Matt Liebman

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Publications of Matt Liebman (28 listed):

Weed Research (2022) 62, 1-11
Matt Liebman, Andrea D. Basche, Huong T.X. Nguyen and David A. Weisberger (2022)
How can cover crops contribute to weed management? A modelling approach illustrated with rye (Secale cereale) and Amaranthus tuberculatus

Weed Research (2021) 61, 164-177
Matt Liebman, Huong T.X. Nguyen, Matthew M. Woods, Natalie D. Hunt and Jason D. Hill (2021)
Weed seedbank diversity and sustainability indicators for simple and more diverse cropping systems

PLoS ONE (2019) 14 (7 - e0219847)
David Weisberger, Virginia Nichols and Matt Liebman (2019)
Does diversifying crop rotations suppress weeds? A meta-analysis

Weed Research (2018) 58, 250-258
P. Neve, J.N. Barney, Y. Buckley, R.D. Cousens, S. Graham, N.R. Jordan, A. Lawton-Rauh, M. Liebman, M.B. Mesgaran, M. Schut, J. Shaw, J. Storkey, B. Baraibar, R.S. Baucom, M. Chalak, D.Z. Childs, S. Christensen, H. Eizenberg, C. Fernández-Quintanilla, K. French, M. Harsch, S. Heijting, L. Harrison, D. Loddo, M. Macel, N. Maczey, A. Merotto Jr, D. Mortensen, J. Necajeva, D.A. Peltzer, J. Recasens, M. Renton, M. Riemens, M. Sønderskov and M. Williams (2018)
Reviewing research priorities in weed ecology, evolution and management: a horizon scan

Plant Disease (2018) 102, 1748-1758
L.F.S. Leandro, S. Eggenberger, C. Chen, J. Williams, G.A. Beattie and M. Liebman (2018)
Cropping system diversification reduces severity and incidence of soybean sudden death syndrome caused by Fusarium virguliforme

Weed Research (2016) 56, 345-358
N. Jordan, M. Schut, S. Graham, J.N. Barney, D.Z. Childs, S. Christensen, R.D. Cousens, A.S. Davis, H. Eizenberg, D.E. Ervin, C. Fernandez-Quintanilla, L.J. Harrison, M.A. Harsch, S. Heijting, M. Liebman, D. Loddo, S.B. Mirsky, M. Riemens, P. Neve, D.A. Peltzer, M. Renton, M. Williams, J. Recasens and M. Sønderskov (2016)
Transdisciplinary weed research: new leverage on challenging weed problems?

Weed Science (2015) 63, 828-838
Rocio van der Laat, Micheal D.K. Owen, Matt Liebman and Ramon G. Leon (2015)
Postdispersal weed seed predation and invertebrate activity density in three tillage regimes

Weed Research (2014) 54, 13-25
R. Gómez, M. Liebman and G. Munkvold (2014)
Weed seed decay in conventional and diversified cropping systems

Weed Research (2014) 54, 293-306
M. Liebman, Z.J. Miller, C.L. Williams, P.R. Westerman, P.M. Dixon, A. Heggenstaller, A.S. Davis, F.D. Menalled and D.N. Sundberg (2014)
Fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in three crop rotation systems

Weed Research (2009) 49, 439-447
C.L. Williams, M. Liebman, P.R. Westerman, J. Borza, D. Sundberg and B. Danielson (2009)
Over-winter predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi seeds in arable land

Journal of Applied Ecology (2008) 45, 1612-1620
Paula R. Westerman, Jaclyn K. Borza, Jelena Andjelkovic, Matt Liebman and Brent Danielson (2008)
Density-dependent predation of weed seeds in maize fields

Environmental Entomology (2008) 37, 121-130
Megan E. O'Rourke, Matt Liebman and Marlin E. Rice (2008)
Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in conventional and diversified crop rotation systems

Weed Technology (2007) 21, 518-522
Jaclyn K. Borza, Paula R. Westerman and Matt Liebman (2007)
Comparing estimates of seed viability in three foxtail (Setaria) species using the imbibed seed crush test with and without additional tetrazolium testing

Weed Research (2006) 46, 138-151
A.H. Heggenstaller and M. Liebman (2006)
Demography of Abutilon theoprasti and Setaria faberi in three crop rotation systems

Journal of Applied Ecology (2006) 43, 999-1010
Andrew H. Heggenstaller, Fabian D. Menalled, Matt Liebman and Paula R. Westerman (2006)
Seasonal patterns in post-dispersal seed predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi in three cropping systems

Weed Science (2006) 54, 566-574
Paula R. Westerman, Matt Liebman, Andrew H. Heggenstaller and Frank Forcella (2006)
Integrating measurements of seed availability and removal to estimate weed seed losses due to predation

Weed Technology (2005) 19, 784-789
Fabián D. Menalled, Douglas D. Buhler and Matt Liebman (2005)
Composted swine manure effects on germination and early growth of crop and weed species under greenhouse conditions

Weed Science (2005) 53, 382-392
Paula R. Westerman, Matt Liebman, Fabián D. Menalled, Andrew H. Heggenstaller, Robert G. Hartzler and Philip M. Dixon (2005)
Are many little hammers effective? Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) population dynamics in two- and four-year crop rotation systems

Weed Technology (2004) 18, 473-479
Lance Gibson and Matt Liebman (2004)
A laboratory exercise for teaching depth of weed emergence concepts

Weed Science (2004) 52, 605-613
Fabián D. Menalled, Matt Liebman and Matt Buhler (2004)
Impact of composted swine manure and tillage on common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) competition with soybean

Weed Science (2004) 52, 365-375
Matt Liebman, Fabián D. Menalled, Douglas D. Buhler, Thomas L. Richard, David N. Sundberg, Cynthia A. Cambardella and Keith A. Kohler (2004)
Impacts of composted swine manure on weed and corn nutrient uptake, growth, and seed production

Crop Science (2004) 44, 861-869
L.M. Duppong, K. Delate, M. Liebman, R. Horton, F. Romero, G. Kraus, J. Petrich and P.K. Chowdbury (2004)
The effect of natural mulches on crop performance, weed suppression and biochemical constituents of catnip and St. John's wort

Weed Science (2003) 51, 919-929
Adam S. Davis and Matt Liebman (2003)
Cropping system effects on giant foxtail (Setaria faberi) demography: I. Green manure and tillage timing

Weed Technology (2003) 17, 394-402
Lance R. Gibson and Matt Liebman (2003)
A laboratory exercise for teaching plant interference and relative growth rate concepts

Weed Science (2003) 51, 930-939
Adam S. Davis, Philip M. Dixon and Matt Liebman (2003)
Cropping system effects on giant foxtail (Setaria faberi) demography: II. Retrospective perturbation analysis

Weed Science (2002) 50, 521-529
Matt Liebman and Eric R. Gallandt (2002)
Differential responses to red clover residue and ammonium nitrate by common bean and wild mustard

Weed Science (2001) 49, 558-566
Adam S. Davis and Matt Liebman (2001)
Nitrogen source influences wild mustard growth and competitive effect on sweet corn

Weed Science (1998) 46, 238-248
E.R. Gallandt, M. Liebman, S. Corson, G.A. Porter and S.D. Ullrich (1998)
Effects of pest and soil management systems on weed dynamics in potato