Emmanouil A. Markakis

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Publications of Emmanouil A. Markakis (26 listed):

Journal of Plant Pathology (2022) 104, 1061-1070
Emmanouil A. Trantas, Dimitris Malliarakis, Evaggelia E. Mpalantinaki, Marianthi G. Pagoulatou, Emmanouil A. Markakis, Filippos Ververidis and Dimitrios E. Goumas (2022)
Characterization of Pseudomonas viridiflava isolates associated with a new leaf spot disease in Cichorium species

Plant Disease (2022) 106, p. 2263 (Markakis et al.)
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Stefanos K. Soultatos, Georgios C. Koubouris, Georgios Psarras, Loukas Kanetis, Anastasia A. Papadaki and Dimitrios E. Goumas (2022)
First report of Pseudophaeomoniella oleae causing wood streaking and decay on olive trees in Greece

Journal of Phytopathology (2021) 169, 98-111
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Nikolaos Krasagakis, Emmanuel A. Tzortzakakis, Georgios Tsaniklidis, Christina S. Lagogianni, Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis, Iro V. Pardavella and Dimitrios E. Goumas (2021)
Investigation of interactions between Meloidogyne javanica and three soil-borne fungi against susceptible plant hosts

Plant Disease (2021) 105 (11 - 2227)
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Emmanouil N. Roditakis, Georgios S. Kalantzakis, Anastasia Chatzaki, Stefanos K. Soultatos, Marianna Stavrakaki, Georgia I. Tavlaki, Georgios C. Koubouris, Nikolaos Bagkis and Dimitrios E. Goumas (2021)
Characterization of fungi associated with olive fruit rot and olive oil degradation in Crete, southern Greece

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 153, 1055-1066
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis, Peter A. Roussos, Chrysi K. Sergentani, Nektarios Kavroulakis, Emmanouil N. Roditakis and Georgios C. Koubouris (2019)
Differential susceptibility responses of Greek olive cultivars to Fomitiporia mediterranea

Plant Disease (2018) 102, p. 1036 (Markakis et al.)
E.A. Markakis, E.A. Trantas, C.S. Lagogianni, E. Mpalantinaki, M. Pagoulatou, F. Ververidis and D.E. Goumas (2018)
First report of root rot and vine decline of melon caused by Monosporascus cannonballus in Greece

Plant Disease (2017) 101, p. 1060 (Markakis et al.)
E.A. Markakis, A.K. Tzima, S.C. Palavouzis, P.P. Antoniou, E.J. Paplomatas and E.C. Tjamos (2017)
First report of Phytophthora palmivora causing fruit rot on pomegranate in Greece

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2017) 149, 277-283
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Georgios C. Koubouris, Chrysi K. Sergentani and Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis (2017)
Evaluation of Greek grapevine cultivars for resistance to Phaeomoniella chlamydospora

Plant Disease (2017) 101, 1929-1940
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Nektarios Kavroulakis, Spyridon Ntougias, Georgios C. Koubouris, Chrysi K. Sergentani and Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis (2017)
Characterization of fungi associated with wood decay of tree species and grapevine in Greece

BioControl (2016) 61, 293-303
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Sotirios E. Tjamos, Polymnia P. Antoniou, Epameinondas J. Paplomatas and Eleftherios C. Tjamos (2016)
Biological control of Verticillium wilt of olive by Paenibacillus alvei, strain K165

Applied Entomology and Zoology (2016) 51, 257-265
Nikos Garantonakis, Kyriaki Varikou, Emmanouil Markakis, Athanasia Birouraki, Chrysa Sergentani, Georgios Psarras and Georgios C. Koubouris (2016)
Interaction between Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation and fruit mineral element content in Olea europaea (Lamiales: Oleaceae) cultivars of global interest

Plant Disease (2015) 99, p. 286 (Ligoxigakis et al.)
E.K. Ligoxigakis, E.A. Markakis, I.A. Papaioannou and M.A. Typas (2015)
First report of powdery mildew of Platanus × acerifolia and P. occidentalis caused by Erysiphe platani in Greece

Plant Disease (2014) 98, p. 1584 (Markakis et al.)
E.A. Markakis, N. Kavroulakis and G.C. Koubouris (2014)
First report of Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae on avocado trees in Greece

Plant Disease (2014) 98, 1235-1240
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis, Evangelia V. Avramidou and Nikolaos Tzanidakis (2014)
Survival, persistence, and infection efficiency of Verticillium dahliae passed through the digestive system of sheep

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 285 (Ligoxigakis et al.)
E.K. Ligoxigakis, I.A. Papaioannou, E.A. Markakis and M.A. Typas (2013)
First report of pink rot of Phoenix and Washingtonia species caused by Nalanthamala vermoesenii in Greece

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 286 (Ligoxigakis et al.)
E.K. Ligoxigakis, E.A. Markakis, I.A. Papaioannou and M.A. Typas (2013)
First report of palm rot of Phoenix spp. caused by Neodeightonia phoenicum in Greece

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 287 (Vakalounakis et al.)
D.J. Vakalounakis and E.A. Markakis (2013)
First report of Stemphylium solani as the causal agent of a leaf spot on greenhouse cucumber

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 136, 577-596
Ioannis A. Papaioannou, Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis, Demetrios J. Vakalounakis, Emmanouil A. Markakis and Milton A. Typas (2013)
Phytopathogenic, morphological, genetic and molecular characterization of a Verticillium dahliae population from Crete, Greece

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 1250 (Ligoxigakis et al.)
E.K. Ligoxigakis, I.A. Papaioannou, E.A. Markakis and M.A. Typas (2013)
First report of leaf spot of Phoenix theophrasti caused by Paraconiothyrium variabile in Greece

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 1509 (Ligoxigakis et al.)
E.K. Ligoxigakis, E.A. Markakis, I.A. Papaioannou and M.A. Typas (2013)
First report of petiole (rachis) blight of Washingtonia filifera caused by Phoma glomerata in Greece

Phytoparasitica (2012) 40, 493-506
Eleftherios K. Ligoxigakis and Emmanouil A. Markakis (2012)
Incidence and pathogenicity of races and isolates of Verticillium dahliae in Crete, southern Greece

Plant Disease (2010) 94, 1156-1162
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Sotirios E. Tjamos, Polymnia P. Antoniou, Peter A. Roussos, Epaminondas J. Paplomatas and Eleftherios C. Tjamos (2010)
Phenolic responses of resistant and susceptible olive cultivars induced by defoliating and nondefoliating Verticillium dahliae pathotypes

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 124, 603-611
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Sotirios E. Tjamos, Polymnia P. Antoniou, Epaminondas J. Paplomatas and Eleftherios C. Tjamos (2009)
Symptom development, pathogen isolation and Real-Time QPCR quantification as factors for evaluating the resistance of olive cultivars to Verticillium pathotypes

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 122, 549-560
Polymnia P. Antoniou, Emmanouil A. Markakis, Sotirios E. Tjamos, Epaminondas J. Paplomatas and Eleftherios C. Tjamos (2008)
Novel methodologies in screening and selecting olive varieties and root-stocks for resistance to Verticillium dahliae

Journal of Phytopathology (2008) 156, 622-627
Emmanouil A. Markakis, Sotirios E. Tjamos, Iordanis Chatzipavlidis, Polymnia P. Antoniou and Epaminondas J. Paplomatas (2008)
Evaluation of compost amendments for control of vascular wilt diseases

Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154, 193-196
S.E. Tjamos, E.A. Markakis, P. Antoniou and E.J. Paplomatas (2006)
First record of Fusarium wilt of tobacco in Greece imported as seedborne inoculum