Forest Pathology (2002)
Articles of Forest Pathology entered for 2002:
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 5-18
M.E. Sánchez, P. Caetano, J. Ferraz and A. Trapero (2002)
Phytophthora disease of Quercus ilex in south-western Spain
Forest Pathology 32 (1), p. 5
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 19-28
A.M. Vettraino, G.P. Barzanti, M.C. Bianco, A. Ragazzi, P. Capretti, E. Paoletti, N. Luisi, N. Anselmi and A. Vannini (2002)
Occurrence of Phytophthora species in oak stands in Italy and their association with declining oak trees
Forest Pathology 32 (1), p. 19
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 29-41
D. Piou, C. Delatour and B. Marçais (2002)
Hosts and distribution of Collybia fusipes in France and factors related to the disease's severity
Forest Pathology 32 (1), p. 29
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 43-53
C. Piagnani, G. Assante, P. Scalisi and G. Zocchi (2002)
Growth and physiological responses of chestnut calli to crude extracts of virulent and hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica
Forest Pathology 32 (1), p. 43
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 55-70
A. Solla, F. Tomlinson and S. Woodward (2002)
Penetration of Picea sitchensis root bark by Armillaria mellea, Armillaria ostoyae and Heterobasidion annosum
Forest Pathology 32 (1), p. 55
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 73-85
E.P. Hogan and G.J. Griffin (2002)
Spread of Cryphonectria hypovirus1 into 45 vegetative compatibility types of Cryphonectria parasitica on grafted American chestnut trees
Forest Pathology 32 (2), p. 73
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 87-97
T. Hunter, L. Peacock, H. Turner and P. Brain (2002)
Effect of plantation design on stem-infecting form of rust in willow biomass coppice
Forest Pathology 32 (2), p. 87
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 99-107
D.J. Morrison and K.W. Pellow (2002)
Variation in virulence among isolates of Armillaria ostoyae
Forest Pathology 32 (2), p. 99
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 109-121
S.J. Kay, A. Ah Chee, P.O. Sale, J.T. Taylor, E. Hadar, Y. Hadar and R.L. Farrell (2002)
Variation among New Zealand isolates of Sphaeropsis sapinea
Forest Pathology 32 (2), p. 109
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 123-134
A. Solla and L. Gil (2002)
Xylem vessel diameter as a factor in resistance of Ulmus minor to Ophiostoma novo-ulmi
Forest Pathology 32 (2), p. 123
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 137-144
B. Metzler, E. Meierjohann, E. Kublin and G. Von Wühlisch (2002)
Spatial dispersal of Nectria ditissima canker of beech in an international provenance trial
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 137
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 145-152
J.C. Stanosz and G.R. Stanosz (2002)
A medium to enhance identification of Septoria musiva from poplar cankers
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 145
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 153-161
S. Lee, S.H. Kim and C. Breuil (2002)
The use of the green fluorescent protein as a biomarker for sapstain fungi
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 153
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 163-178
K.M. Barry, N.W. Davies and C.L. Mohammed (2002)
Effect of season and different fungi on phenolics in response to xylem wounding and inoculation in Eucalyptus nitens
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 163
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 179-191
J-C. Streito, Ph. Legrand, F. Tabary and G. Jarnouen De Villartay (2002)
Phytophthora disease of alder (Alnus glutinosa) in France: investigations between 1995 and 1999
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 179
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 193-196
J.-C. Streito, G. Jarnouen De Villartay and F. Tabary (2002)
Methods for isolating the alder Phytophthora
Forest Pathology 32 (3), p. 193
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 197-205
T.T. Tuomivirta, A. Uotila and J. Hantula (2002)
Two independent double-stranded RNA patterns occur in the Finnish Gremmeniella abietina var. abietina type A
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 197
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 207-212
J. Witzell and A. Karlsson (2002)
Anisogramma virgultorum on saplings of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in a district of northern Sweden
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 207
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 225-230
T. Schröder, R. Kehr and A. Hüttermann (2002)
First report of the seed-pathogen Geniculodendron pyriforme, the imperfect state of the ascomycete Caloscypha fulgens, on imported conifer seeds in Germany
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 225
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 231-239
J. Hantula, A. Lilja and A.-M. Veijalainen (2002)
Polymerase chain reaction primers for the detection of Ceratobasidium bicorne (uninucleate Rhizoctonia)
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 231
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 241-247
E. Feci, A. Battisti, P. Capretti and S. Tegli (2002)
An association between the fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea and the cone bug Gastrodes grossipes in cones of Pinus nigra in Italy
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 241
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 249-264
M. Pilotti, V. Ponzio and E. Motta (2002)
Disorders of Platanus acerifolia in Italy associated with Fusarium solani
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 249
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 265-275
A. Sfalanga, M. Martini, G. Surico and A. Bertaccini (2002)
Involvement of phytoplasmas in a decline of Ulmus chenmoui in Central Italy
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 265
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 277-307
F.M. Thomas, R. Blank and G. Hartmann (2002)
Abiotic and biotic factors and their interactions as causes of oak decline in Central Europe
Forest Pathology 32 (4-5), p. 277
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 309-329
G.C. Adams, N.-T. Wu and B.E. Eisenberg (2002)
Virulence and double-stranded RNA in Sphaeropsis sapinea
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 309
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 331-344
E.P. Hogan and G.J. Griffin (2002)
Incomplete movement of Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 within a vegetative compatibility type of Cryphonectria parasitica in natural cankers on grafted American chestnut trees
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 331
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 345-356
Y.-C. Liu, M.L. Double, W.L. MacDonald and Michael G. Milgroom (2002)
Persistence of Cryphonectria hypoviruses after their release for biological control of chestnut blight in West Virginia forests
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 345
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 357-363
R. Berges and E. Seemüller (2002)
Impact of phytoplasma infection of common alder (Alnus glutinosa) depends on strain virulence
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 357
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 365-372
M.C. Rodríguez-Molina, L.M. Torres-Vila, A. Blanco-Santos, E.J. Palo Núñez and E. Torres-Álvarez (2002)
Viability of holm and cork oak seedlings from acorns sown in soils naturally infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 365
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 373-377
H. Solheim and J.-O. Skage (2002)
Losses caused by the needle blight fungus Delphinella abietis in a greenery trial of Nobel fir in western Norway
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 373
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 379-386
B. Samils, U. Lagercrantz and U. Gullberg (2002)
Genetic relationships among genetically distinct forms of Melampsora larici-epitea and related species based on AFLP data
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 379
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 387-394
K. Przybyl (2002)
Fungi associated with necrotic apical parts of Fraxinus excelsior shoots
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 387
Forest Pathology (2002) 32, 395-402
S.W. van Heerden and M.J. Wingfield (2002)
Effect of environment on the response of Eucalyptus clones to inoculation with Cryphonectria cubensis
Forest Pathology 32 (6), p. 395