Theodore M. Webster

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Publications of Theodore M. Webster (60 listed):

Weed Technology (2018) 32, 385-391
W. Carroll Johnson III, Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey and Xuelin Luo (2018)
Managing cool-season weeds in sugarbeet grown for biofuel in the southeastern United States

Weed Technology (2018) 32, 726-732
W. Carroll Johnson, Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey and Xuelin Luo (2018)
Cultivation and reduced-rate herbicides weed control in sugarbeet grown for biofuel

Weed Science (2017) 65, 97-106
Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey and Jason A. Ferrell (2017)
Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) tuber production and viability are reduced by imazapic

Invasive Plant Science and Management (2015) 8, 393-400
Timothy L. Grey, Theodore M. Webster, Xiao Li, William Anderson and George S. Cutts III (2015)
Evaluation of control of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum) with tillage and herbicides

Weed Science (2015) 63, 928-935
Sarah T. Berger, Jason A. Ferrell, Diane L. Rowland and Theodore M. Webster (2015)
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) competition for water in cotton

Weed Science (2015) 63, 264-272
Theodore M. Webster and Timothy L. Grey (2015)
Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) morphology, growth, and seed production in Georgia

Plant Disease (2014) 98, p. 1423 (Dutta et al.)
B. Dutta, T. Ingram, R.D. Gitaitis, D.B. Langston, T. Brenneman, T.M. Webster and R.F. Davis (2014)
First report of bacterial blight of sugar beet caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata in Georgia, USA

Annals of Applied Biology (2014) 165, 147-154
L.M. Sosnoskie, T.M. Webster, T.L. Grey and A.S. Culpepper (2014)
Severed stems of Amaranthus palmeri are capable of regrowth and seed production in Gossypium hirsutum

Weed Science (2014) 62, 637-646
Theodore M. Webster and Timothy L. Grey (2014)
Halosulfuron reduced purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) tuber production and viability

Weed Technology (2014) 28, 552-559
Timothy L. Grey, Fred S. Turpin II, Lenny Wells and Theodore M. Webster (2014)
A survey of weeds and herbicides in Georgia pecan

Agronomy Journal (2014) 106, 925-930
Austin L. Grimshaw, Brian M. Schwartz, Timothy L. Grey, Patrick E. McCullough, Paul L. Raymer, Theodore M. Webster, A.R. Kowalewski, Trent M. Tate and Wayne A. Parrott (2014)
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase herbicide tolerance in bermudagrass

Weed Science (2013) 61, 283-288
Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Theodore M. Webster and A. Stanley Culpepper (2013)
Glyphosate resistance does not affect Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) seedbank longevity

Weed Technology (2013) 27, 12-27
Sarah M. Ward, Theodore M. Webster and Larry E. Steckel (2013)
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri): A review

Weed Technology (2013) 27, 735-740
Xiao Li, Timothy L. Grey, Brian H. Blanchett, R. Dewey Lee, Theodore M. Webster and William K. Vencill (2013)
Tolerance evaluation of vegetatively established Miscanthus × giganteus to herbicides

Weed Science (2013) 61, 126-130
Rebekah D. Wallace, Timothy L. Grey, Theodore M. Webster and William K. Vencill (2013)
Increased purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) tuber sprouting with diurnally fluctuating temperatures

Weed Science (2012) 60, 75-80
Mercy H. Sabila, Timothy L. Grey, Theodore M. Webster, William K. Vencill and Donn G. Shilling (2012)
Evaluation of factors that influence Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) seed germination and emergence

Weed Science (2012) 60, 366-373
Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Theodore M. Webster, Jeremy M. Kichler, Andrew W. MacRae, Timothy L. Grey and A. Stanley Culpepper (2012)
Pollen-mediated dispersal of glyphosate-resistance in Palmer amaranth under field conditions

Weed Science (2012) 60, S2-S30
William K. Vencill, Robert L. Nichols, Theodore M. Webster, John K. Soteres, Carol Mallory-Smith, Nilda R. Burgos, William G. Johnson and Marilyn R. McClelland (2012)
Herbicide resistance: Toward an understanding of resistance development and the impact of herbicide-resistant crops

Weed Science (2012) 60, 145-157
Theodore M. Webster and Robert L. Nichols (2012)
Changes in the prevalence of weed species in the major agronomic crops of the Southern United States: 1994/1995 to 2008/2009

Weed Science (2012) 60, S31-S62
Jason K. Norsworthy, Sarah M. Ward, David R. Shaw, Rick S. Llewellyn, Robert L. Nichols, Theodore M. Webster, Kevin W. Bradley, George Frisvold, Stephen B. Powles, Nilda R. Burgos, William W. Witt and Michael Barrett (2012)
Reducing the risks of herbicide resistance: Best management practices and recommendations

Weed Science (2012) 60, 589-592
Mandeep K. Riar, Theodore M. Webster, Barry J. Brecke, David L. Jordan, Michael G. Burton, Darcy P. Telenko and Thomas W. Rufty (2012)
Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) seed viability in soil

Weed Technology (2012) 26, 300-303
Patrick E. McCullough, Brian M. Schwartz, Timothy Grey and Theodore Webster (2012)
Preemergence herbicides influence sprig establishment of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass

Weed Science (2011) 59, 255-262
George S. Cutts III, Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey, William K. Vencill, R. Dewey Lee, R. Scott Tubbs and William F. Anderson (2011)
Herbicide effect on napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum) control

Agronomy Journal (2011) 103, 813-821
P. Timper, R.F. Davis, T.M. Webster, T.B. Brenneman, S.L.F. Meyer, I.A. Zasada, G. Cai and C.P. Rice (2011)
Response of root-knot nematodes and Palmer amaranth to tillage and rye green manure

Weed Science (2010) 58, 73-79
Theodore M. Webster and Lynn M. Sosnoskie (2010)
Loss of glyphosate efficacy: A changing weed spectrum in Georgia cotton

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2010) 107, 1029-1034
Todd A. Gaines, Wenli Zhang, Dafu Wang, Bekir Bukun, Stephen T. Chisholm, Dale L. Shaner, Scott J. Nissen, William L. Patzoldt, Patrick J. Tranel, A. Stanley Culpepper, Timothy L. Grey, Theodore M. Webster, William K. Vencill, R. Douglas Sammons, Jiming Jiang, Christopher Preston, Jan E. Leach and Philip Westra (2010)
Gene amplification confers glyphosate resistance in Amaranthus palmeri

Weed Science (2009) 57, 404-409
L.M. Sosnoskie, T.M. Webster, D. Dales, G.C. Rains, T.L. Grey and A.S. Culpepper (2009)
Pollen grain size, density, and settling velocity for Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)

Weed Technology (2009) 23, 214-220
Aaron M. Wise, Timothy L. Grey, Eric P. Prostko, William K. Vencill and Theodore M. Webster (2009)
Establishing the geographical distribution and level of acetolactate synthase resistance of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) accessions in Georgia

Weed Science (2009) 57, 81-86
Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey, J. Timothy Flanders and A. Stanley Culpepper (2009)
Cotton planting date affects the critical period of Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) control

Weed Science (2009) 57, 603-612
Russell H. Goddard, Theodore M. Webster, Richard Carter and Timothy L. Grey (2009)
Resistance of Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) seeds to harsh environments and the implications for dispersal by mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) in Georgia, U.S.A.

Weed Science (2009) 57, 261-270
Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Catherine P. Herms, John Cardina and Theodore M. Webster (2009)
Seedbank and emerged weed communities following adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops in a long-term tillage and rotation study

Weed Science (2008) 56, 735-742
Theodore M. Webster, Timothy L. Grey, Jerry W. Davis and A Stanley Culpepper (2008)
Glyphosate hinders purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) tuber production

Weed Science (2008) 56, 561-566
Theodore M. Webster and Timothy L. Grey (2008)
Growth and reproduction of benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) in response to drought stress

Journal of Insect Science (2007) 7 (28), 19-20
N. Martinez-Ochoa, S.W. Mullis, A.S. Csinos, T.M. Webster and P. Bertrand (2007)
Natural infections of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) found in weeds around tobacco fields in Georgia
VIII International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Tospoviruses, September 11-15, 2005, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A.

Weed Science (2007) 55, 143-146
Theodore M. Webster and Richard F. Davis (2007)
Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) affects common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) interference with cotton

Weed Science (2007) 55, 359-364
Theodore M. Webster, Wilson H. Faircloth, J. Timothy Flanders, Eric P. Prostko and Timothy L. Grey (2007)
The critical period of bengal dayflower (Commelina bengalensis) control in peanut

Weed Technology (2006) 20, 682-687
Jason A. Ferrell, Tim R. Murphy and Theodore M. Webster (2006)
Using preemergence herbicides to improve establishment of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) from seed

Weed Science (2006) 54, 1137-1141
R.F. Davis, T.M. Webster and T.B. Brenneman (2006)
Host status of tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis) for nematodes

Weed Science (2006) 54, 620-626
A. Stanley Culpepper, Timothy L. Grey, William K. Vencill, Jeremy M. Kichler, Theodore M. Webster, Steve M. Brown, Alan C. York, Jerry W. Davis and Wayne W. Hanna (2006)
Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) confirmed in Georgia

Weed Science (2005) 53, 834-838
Theodore M. Webster (2005)
Mulch type affects growth and tuber production of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus)

HortScience (2005) 40, 707-710
Theodore M. Webster and A. Stanley Culpepper (2005)
Halosulfuron has a variable effect on cucurbit growth and yield

Weed Technology (2005) 19, 501-508
Theodore M. Webster, Michael G. Burton, A. Stanley Culpepper, Alan C. York and Eric P. Prostko (2005)
Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis): A tropical invader threatens agroecosystems of the southern United States

Weed Science (2005) 53, 839-845
Theodore M. Webster (2005)
Patch expansion of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) with and without polyethylene mulch

HortScience (2005) 40, 1796-1800
Theodore Webster and A. Culpepper (2005)
Eggplant tolerance to halosulfuron applied through drip irrigation

Plant Disease (2004) 88, p. 771 (Martinez-Ochoa et al.)
N. Martínez-Ochoa, S.W. Mullis, A.S. Csinos and T.M. Webster (2004)
First report of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and purple nutsedge (C. rotundus) in Georgia naturally infected with impatiens necrotic spot virus

Weed Technology (2004) 18, 432-436
A. Stanley Culpepper, J.T. Flanders, Alan C. York and Theodore M. Webster (2004)
Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis) control in glyphosate-resistant cotton

Weed Science (2004) 52, 185-200
Theodore M. Webster and John Cardina (2004)
A review of the biology and ecology of Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum)

Weed Science (2003) 51, 569-575
Theodore M. Webster, John Cardina and Anthony D. White (2003)
Weed seed rain, soil seedbanks, and seedling recruitment in no-tillage crop rotations

Weed Science (2003) 51, 1010-1015
Theodore M. Webster (2003)
High temperatures and durations of exposure reduce nutsedge (Cyperus spp.) tuber viability

Weed Technology (2003) 17, 173-176
Theodore M. Webster, A. Stanley Culpepper and W. Carroll Johnson III (2003)
Response of squash and cucumber cultivars to halosulfuron

Weed Technology (2003) 17, 509-515
Theodore M. Webster, Craig W. Bednarz and Wayne W. Hanna (2003)
Sensitivity of triploid hybrid bermudagrass cultivars and common bermudagrass to postemergence herbicides

Weed Technology (2001) 15, 387-395
W. Carroll Johnson III and Theodore M. Webster (2001)
A modified power tiller for metham application on cucurbit crops transplanted to polyethylene-covered seedbeds

Weed Science (2000) 48, 728-733
Theodore M. Webster (2000)
Spatial and temporal expansion patterns of Apocynum cannabinum patches

Weed Science (2000) 48, 716-719
Theodore M. Webster, John Cardina and Samuel J. Woods (2000)
Apocynum cannabinum interference in no-till Glycine max

Weed Science (1999) 47, 524-528
T.M. Webster and J. Cardina (1999)
Apocynum cannabinum seed germination and vegetative shoot emergence

Weed Technology (1998) 12, 522-526
Theodore M. Webster, John Cardina and Mark M. Loux (1998)
The influence of weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum) stubble on weed control in corn (Zea mays)

Weed Science (1998) 46, 76-82
Theodore M. Webster, John Cardina and Heather M. Norquay (1998)
Tillage and seed depth effects on velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) emergence

Weed Technology (1997) 11, 543-548
T.M. Webster and H.D. Coble (1997)
Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) management in corn (Zea mays) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) rotations

Weed Technology (1997) 11, 782-786
T.M. Webster and J. Cardina (1997)
Accuracy of a global positioning system (GPS) for weed mapping

Weed Technology (1997) 11, 520-526
T.M. Webster, J.W. Wilcut and H.D. Coble (1997)
Influence of AC 263,222 rate and application method on weed management in peanut (Arachis hypogaea)