Nematropica (2008)
Articles of Nematropica entered for 2008:
Nematropica (2008) 38, 1-12
R.A. Silva, E.S. Silva, S.R. Antedomenico and M.M. Inomoto (2008)
Fauna de fitonematoides na Mata Atlantica do Vale do Ribeira, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil
[Fauna of phytonematodes in the Atlantic Forest from Ribeira Valley, Sao Paulo State, Brazil]
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 1
Nematropica (2008) 38, 13-22
K.S. Lawrence, A.J. Price, G.W. Lawrence, J.R. Jones and J.R. Akridge (2008)
Weed hosts for Rotylenchulus reniformis in cotton fields rotated with corn in the southeast of the United States
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 13
Nematropica (2008) 38, 23-35
M.J. Pontif and E.C. McGawley (2008)
The influence of leachates from roots of morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa), hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) on eclosion and hatching of eggs of Rotylenchulus reniformis
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 23
Nematropica (2008) 38, 37-46
J.E. Hamill, J.E. Thomas, L.-T. Ou, L.H. Allen Jr., N. Kokalis-Burelle and D.W. Dickson (2008)
Effects of reduced rates of Telone C35 and methyl bromide in conjunction with virtually impermeable film on weeds and root-knot nematodes
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 37
Nematropica (2008) 38, 47-61
R.A. Guzman-Plazola, B. Hernandez-Flores, F. Franco-Navarro and M. Cadena-Hinojosa (2008)
Nematodos agalladores en la Vega de Metztitlán, Hidalgo: identificación, distribución espacial y relación con factores edáficos
[Root-knot nematodes in Vega de Metztitlan, Hidalgo, Mexico: identification, spatial distribution, and relationship with edaphic factors]
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 47
Nematropica (2008) 38, 63-74
S.A. Walters, J.P. Bond, J.B. Russell, B.H. Taylor and Z.A. Handoo (2008)
Incidence and influence of plant-parasitic nematodes in southern Illinois peach orchards
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 63
Nematropica (2008) 38, 87-94
P. Lax, M.E. Doucet, C. Gallardo, S. Muruaga de L'Argentier and R. Bautista (2008)
Presence of soil nematodes in Andean tubers
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 87
Nematropica (2008) 38, 95-103
M. del C. Tordable, P. Lax and M.E. Doucet (2008)
Análisis histopatológico en tubérculos de dos variedades de papa andina (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum) infectadas por especies del género Meloidogyne
[Histopathological analysis of tubers of two varieties of Andean potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum) infected by species of the genus Meloidogyne]
Nematropica 38 (1), p. 95
Nematropica (2008) 38, 105-114
V.I. Cid del Prado and B.L. Miranda (2008)
A second cyst- forming nematode parasite of barley (Hordeum vulagre L. var. Emeralda) from Mexico
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 105
Nematropica (2008) 38, 115-125
R. McSorley, K.-H. Wang and J. J. Frederick (2008)
Integrated effects of solarization, sunn hemp cover crop, and amendment on nematodes, weeds, and pepper yields
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 115
Nematropica (2008) 38, 127-135
R. Cetintas, J.A. Brito and D.W. Dickson (2008)
Virulence of four Florida isolates of Meloidogyne mayaguensis to selected soybean genotypes
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 127
Nematropica (2008) 38, 137-144
P.A. Donald, A.N. Patananan, C.A. Cerna, T. Simmons, N. Castro, J.L. Wilgar and S.C. Goheen (2008)
Protein comparison in soybean cyst nematode populations using SDS-PAGE
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 137
Nematropica (2008) 38, 145-153
A. Tovar-Soto, I.C. Del Prado-Vera, M. Gutierrez-Aguilar, J. Garcia-Zuniga and K. Evans (2008)
Postembryonic development of Cactodera galinsogae (Tylenchida: Heteroderinae) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and the role of weeds as hosts
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 145
Nematropica (2008) 38, 155-162
S.R. Marla, R.N. Huettel and J. Mosjidis (2008)
Evaluation of Crotalaria juncea populations as hosts and antagonistic crops to manage Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 155
Nematropica (2008) 38, 163-175
B.M. Schwartz, K.E. Kenworthy, W.T. Crow, J.A. Ferrell, G.L. Miller and K.H. Quesenberry (2008)
Methodology for screening Belonolaimus longicaudatus in a turfgrass breeding program
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 163
Nematropica (2008) 38, 177-186
T. Mekete, R.A. Sikora, S. Kiewnick and J. Hallmann (2008)
Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with coffee (Coffea arabica L., Rubiaceae) in Ethiopia
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 177
Nematropica (2008) 38, 187-194
F. Franco-Navarro and D. Godinez-Vidal (2008)
Occurrence of Pasteuria forms from a Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
Nematropica 38 (2), p. 187