Fabián D. Menalled
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Publications of Fabián D. Menalled (35 listed):
Weed Research (2022) 62, 38-48
Mary E. DuPre, Tim Seipel, Maryse Bourgault, Darin L. Boss and Fabian D. Menalled (2022)
Predicted climate conditions and cover crop composition modify weed communities in semiarid agroecosystems
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2019) 12, 150-154
Krista A. Ehlert, Zachariah Miller, Jane M. Mangold, Fabian Menalled and Alexandra Thornton (2019)
Temperature effects on three downy brome (Bromus tectorum) seed collections inoculated with the fungal pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda
Weed Research (2018) 58, 357-368
E.E. Burns, E.A. Lehnhoff, S.C. Mckenzie, B.D. Maxwell, W.E. Dyer and F.D. Menalled (2018)
You cannot fight fire with fire: a demographic model suggests alternative approaches to manage multiple herbicide-resistant Avena fatua
Weed Science (2018) 66, 540-547
Stacy Davis, Jane Mangold, Fabian Menalled, Noelle Orloff, Zach Miller and Erik Lehnhoff (2018)
A meta-analysis of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) management in annual and perennial systems
Plant Disease (2018) 102, 546-551
Nar B. Ranabhat, Tim Seipel, Erik A. Lehnhoff, Zach J. Miller, Karl E. Owen, Fabian D. Menalled and Mary E. Burrows (2018)
Temperature and alternative hosts influence Aceria tosichella infestation and Wheat streak mosaic virus infection
Pest Management Science (2018) 74, 2480-2487
Subodh Adhikari, Tim Seipel, Fabian D. Menalled and David K. Weaver (2018)
Farming system and wheat cultivar affect infestation of, and parasitism on, Cephus cinctus in the Northern Great Plains
Weed Science (2018) 66, 548-557
Stacy Davis, Jane Mangold, Fabian Menalled, Noelle Orloff, Zach Miller and Erik Lehnhoff (2018)
A meta-analysis of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) management
Weed Research (2017) 57, 6-15
S.P. Johnson, Z.J. Miller, E.A. Lehnhoff, P.R. Miller and F.D. Menalled (2017)
Cropping systems modify soil biota effects on wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and competitive ability
PLoS ONE (2015) 10 (2 - e0118111)
Ilai N. Keren, Fabian D. Menalled, David K. Weaver and James F. Robison-Cox (2015)
Interacting agricultural pests and their effect on crop yield: Application of a Bayesian decision theory approach to the joint management of Bromus tectorum and Cephus cinctus
Plant Disease (2015) 99, 1803-1807
Zachariah J. Miller, Erik A. Lehnhoff, Fabian D. Menalled and Mary Burrows (2015)
Effects of soil nitrogen and atmospheric carbon dioxide on Wheat streak mosaic virus and its vector (Aceria tosichella Kiefer)
Weed Research (2015) 55, 621-630
B.K. Keith, E.A. Lehnhoff, E.E. Burns, F.D. Menalled and W.E. Dyer (2015)
Characterisation of Avena fatua populations with resistance to multiple herbicides
Weed Research (2015) 55, 426-435
J. Barroso, Z.J. Miller, E.A. Lehnhoff, P.G. Hatfield and F.D. Menalled (2015)
Impacts of cropping system and management practices on the assembly of weed communities
Plant Disease (2015) 99, 1383-1389
Erik Lehnhoff, Zachariah Miller, Fabian Menalled, Dai Ito and Mary Burrows (2015)
Wheat and barley susceptibility and tolerance to multiple isolates of Wheat streak mosaic virus
Weed Research (2014) 54, 293-306
M. Liebman, Z.J. Miller, C.L. Williams, P.R. Westerman, P.M. Dixon, A. Heggenstaller, A.S. Davis, F.D. Menalled and D.N. Sundberg (2014)
Fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in three crop rotation systems
PLoS ONE (2013) 8 (5 - e64478)
Erik A. Lehnhoff, Barbara K. Keith, William E. Dyer and Fabian D. Menalled (2013)
Impact of biotic and abiotic stresses on the competitive ability of multiple herbicide resistant wild oat (Avena fatua)
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2013) 6, 87-98
L. Noelle Orloff, Jane M. Mangold and Fabian D. Menalled (2013)
Role of size and nitrogen in competition between annual and perennial grasses
Weed Research (2013) 53, 102-109
Z.J. Miller, F.D. Menalled and M. Burrows (2013)
Winter annual grassy weeds increase over-winter mortality in autumn-sown wheat
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2013) 6, 554-558
Jane Mangold, Hilary Parkinson, Celestine Duncan, Peter Rice, Ed Davis and Fabian Menalled (2013)
Downy brome (Bromus tectorum) control with imazapic on Montana grasslands
Agronomy Journal (2013) 105, 854-862
Erik A. Lehnhoff, Barbara K. Keith, William E. Dyer, Robert K. Peterson and Fabian Menalled (2013)
Multiple herbicide resistance in wild oat and impacts on physiology, germinability, and seed production
Weed Research (2013) 53, 192-200
N. Orloff, Z.J. Miller, F.D. Menalled, M.E. Burrows and J.M. Mangold (2013)
Joint effects of biotic and abiotic stressors on winter wheat suppression of Bromus tectorum
Journal of Entomological Science (2011) 46, 232-246
Marjolein Schat, Sharlene E. Sing, Robert K.D. Peterson, Fabian D. Menalled and David K. Weaver (2011)
Growth inhibition of Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (L.) Miller, in response to herbivory by the biological control agent Mecinus janthinus Germar
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91, 1027-1036
Joanna Sciegienka, Elai Keren and Fabian Menalled (2011)
Impact of root fragment dimension, weight, burial depth, and water regime on Cirsium arvense emergence and growth
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2011) 4, 151-158
Joanna K. Sciegienka, Elai N. Keren and Fabian D. Menalled (2011)
Interactions between two biological control agents and an herbicide for Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) suppression
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2011) 4, 58-65
Erik A. Lehnhoff, Fabian D. Menalled and Lisa J. Rew (2011)
Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) establishment in its most northern range
Weed Biology and Management (2009) 9, 160-168
Kristin S.B. Harbuck, Fabian D. Menalled and Fredric W. Pollnac (2009)
Impact of cropping systems on the weed seed banks in the northern Great Plains, USA
Weed Research (2009) 49, 242-250
F.W. Pollnac, B.D. Maxwell and F.D. Menalled (2009)
Weed community characteristics and crop performance: a neighbourhood approach
Weed Science (2007) 55, 606-612
Sharon S. White, Karen A. Renner, Fabian D. Menalled and Douglas A. Landis (2007)
Feeding preferences of weed seed predators and effect on weed emergence
Weed Biology and Management (2007) 7, 115-119
Fabián D. Menalled and Richard G. Smith (2007)
Competitiveness of herbicide-resistant and herbicide-susceptible kochia (Kochia scoparia [L.] Schrad.) under contrasting management practises
Journal of Applied Ecology (2006) 43, 999-1010
Andrew H. Heggenstaller, Fabian D. Menalled, Matt Liebman and Paula R. Westerman (2006)
Seasonal patterns in post-dispersal seed predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi in three cropping systems
Weed Technology (2005) 19, 784-789
Fabián D. Menalled, Douglas D. Buhler and Matt Liebman (2005)
Composted swine manure effects on germination and early growth of crop and weed species under greenhouse conditions
Weed Science (2005) 53, 382-392
Paula R. Westerman, Matt Liebman, Fabián D. Menalled, Andrew H. Heggenstaller, Robert G. Hartzler and Philip M. Dixon (2005)
Are many little hammers effective? Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) population dynamics in two- and four-year crop rotation systems
Weed Science (2004) 52, 365-375
Matt Liebman, Fabián D. Menalled, Douglas D. Buhler, Thomas L. Richard, David N. Sundberg, Cynthia A. Cambardella and Keith A. Kohler (2004)
Impacts of composted swine manure on weed and corn nutrient uptake, growth, and seed production
Weed Science (2004) 52, 605-613
Fabián D. Menalled, Matt Liebman and Matt Buhler (2004)
Impact of composted swine manure and tillage on common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) competition with soybean
The Great Lakes Entomologist (2001) 34, p. 77 (Menalled et al.)
Fabián D. Menalled, Jana C. Lee and Douglas A. Landis (2001)
Herbaceous filter strips in agroecosystems: Implications for ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) conservation and invertebrate weed seed predation
BioControl (1998) 43, 441-456
Fabián D. Menalled, Jana C. Lee and Douglas A. Landis (1998)
Manipulating carabid beetle abundance alters prey removal rates in corn fields