Angelo Porta-Puglia
The following data have been transferred from the database of scientists of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI):
Angelo Porta-Puglia
last recorded affiliation:
Department of Plant health
Research and Development Centre
Department of Agriculture
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
- remarks:
research on plant pathogenic fungi
Publications of Angelo Porta-Puglia (28 listed):
Plant Pathology (2008) 57, 612-622
L. Riccioni, A. Inman, H.A. Magnus, M. Valvassori, A. Porta-Puglia, G. Conca, G. Di Giambattista, K. Hughes, M. Coates, R. Bowyer, A. Barnes, C.E. Sansford, J. Razzaghian, A. Prince and G.L. Peterson (2008)
Susceptibility of European bread and durum wheat cultivars to Tilletia indica
Plant Pathology (2008) 57, 290-300
A. Inman, H.A. Magnus, L. Riccioni, K. Hughes, M. Coates, A. Barnes, V. Barton, C. Sansford, M. Valvassori, G. Di Giambattista, A. Porta-Puglia, J. Razzaghian and G. Peterson (2008)
Survival of Tilletia indica teliospores under European soil conditions
Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. 227 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2006)
First record of powdery scab caused by Spongospora subterranea subsp. subterranea on potato in Malta
Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. 228 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2006)
First record of Colletotrichum acutatum on strawberry in Malta
Plant Disease (2006) 90, p. 1108 (Pace-Lupi et al.)
T.G. Pace-Lupi, A. Porta-Puglia, A. Ippolito and F. Nigro (2006)
First record of Verticillium dahliae on potato in Malta
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 116, 167-170
Luca Riccioni, Marco Valvassori, Giuseppe Di Giambattista and Angelo Porta-Puglia (2006)
Emmer wheat, a potential new host of Tilletia indica
Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. 124 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2006)
First record of downy mildew caused by Peronospora sp. on basil in Malta
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 149 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2005)
First record of Verticillium dahliae on olive in Malta
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2005) 44, 319-321
Angelo Porta-Puglia, Robert Tanti and David Mifsud (2005)
A severe outbreak of crown and root rot of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici in Malta
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 150 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2005)
First record of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici in Malta
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 245 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia and D. Mifsud (2005)
First record of Colletotrichum coccodes on potato in Malta
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2004) 43, 318-324
Aïcha Bouhassan, Mohammed Sadiki, Bernard Tivoli and Angelo Porta-Puglia (2004)
Influence of growth stage and leaf age on expression of the components of partial resistance of faba bean to Botrytis fabae Sard.
Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 308 (Pucci et al.)
N. Pucci, A. Infantino, G. Conca, G. Di Giambattista and A. Porta-Puglia (2003)
Four-year monitoring of the mycoflora on wheat grains in Italy
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 292 (Haegi et al.)
A. Haegi, A. Infantino and A. Porta-Puglia (2003)
Study of Pyrenophora graminea pathogenicity genes by homology-based reverse genetics
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 300 (Riccioni et al.)
L. Riccioni, G. Di Giambattista, M. Valvassori, R. Malta and A. Porta-Puglia (2003)
Fungi associated with root rot of a lentil landrace from Sicily
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 304 (Aragona et al.)
M. Aragona, A. Infantino, A. Brunetti, E. Lahoz, A. Oliva and A. Porta-Puglia (2003)
Genetic variability of Italian isolates of Pyrenochaeta lycopersici
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, p. 197 (Valvassori et al.)
M. Valvassori, L. Riccioni, A. Inman, K. Hughes, G. Conca, G. Di Giambattista and A. Porta-Puglia (2002)
Survival of Tilletia indica teliospores in soil in Italy
IX Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, 19-25
O. Métoui, A. Porta-Puglia, M. Marrakchi, M. Kharrat and R. Angelini (2002)
The Vicia faba diamine oxidase system and its role in response to Ascochyta fabae and to wounding
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, p. 183 (Haegi et al.)
A. Haegi, P.A. Lazzeri and A. Porta-Puglia (2002)
Detoxification of the toxin produced by Pyrenophora graminea in gusa lines of barley
IX Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture (2002) 42, 557-563
L. Pecetti, E. Piano, L. Riccioni, A.M. Carroni and A. Porta-Puglia (2002)
Response of Italian elite subterranean clover genotype to Fusarium avenaceum and Fusarium oxysporum under artificial conditions
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, p. 184 (Lahoz et al.)
E. Lahoz, A. Infantino, A. Carella and A. Porta-Puglia (2002)
Efficacy of a Penicillium oxalicum isolate in the biological control of Pyrenochaeta lycopersici (corky root) on tomato
IX Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 23, 115-121
J.A. Wrather, T.R. Anderson, D.M. Arsyad, Y. Tan, L.D. Ploper, A. Porta-Puglia, H.H. Ram and J.T. Yorinori (2001)
Soybean disease loss estimates for the top ten soybean-producing countries in 1998
Plant Disease (2001) 85, p. 1210 (Porta-Puglia et al.)
A. Porta-Puglia, N. Pucci, G. Di Giambattista and A. Infantino (2001)
First report of Rhizopycnis vagum associated with tomato roots in Italy
Plant Pathology (1999) 48, 230-234
M.S.A. Khan, M.D. Ramsey, R. Corbiere, A. Infantino, A. Porta-Puglia, Z. Bouznad and E.S. Scott (1999)
Ascochyta blight of chickpea in Australia: identification, pathogenicity and mating type
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 105, 831-834
M. Aragona and A. Porta-Puglia (1999)
Identification of resistance to barley leaf stripe using a Pyrenophora graminea transformant expressing beta-glucuronidase
Plant Pathology (1998) 47, 657-664
G. Vale, M. Aragona, E. Torrigiani, L. Cattivelli, M. Montigiani, A.M. Stanca and A. Porta-Puglia (1998)
Characterization of a hypovirulent insertional mutant of Pyrenophora graminea and analysis of the barley defence response after inoculation
Plant Disease (1997) 81, 107-110
J.A. Wrather, T.R. Anderson, D.M. Arsyad, J. Gai, L.D. Ploper, A. Porta-Puglia, H.H. Ram and J.T. Yorinori (1997)
Soybean disease loss estimates for the top 10 soybean producing countries in 1994
Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (1995) 143, 601-607
C. Fischer, A. Porta-Puglia and W. Barz (1995)
RAPD analysis of pathogenic variability in Ascochyta rabiei