Marlene V. Jaspers

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The following data have been transferred from the database of scientists of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI):

Dr. Marlene V. Jaspers
last affiliation:
Plant Pathology
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Ecology
Lincoln University
P.O. Box 84
Lincoln 7647
New Zealand

Research on: grape diseases, particularly Petri disease, Cylindrocarpon black foot, Botryosphaeria diseases and Botrytis rot; Spilocaea leaf spot of olives; asparagus viruses.

Publications of Marlene V. Jaspers (51 listed):

Journal of Applied Microbiology (2022) 132, 3771-3782
K.M. Shanika Tennakoon, Hayley J. Ridgway, Marlene V. Jaspers and E. Eirian Jones (2022)
Influence of blueberry tissue type, wounding and cultivar on susceptibility to infection by Neofusicoccum species

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2021) 160, 973-981
A.M. Herath Mudiyanselage, E.E. Jones, M.V. Jaspers, M. Walter and H.J. Ridgway (2021)
A one step nested PCR method for detection of Peronospora sparsa, the downy mildew pathogen, in boysenberry (Rubus ursinus)

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 153, 651-656
Anusara M. Herath Mudiyanselage, Hayley J. Ridgway, Monika Walter, Marlene V. Jaspers and E. Eirian Jones (2019)
Heat and fungicide treatments reduce Peronospora sparsa systemic infection in boysenberry tissue culture

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 153, 1067-1081
A. Shafi, H.J. Ridgway, M.V. Jaspers and E.E. Jones (2019)
Factors influencing virulence and conidial production of Neofusicoccum species on grapevine shoots

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 154, 405-421
Chantal M. Probst, Hayley J. Ridgway, Marlene V. Jaspers and E. Eirian Jones (2019)
Pathogenicity of Ilyonectria liriodendri and Dactylonectria macrodidyma propagules in grapevines

Australasian Plant Pathology (2019) 48, 75-84
K.M. S. Tennakoon, Hayley J. Ridgway, Marlene V. Jaspers, Geoff Langford and E. Eirian Jones (2019)
Evaluation of fungicide efficacy against Neofusicoccum species causing dieback disease of blueberries in New Zealand

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 151, 87-99
K.M. S. Tennakoon, Hayley J. Ridgway, Marlene V. Jaspers and E. Eirian Jones (2018)
Factors affecting Neofusicoccum ribis infection and disease progression in blueberry

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 150, 363-374
K.M. S. Tennakoon, Hayley J. Ridgway, Marlene V. Jaspers and E. Eirian Jones (2018)
Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with blueberry dieback and sources of primary inoculum in propagation nurseries in New Zealand

Plant Pathology (2017) 66, 268-276
J. Baskarathevan, E.E. Jones, M.V. Jaspers and H.J. Ridgway (2017)
High genetic and virulence diversity detected in Neofusicoccum luteum and N. australe populations in New Zealand vineyards

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2016) 144, 811-820
Marlene V. Jaspers, Alison M. Seyb, Michael C.T. Trought and Rengasamy Balasubramaniam (2016)
Necrotic grapevine material from the current season is a source of Botrytis cinerea inoculum

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 1142-1152
J. Sammonds, M.V. Jaspers and E.E. Jones (2016)
Pre-infection processes of Botryosphaeriaceae spp.: adhesion of conidia to different substrata

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2015) 141, 267-279
R. Billones-Baaijens, H.J. Ridgway, E.E. Jones and M.V. Jaspers (2015)
Spatial distribution of Neofusicoccum species within a rootstock mother vine indicates potential infection pathways

Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2015) 54, 355-367
Regina Billones-Baaijens, Marlene Jaspers, Alix Allard, Yingdi Hong, Hayley Ridgway and Eirian Jones (2015)
Management of Botryosphaeriaceae species infection in grapevine propagation materials

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2015) 142, 173-183
Marlene V. Jaspers, Peter G. Falloon and Michael N. Pearson (2015)
Seed and pollen transmission of Asparagus virus 2

Australasian Plant Pathology (2014) 43, 547-556
N.T. Amponsah, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2014)
Factors affecting Neofusicoccum luteum infection and disease progression in grapevines

Australasian Plant Pathology (2014) 43, 25-31
R. Billones-Baaijens, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2014)
Susceptiblity of common rootstock and scion varieties of grapevines to Botryosphaeriaceae species

Plant Pathology (2014) 63, 613-624
B. Pathrose, E.E. Jones, M.V. Jaspers and H.J. Ridgway (2014)
High genotypic and virulence diversity in Ilyonectria liriodendri isolates associated with black foot disease in New Zealand vineyards

Australasian Plant Pathology (2013) 42, 103-109
S.F. Chng, A. Stewart, M.G. Cromey, S.L. Dodd, R.C. Butler and M.V. Jaspers (2013)
Effects of different rates of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici inoculum for detecting take-all suppression in soils

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 135, 175-185
R. Billones-Baaijens, H.J. Ridgway, E.E. Jones, R.H. Cruickshank and M.V. Jaspers (2013)
Prevalence and distribution of Botryosphaeriaceae species in New Zealand grapevine nurseries

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 1214-1225
R. Billones-Baaijens, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2013)
Virulence affected by assay parameters during grapevine pathogenicity studies with Botryosphaeriaceae nursery isolates

Australasian Plant Pathology (2013) 42, 163-168
Friday O. Obanor, Monika Walter, E. Eirian Jones and Marlene V. Jaspers (2013)
Efficacy of systemic acquired resistance inducers in olive leaf spot management

Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2013) 52, 347-358
Carolyn Bleach, Eirian Jones, Hayley Ridgway and Marlene Jaspers (2013)
Hot water treatment to reduce incidence of black foot pathogens in young grapevines grown in cool climates

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 501-509
J. Baskarathevan, M.V. Jaspers, E.E. Jones and H.J. Ridgway (2013)
Development of isolate-specific markers for Neofusicoccum parvum and N. luteum and their use to study rainwater splash dispersal in the vineyard

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 130-138
M.V. Jaspers, A.M. Seyb, M.C.T. Trought and R. Balasubramaniam (2013)
Overwintering grapevine debris as an important source of Botrytis cinerea inoculum

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 1113 (Lob et al.)
S. Lob, M.V. Jaspers, H.J. Ridgway and E.E. Jones (2013)
First report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa as a stem canker pathogen of brassicas in New Zealand

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 135, 159-174
R. Billones-Baaijens, H.J. Ridgway, E.E. Jones and M.V. Jaspers (2013)
Inoculum sources of Botryosphaeriaceae species in New Zealand grapevine nurseries

Plant Pathology (2012) 61, 719-729
N.T. Amponsah, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2012)
Susceptibility of grapevine tissues to Neofusicoccum luteum conidial infection

Australasian Plant Pathology (2012) 41, 665-673
N.T. Amponsah, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2012)
Microscopy of some interactions between Botryosphaeriaceae species and grapevine tissues

Plant Disease (2012) 96, p. 144 (Jones et al.)
E.E. Jones, D.S. Brown, C.M. Bleach, B. Pathrose, C. Barclay, M.V. Jaspers and H.J. Ridgway (2012)
First report of Cylindrocladiella parva as a grapevine pathogen in New Zealand

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2012) 132, 549-560
Jeyaseelan Baskarathevan, Marlene V. Jaspers, E. Eirian Jones and Hayley J. Ridgway (2012)
Incidence and distribution of botryosphaeriaceous species in New Zealand vineyards

Australasian Plant Pathology (2012) 41, 157-163
C. Probst, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2012)
Cylindrocarpon black foot in nurseries - two factors that can increase infection

Pest Management Science (2012) 68, 676-683
Nicholas T. Amponsah, Eirian Jones, Hayley J. Ridgway and Marlene V. Jaspers (2012)
Evaluation of fungicides for the management of Botryosphaeria dieback diseases of grapevines

Plant Pathology (2011) 60, 1118-1127
H.J. Ridgway, N.T. Amponsah, D.S. Brown, J. Baskarathevan, E.E. Jones and M.V. Jaspers (2011)
Detection of botryosphaeriaceous species in environmental samples using a multi-species primer pair

Plant Pathology (2011) 60, 190-199
F.O. Obanor, M. Walter, E.E. Jones and M.V. Jaspers (2011)
Effects of temperature, inoculum concentration, leaf age, and continuous and interrupted wetness on infection of olive plants by Spilocaea oleaginea

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2011) 131, 467-482
Nicholas T. Amponsah, E. Eirian Jones, Hayley J. Ridgway and Marlene V. Jaspers (2011)
Identification, potential inoculum sources and pathogenicity of botryosphaeriaceous species associated with grapevine dieback disease in New Zealand

Australasian Plant Pathology (2010) 39, 508-516
Friday O. Obanor, Monika Walter, E. Eirian Jones, Judith Candy and Marlene V. Jaspers (2010)
Genetic variation in Spilocaea oleagina populations from New Zealand olive groves

Plant Disease (2010) 94, p. 1504 (Billones et al.)
R.G. Billones, H.J. Ridgway, E.E. Jones and M.V. Jaspers (2010)
First report of Neofusicoccum macroclavatum as a canker pathogen of grapevine in New Zealand

Plant Disease (2010) 94, p. 1168 (Trivedi et al.)
R.S. Trivedi, J.G. Hampton, J.M. Townshend, M.V. Jaspers and H.J. Ridgway (2010)
First report of Alternaria carotiincultae on carrot seed produced in New Zealand

Australasian Plant Disease Notes (2009) 4, 6-8
N.T. Amponsah, E.E. Jones, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2009)
First report of Neofusicoccum australe [Botryosphaeria australis], a cause of grapevine dieback in New Zealand

Australasian Plant Pathology (2009) 38, 183-192
S.D. Card, M. Walter, M.V. Jaspers, A. Sztejnberg and A. Stewart (2009)
Targeted selection of antagonistic microorganisms for control of Botrytis cinerea of strawberry in New Zealand

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 120, 211-222
Friday O. Obanor, Monika Walter, E. Eirian Jones and Marlene V. Jaspers (2008)
Effect of temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness and leaf age on Spilocaea oleagina conidium germination on olive leaves

Journal of Insect Science (2007) 7 (28), p. 35 (Schmidt et al.)
K. Schmidt, S.D. Wratten, D.A.J. Teulon, M.V. Jaspers and R.E. Beever (2007)
Population dynamics of the New Zealand flower thrips (Thrips obscuratus) and possible consequences for the incidence of Botrytis bunch rot in grapes
VIII International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Tospoviruses, September 11-15, 2005, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A.

Australasian Plant Pathology (2007) 36, 198-203
S.A. Whiteman, A. Stewart, H.J. Ridgway and M.V. Jaspers (2007)
Infection of rootstock mother-vines by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora results in infected young grapevines

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 114, 317-328
Tripti Singh, Bernhard Kreber, Adya Singh, Alison Stewart and Marlene Jaspers (2006)
Microscopic, biochemical and physiological assessment of the effect of methylene bisthiocyanate on the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma floccosum

Australasian Plant Pathology (2005) 34, 319-325
R.F. van Toor, H.J. Ridgway, R.C. Butler, M.V. Jaspers and A. Stewart (2005)
Assessment of genetic diversity in isolates of Ciborinia camelliae Kohn from New Zealand and the United States of America

Australasian Plant Pathology (2005) 34, 525-531
R.F. van Toor, J.M. Pay, M.V. Jaspers and A. Stewart (2005)
Evaluation of phylloplane microorganisms for biological control of camellia flower blight

Mycologia (2004) 96, 1245-1252
Johanna M. Steyaert, Alison Stewart, Marlene V. Jaspers, Margaret Carpenter and Hayley J. Ridgway (2004)
Co-expression of two genes, a chitinase (chit42) and proteinase (prb1), implicated in mycoparasitism by Trichoderma hamatum

Australasian Plant Pathology (2002) 31, 401-407
S.A. Wakelin, M. Walter, M. Jaspers and A. Stewart (2002)
Biological control of Aphanomyces euteiches root-rot of pea with spore-forming bacteria

Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2001) 40, S453-S458
Marlene V. Jaspers (2001)
Effect of fungicides, in vitro, on germination and growth of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora

Australasian Plant Pathology (2001) 30, 21-25
M. Walter, M.V. Jaspers, K. Eade, C.M. Frampton and A. Stewart (2001)
Control of Botrytis cinerea in grape using thyme oil

Annals of Applied Biology (1999) 135, 379-384
M.V. Jaspers, P.G. Falloon and M.N. Pearson (1999)
Long-term effects of Asparagus virus 2 infection on growth and productivity in asparagus