Category:Alphabaculovirus (genus - entomopathogens)
From Pestinfo-Wiki
Taxonomic position
For details see the description page for the genus Alphabaculovirus (entomopathogens).
Pages in category "Alphabaculovirus (genus - entomopathogens)"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- Alphabaculovirus alterchrincludentis (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus angemmatalis (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus aucalifonicae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus chofumiferanae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus chrincludentis (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus chrychalcites (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus eppostvittanae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus helarmigerae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus hycuneae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus lydisparis (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus mabrassicae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus orpseudotsugatae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus spexemptae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus spexiguae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus splittoralis (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus spliturae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus spofrugiperdae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus thorichlaceae (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus trini (entomopathogen)
- Alphabaculovirus wisignatae (entomopathogen)