)
A disease of Limonium sinuatum caused by carnation Italian ringspot virus

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, p. 585 (De Stradis et al.)
A. De Stradis, V. Pantaleo, P. Salamon, A. Minafra and G.P. Martelli (2008)
Viruses associated with fig mosaic in Hungary

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S39 (De Stradis et al.)
A. De Stradis, G. Parrella, C. Vovlas and A. Ragozzino (2007)
A rhabdovirus associated with hibiscus vein clearing disease in southern Italy
Poster Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, 119-124
T. Elbeaino, M. Digiaro, A. De Stradis and G.P. Martelli (2007)
Identification of a second member of the family Closteroviridae in mosaic-diseased figs

Plant Pathology (2006) 55, p. 818 (Parrella et al.)
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis and M. Giorgini (2006)
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus is the casual agent of sweetpotato virus disease in Italy

Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, 187-192
T. Elbeaino, M. Digiaro, A. De Stradis and G.P. Martelli (2006)
Partial characterisation of a closterovirus associated with a chlorotic mottling of fig

Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, S18-S19
F. Cillo, T. Mascia, V. Fanelli, A. De Stradis, M.M. Finetti-Sialer and D. Gallitelli (2006)
Characterization of synergy between Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus Y in tomato
S.I.Pa.V XIII National Meeting - Foggia, 12-16 September 2006 - Oral Presentation

Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. S52 (Parrella et al.)
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2006)
High incidence of brigth yellow mosaic associated with mixed infections of Artichoke latent virus and an isometric virus in globe artichoke in Campania
S.I.Pa.V XIII National Meeting - Foggia, 12-16 September 2006 - Poster

Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. S58 (Sciancalepore et al.)
A. Sciancalepore, A. De Stradis, A. Minafra, A. Campanale and G.P. Martelli (2006)
Fluorescent in situ hybridization on grapevine and Nicotiana tissues infected by grapevine viruses A and B
S.I.Pa.V XIII National Meeting - Foggia, 12-16 September 2006 - Poster

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, 213-221
A. De Stradis, M.G. Redinbaugh, J.J. Abt and G.P. Martelli (2005)
Ultrastructure of maize necrotic streak virus infections

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, 280-281
M.E. Rodio, A. De Stradis, S. Delgado, R. Flores and F. Di Serio (2005)
Interactions between Peach latent mosaic viroid variants causing peach calico disease and the natural host: cellular and molecular studies
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, 301-302
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2005)
Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus in Passiflora edulis in Italy
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005 (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 302b (Parrella et al.)
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis, C. Vovlas and G.E. Agosteo (2005)
Outbreaks of Onion yellow dwarf virus in onion crops in Calabria
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005 (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 35-41
K. Gokalp, M. Digiaro, I. Cigsar, N. Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, A. De Stradis, D. Boscia and G.P. Martelli (2003)
Properties of a previously undescribed nepovirus from south-east Anatolia

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 183-191
I. Cigsar, M. Digiaro, K. Gokalp, N. Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, A. De Stradis, D. Boscia and G.P. Martelli (2003)
Grapevine deformation virus, a novel nepovirus from Turkey

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 313-314
G. Parrella, A. De Stradis and C. Vovlas (2003)
Tobacco mild green mosaic virus in Nicotiana glauca in south Italy
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, p. 181 (Dridi et al.)
M.A. Dridi, C. Turturo, P. Saldarelli, A. De Stradis, M. Digiaro and D. Boscia (2002)
Detection and characterisation of Grapevine leafroll associated virus-4 and 5
IX Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology