James E. Adaskaveg

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Publications of James E. Adaskaveg (58 listed):

Plant Disease (2021) 105, 972-977
Wei Hao, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2021)
Resistance to potassium phosphite in Phytophthora species causing citrus brown rot and integrated practices for management of resistant isolates

Plant Disease (2020) 104, 1685-1693
Stacey E. Haack, Layne Wade, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2020)
Epidemiology and management of bacterial spot of almond caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, a new disease in California

Plant Disease (2020) 104, p. 2528 (Hao et al.)
W. Hao, H. Förster, R.B. Elkins and J.E. Adaskaveg (2020)
First report of Phytophthora lacustris causing a fruit rot of Bartlett pear in North America

Plant Disease (2020) 104, 3159-3165
Morgan A. Gray, Kevin A. Nguyen, Wei Hao, Rodger J. Belisle, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2020)
Mobility of oxathiapiprolin and mefenoxam in citrus seedlings after root application and implications for managing Phytophthora root rot

Plant Disease (2019) 103, 2024-2032
Rodger J. Belisle, Wei Hao, Brandon McKee, Mary Lu Arpaia, Patricia Manosalva and James E. Adaskaveg (2019)
New oomycota fungicides with activity against Phytophthora cinnamomi and their potential use for managing avocado root rot in California

Phytopathology (2019) 109, 384-394
Rodger J. Belisle, Brandon McKee, Wei Hao, Margaret Crowley, Mary Lu Arpaia, Timothy D. Miles, James E. Adaskaveg and Patricia Manosalva (2019)
Phenotypic characterization of genetically distinct Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from avocado

Plant Disease (2019) 103, 619-628
Wei Hao, Morgan A. Gray, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2019)
Evaluation of new oomycota fungicides for management of Phytophthora root rot of citrus in California

Plant Disease (2019) 103, 1256-1263
Stacey E. Haack, Spencer S. Walse, Kevin Nguyen and James E. Adaskaveg (2019)
Management of Xanthomonas fragariae with pre- and postharvest treatments to overcome trade barriers for California strawberries

Plant Disease (2018) 102, 1718-1724
K.A. Nguyen, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Genetic diversity of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi in California and characterization of epidemiological factors for olive knot development

Phytopathology (2018) 108, 384-391
Wei Hao, Timothy D. Miles, Frank N. Martin, Gregory T. Browne, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Temporal occurrence and niche preferences of Phytophthora spp. causing brown rot of citrus in the Central Valley of California

Mycological Progress (2018) 17, 885-895
Chunxian Chen, Clive H. Bock, Phillip M. Brannen and James E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Mining and characterization of microsatellites from a genome of Venturia carpophila

Plant Disease (2018) 102, 734-742
Morgan A. Gray, Wei Hao, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Baseline sensitivities of new fungicides and their toxicity to selected life stages of Phytophthora species from citrus in California

Plant Disease (2018) 102, 892-898
K.A. Nguyen, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Efficacy of copper and new bactericides for managing olive knot in California

Plant Disease (2018) 102, 1687-1695
Stacey E. Haack, Kelly L. Ivors, Gerald J. Holmes, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2018)
Natamycin, a new biofungicide for managing crown rot of strawberry caused by QoI-Resistant Colletotrichum acutatum

Plant Disease (2017) 101, 421-427
Y. Luo, L. Hou, H. Förster, B. Pryor and J.E. Adaskaveg (2017)
Identification of Alternaria species causing heart rot of pomegranates in California

Plant Disease (2017) 101, 1188-1193
K.A. Nguyen, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2017)
Quaternary ammonium compounds as new sanitizers for reducing the spread of the olive knot pathogen on orchard equipment

Plant Disease (2015) 99, 1477-1482
J.E. Adaskaveg, W. Hao and H. Förster (2015)
Postharvest strategies for managing Phytophthora brown rot of citrus using potassium phosphite in combination with heat treatments

Phytopathology (2015) 105, 1302-1310
Helga Förster, Gayle C. McGhee, George W. Sundin and James E. Adaskaveg (2015)
Characterization of streptomycin resistance in isolates of Erwinia amylovora in California

Mycological Progress (2014) 13, 1179-1190
Chunxian Chen, Clive H. Bock, Phillip M. Brannen, James E. Adaskaveg, Mike W. Hotchkiss, Marin T. Brewer and Bruce W. Wood (2014)
Genetic variability among populations of Fusicladium species from different host trees and geographic locations in the USA

Plant Disease (2014) 98, 1619-1625
Michael E. Stanghellini, Mojtaba Mohammadi, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2014)
Pythium brassicum sp. nov.: A novel plant family-specific root pathogen

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2014) 139, 393-398
Michael E. Stanghellini, Mojtaba Mohammadi and James E. Adaskaveg (2014)
Effect of soil matric water potentials on germination of ascospores of Monosporascus cannonballus and colonization of melon roots by zoospores of Olpidium bornovanus

Plant Disease (2013) 97, 1322-1330
Y. Luo, L. Hou, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2013)
QoI resistance in Fusicladium carpophilum populations from almond in California and evaluation of molecular resistance mechanisms

Plant Disease (2013) 97, 1580-1584
M. Twizeyimana, H. Förster, V. McDonald, D.H. Wang, J.E. Adaskaveg and A. Eskalen (2013)
Identification and pathogenicity of fungal pathogens associated with stem-end rot of avocado in California

Plant Disease (2012) 96, 87-96
A.H. McKay, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2012)
Toxicity and resistance potential of selected fungicides to Galactomyces and Penicillium spp. causing postharvest fruit decays of citrus and other crops

Plant Disease (2012) 96, 752-758
Mohammad A. Yaghmour, Richard M. Bostock, James E. Adaskaveg and Themis J. Michailides (2012)
Propiconazole sensitivity in populations of Geotrichum candidum, the cause of sour rot of peach and nectarine, in California

Phytopathology (2012) 102, 528-538
A.H. McKay, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2012)
Distinguishing Galactomyces citri-aurantii from G. geotrichum and characterizing population structure of the two postharvest sour rot pathogens of fruit crops in California

Plant Disease (2012) 96, 235-242
A.H. McKay, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2012)
Efficacy and application strategies for propiconazole as a new postharvest fungicide for managing sour rot and green mold of citrus fruit

Plant Disease (2011) 95, 448-454
J.E. Adaskaveg, H. Förster and M.L. Wade (2011)
Effectiveness of kasugamycin against Erwinia amylovora and its potential use for managing fire blight of pear

Phytopathology (2011) 101, 1013-1020
J. Diéguez-Uribeondo, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2011)
Effect of wetness duration and temperature on the development of anthracnose on selected almond tissues and comparison of cultivar susceptibility

Phytopathology (2010) 100, 738-746
L. Kanetis, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2010)
Determination of natural resistance frequencies in Penicillium digitatum using a new air-sampling method and characterization of fludioxonil- and pyrimethanil-resistant isolates

Plant Disease (2008) 92, 261-269
Loukas Kanetis, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2008)
Optimizing efficacy of new postharvest fungicides and evaluation of sanitizing agents for managing citrus green mold

Plant Disease (2008) 92, 301-310
Loukas Kanetis, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2008)
Baseline sensitivities for new postharvest fungicides against Penicillium spp. on citrus and multiple resistance evaluations in P. digitatum

Phytopathology (2008) 98, 1171-1178
J. Diéguez-Uribeondo, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2008)
Visualization of localized pathogen-induced pH modulation in almond tissues infected by Colletotrichum acutatum using confocal scanning laser microscopy

Phytopathology (2008) 98, 205-214
L. Kanetis, H. Förster, C.A. Jones, K.A. Borkovich and J.E. Adaskaveg (2008)
Characterization of genetic and biochemical mechanisms of fludioxonil and pyrimethanil resistance in field isolates of Penicillium digitatum

Plant Disease (2007) 91, 1502-1511
Loukas Kanetis, Helga Förster and James E. Adaskaveg (2007)
Comparative efficacy of the new postharvest fungicides azoxystrobin, fludioxonil, and pyrimethanil for managing citrus green mold

Plant Disease (2007) 91, 209-215
H. Förster, G.F. Driever, D.C. Thompson and J.E. Adaskaveg (2007)
Postharvest decay management for stone fruit crops in California using the 'reduced-risk' fungicides fludioxonil and fenhexamid

Plant Disease (2007) 91, 525-531
N.A. Peres, R. Harakava, G.C. Carroll, J.E. Adaskaveg and L.W. Timmer (2007)
Comparison of molecular procedures for detection and identification of Guignardia citricarpa and G. mangiferae

Plant Disease (2006) 90, 1419-1424
J.P. Agostini, N.A. Peres, S.J. Mackenzie, J.E. Adaskaveg and L.W. Timmer (2006)
Effect of fungicides and storage conditions on postharvest development of citrus black spot and survival of Guignardia citricarpa in fruit tissues

Phytopathology (2005) 95, 751-758
J. Diéguez-Uribeondo, H. Förster, A. Soto-Estrada and J.E. Adaskaveg (2005)
Subcuticular-intracellular hemibiotrophic and intercellular necrotrophic development of Colletotrichum acutatum on almond

Phytopathology (2005) 95, 942-950
A. Soto-Estrada, H. Förster, D.A. DeMason and J.E. Adaskaveg (2005)
Initial infection and colonization of leaves and stems of cling peach by Tranzschelia discolor

Phytopathology (2004) 94, 52-60
Alejandra Soto-Estrada and James E. Adaskaveg (2004)
Temporal and quantitative analyses of stem lesion development and foliar disease progression of peach rust in California

Phytopathology (2003) 93, 923-930
J. Diéguez-Uribeondo, H. Förster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2003)
Digital image analysis of internal light spots of appressoria of Colletotrichum acutatum

Plant Disease (2003) 87, 1094-1101
A. Soto-Estrada, H. Förster, J. Hasey and J.E. Adaskaveg (2003)
New fungicides and application strategies based on inoculum and precipitation for managing stone fruit rust on peach in California

Plant Disease (2001) 85, p. 558 (Teviotdale et al.)
B.L. Teviotdale, M. Viveros, B. Pryor and J.E. Adaskaveg (2001)
First report of Alternaria leaf spot of almond caused by species in the Alternaria alternata complex in California

Plant Disease (2000) 84, 328-333
J.E. Adaskaveg, H. Förster and D.F. Thompson (2000)
Identification and etiology of visible quiescent infections of Monilinia fructicola and Botrytis cinerea in sweet cherry fruit

Phytopathology (2000) 90, 171-178
H. Forster and J.E. Adaskaveg (2000)
Early brown rot infections in sweet cherry fruit are detected by Monilinia-specific DNA primers

Phytopathology (1999) 89, 1056-1065
K. Forster and J.E. Adaskaveg (1999)
Identification of subpopulations of Colletotrichum acutatum and epidemiology of almond anthracnose in California

Plant Disease (1999) 83, 240-246
James E. Adaskaveg, Helga Förster, Layne Wade, David F. Thompson and Joseph H. Connell (1999)
Efficacy of sodium tetrathiocarbonate and propiconazole in managing Armillaria root rot of almond on peach rootstock

Plant Disease (1999) 83, p. 1073 (Adaskaveg et al.)
J.E. Adaskaveg, H. Förster and J.H. Connell (1999)
First report of fruit rot and associated branch dieback of almond in California caused by a Phomopsis species tentatively identified as P. amygdali

Phytoparasitica (1998) 26 (4) - Occurrence and management of ...
J.E. Adaskaveg and H. Forster (1998)
Occurrence and management of anthracnose epidemics caused by Colletotrichum species on tree fruit crops in California
International Workshop on Host Specificity, Pathology and Host-Pathogen Interaction of Colletotrichum, August 29 - September 1, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel

Plant Disease (1998) 82, 1165-1170
H. Förster, J.E. Adaskaveg, D.H. Kim and M.E. Stanghellini (1998)
Effect of phosphite on tomato and pepper plants and on susceptibility of pepper to Phytophthora root and crown rot in hydroponic culture

Phytopathology (1997) 87, 979-987
J.E. Adaskaveg and R.J. Hartin (1997)
Characterization of Colletotrichum acutatum isolates causing anthracnose of almond and peach in California

Phytopathology (1996) 86, p. S26 (Bostock et al.)
R.M. Bostock, S.M. Wilcox and J.E. Adaskaveg (1996)
Suppression of Monilinia fructicola cutinase production by peach fruit surface phenolic acids

Phytopathology (1996) 86, p. S21 (Adaskaveg et al.)
J.E. Adaskaveg and J. Connell (1996)
Crown gall, wood decay, and predisposition of almond trees to storm damage

Phytopathology (1996) 86, p. S22 (Adaskaveg et al.)
J.E. Adaskaveg and R.J. Hartin (1996)
Outbreak of almond anthracnose in California caused by the previously unreported Colletotrichum acutatum

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1995) 73, 432-444
J.E. Adaskaveg (1995)
Conidial morphology, host colonization, and development of shot hole of almond caused by Wilsonomyces carpophilus

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1995) 61, 138-144
J.E. Adaskaveg, R.L. Gilbertson and M.R. Dunlap (1995)
Effects of incubation time and temperature on in vitro selective delignification of silver leaf oak by Ganoderma colossum

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1991) 69, 615-629
J.E. Adaskaveg, R.A. Blanchette and R.L. Gilbertson (1991)
Decay of date palm wood by white-rot and brown-rot fungi