Weed Science (2003) 51 (4)
Articles of Weed Science entered for 2003 and volume (issue): 51 (4)
Weed Science (2003) 51, 503-508
David P. Horvath, Robert Schaffer and Ellen Wisman (2003)
Identification of genes induced in emerging tillers of wild oat (Avena fatua) using Arabidopsis microarrays
Weed Science (2003) 51, 509-514
Steven R. King, Edward S. Hagood Jr., Kevin W. Bradley and Kriton K. Hatzios (2003)
Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of AE F130060 03 in wheat, barley, and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) with or without dicamba
Weed Science (2003) 51, 515-522
William A. Bailey, Kriton K. Hatzios and Henry P. Wilson (2003)
Responses of winter wheat and diclofop-methyl-sensitive and -resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to AE F130060 03
Weed Science (2003) 51, 523-531
Rafael A. Massinga, Randall S. Currie and Todd P. Trooien (2003)
Water use and light interception under Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and corn competition
Weed Science (2003) 51, 540-545
Michalis B. Mitskas, Christos E. Tsolis, Ilias G. Eleftherohorinos and Christos A. Damalas (2003)
Interference between corn and johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) from seed or rhizomes
Weed Science (2003) 51, 557-564
Chris T. Leon, David R. Shaw, Lori M. Bruce and Clarence Watson (2003)
Effect of purple (Cyperus rotundus) and yellow nutsedge (C. esculentus) on growth and reflectance characteristics of cotton and soybean
Weed Science (2003) 51, 565-568
Elizabeth J. Stamm Katovich, Roger L. Becker and Jane L. Byron (2003)
Winter survival of late emerging purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) seedlings
Weed Science (2003) 51, 569-575
Theodore M. Webster, John Cardina and Anthony D. White (2003)
Weed seed rain, soil seedbanks, and seedling recruitment in no-tillage crop rotations
Weed Science (2003) 51, 576-585
Lloyd M. Dosdall, George W. Clayton, K. Neil Harker, John T. O'Donovan and F. Craig Stevenson (2003)
Weed control and root maggots: making canola pest management strategies compatible
Weed Science (2003) 51, 586-591
Chris H. Tingle, Greg L. Steele and James M. Chandler (2003)
Competition and control of smellmelon (Cucumis melo var. dudaim Naud.) in cotton
Weed Science (2003) 51, 592-595
Robert E. Blackshaw (2003)
Soil temperature and soil water effects on pygmyflower (Androsace septentrionalis) emergence
Weed Science (2003) 51, 596-600
Kimberly J. Reever Morghan, Elizabeth A. Leger and Kevin J. Rice (2003)
Clopyralid effects on yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) and nontarget species
Weed Science (2003) 51, 601-609
David R. Gealy, Eric J. Wailes, Leopoldo E. Estorninos Jr. and Rebecca Salome C. Chavez (2003)
Rice cultivar differences in suppression of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) and economics of reduced propanil rates
Weed Science (2003) 51, 610-617
Sharon K. Papiernik, Catherine M. Grieve, Scott R. Yates and Scott M. Lesch (2003)
Phytotoxic effects of salinity, imazethapyr, and chlorimuron on selected weed species
Weed Science (2003) 51, 628-634
John R. Teasdale, Daniel R. Shelton, Ali M. Sadeghi and Allan R. Isensee (2003)
Influence of hairy vetch residue on atrazine and metolachlor soil solution concentration and weed emergence