Moshe Lapidot

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Publications of Moshe Lapidot (41 listed):

PLoS ONE (2017) 12 (1 - e0170429)
Neta Luria, Elisheva Smith, Victoria Reingold, Ilana Bekelman, Moshe Lapidot, Ilan Levin, Nadav Elad, Yehudit Tam, Noa Sela, Ahmad Abu-Ras, Nadav Ezra, Ami Haberman, Liron Yitzhak, Oded Lachman and Aviv Dombrovsky (2017)
A new Israeli Tobamovirus isolate infects tomato plants harboring Tm-22 resistance genes

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 847-856
L. Velasco, N. Salem, A. Willemsen, M. Lapidot, A.N. Mansour, L. Rubio and L. Galipienso (2016)
Genetic variation and evolutionary forces shaping Cucumber vein yellowing virus populations: risk of emergence of virulent isolates in Europe

Archives of Virology (2015) 160, 2727-2739
Diana Leibman, Shanmugam Prakash, Dalia Wolf, Aaron Zelcer, Ghandi Anfoka, Sabrina Haviv, Marina Brumin, Victor Gaba, Tzahi Arazi, Moshe Lapidot and Amit Gal-On (2015)
Immunity to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in transgenic tomato is associated with accumulation of transgene small RNA

PLoS Genetics (2015) 11 (10 - e1005538)
Moshe Lapidot, Uri Karniel, Dana Gelbart, Doron Fogel, Dalia Evenor, Yaarit Kutsher, Zion Makhbash, Sahadia Nahon, Haviva Shlomo, Lea Chen, Moshe Reuveni and Ilan Levin (2015)
A novel route controlling begomovirus resistance by the messenger RNA surveillance factor Pelota

Virology Journal (2014) 11 (181) - Frequent migration of ...
Moshe Lapidot, Dana Gelbart, Amit Gal-On, Noa Sela, Ghandi Anfoka, Fatima Haj Ahmed, Yusuf Abou-Jawada, Hana Sobh, Hamed Mazyad, Aboul-Ata E. Aboul-Ata, Ahmed Kamal El-Attar, Mohammed S. Ali-Shtayeh, Rana M. Jamous, Jane E. Polston and Siobain Duffy (2014)
Frequent migration of introduced cucurbit-infecting begomoviruses among Middle Eastern countries

Phytopathology (2011) 101, 281-289
Tali Sufrin-Ringwald and Moshe Lapidot (2011)
Characterization of a synergistic interaction between two cucurbit-infecting begomoviruses: Squash leaf curl virus and Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2010) 23, 539-548
Inge M. Hanssen, Moshe Lapidot and Bart P.H.J. Thomma (2010)
Emerging viral diseases of tomato crops

Phytopathology (2010) 100, 798-804
M. Lapidot, D. Guenoune-Gelbart, D. Leibman, V. Holdengreber, M. Davidovitz, Z. Machbash, S. Klieman-Shoval, S. Cohen and A. Gal-On (2010)
Pelargonium zonate spot virus is transmitted vertically via seed and pollen in tomato

Phytopathology (2009) 99, 1321-1329
Amit Gal-On, Anna Naglis, Diana Leibman, Hammam Ziadna, Kathir Kathiravan, Lambros Papayiannis, Vered Holdengreber, Dana Guenoune-Gelbert, Moshe Lapidot and Radi Aly (2009)
Broomrape can acquire viruses from its hosts

Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2009) 119, 519-530
Ilana Anbinder, Moshe Reuveni, Raviv Azari, Ilan Paran, Sahadia Nahon, Haviva Shlomo, Lea Chen, Moshe Lapidot and Ilan Levin (2009)
Molecular dissection of Tomato leaf curl virus resistance in tomato line TY172 derived from Solanum peruvianum

Journal of Insect Science (2008) 8 (4), p. 26 (Lapidot et al.)
M. Lapidot and D. Levy (2008)
Tomato plants and whitefly interactions: Can it be a love story?
in P. A. Stansly and C.L. McKenzie, organizers: Fourth International Bemisia Workshop - International Whitefly Genomics Workshop, December 3-8, 2006, Duck Key, Florida, USA

Plant Breeding (2008) 127, 625-631
F. Vidavski, H. Czosnek, S. Gazit, D. Levy and M. Lapidot (2008)
Pyramiding of genes conferring resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus from different wild tomato species

Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90, 313-322
G. Anfoka, M. Abhary, F. Haj Ahmad, A.F. Hussein, A. Rezk, F. Akad, Y. Abou-Jawdah, M. Lapidot, F. Vidavski, M.K. Nakhla, H. Sobh, H. Atamian, L. Cohen, I. Sobol, H. Mazyad, D.P. Maxwell and H. Czosnek (2008)
Survey of tomato yellow leaf curl disease-associated viruses in the eastern Mediterranean basin

Archives of Virology (2008) 153, 171-179
D. Levy and M. Lapidot (2008)
Effect of plant age at inoculation on expression of genetic resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Phytopathology (2006) 96, 1404-1408
M. Lapidot, R. Ben-Joseph, L. Cohen, Z. Machbash and D. Levy (2006)
Development of a scale for evaluation of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus resistance level in tomato plants

Phytopathology (2006) 96, 447-452
J.E. Polston, L. Cohen, T.A. Sherwood, R. Ben-Joseph and M. Lapidot (2006)
Capsicum species: Symptomless hosts and reservoirs of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Phytoparasitica (2005) 33, 289-290
Limor Segev, L. Cohen, D. Wolf, A. Zelcer and M. Lapidot (2005)
The Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-resistant tomato line TY-172, inhibits virus replication but not virus translocation
Abstracts of presentations at the 26th Congress of the Israeli Phytopathological Society (February 14-15, 2005, Bet Dagan, Israel), lecture

Plant Disease (2004) 88, p. 1160 (Segev et al.)
L. Segev, W.M. Wintermantel, J.E. Polston and M. Lapidot (2004)
First Report of Tomato chlorosis virus in Israel

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2003) 110, 85-86
J.E. Polston, Y. Yang, C. Patte, M. Lapidot and E. Hiebert (2003)
Genetically engineered resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato
1st Conf. Intern. Working Groups on Legume and Vegtable Viruses, Bonn, Germany 4-9 Aug. 2002

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2003) 110, p. 86 (Lapidot et al.)
M. Lapidot, R. Ben-Joseph, M. Friedmann, M. Pilowsky and S. Cohen (2003)
Development of a universal scale for evaluation of TYLCV-resistance level in tomato plants
1st Conf. Intern. Working Groups on Legume and Vegtable Viruses, Bonn, Germany 4-9 Aug. 2002

Annals of Applied Biology (2002) 140, 109-127
Moshe Lapidot and Michael Friedmann (2002)
Breeding for resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses

Plant Disease (2002) 86, 429-432
Moshe Lapidot (2002)
Screening common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Plant Disease (2001) 85, p. 679 (Cohen et al.)
J. Cohen, M. Lapidot, G. Loebenstein and A. Gera (2001)
First report of Sweet potato sunken vein virus occurring in Lisianthus

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2001) 14, 895-904
Guy Kotlizky, Aviva Katz, Jessica van der Laak, Vitaly Boyko, Moshe Lapidot, Roger N. Beachy, Manfred Heinlein and Bernard L. Epel (2001)
A dysfunctional movement protein of Tobacco mosaic virus interferes with targeting of wild-type movement protein to microtubules

Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2001) 102, 1213-1220
A. Ben Chaim, R.C. Grube, M. Lapidot, M. Jahn and I. Paran (2001)
Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus in Capsicum annuum

Environmental Entomology (2001) 30, 394-399
Yeheskel Antignus, David Nestel, Shlomo Cohen and Moshe Lapidot (2001)
Ultraviolet-deficient greenhouse environment affects whitefly attraction and flight-behavior

Phytopathology (2001) 91, 1209-1213
Moshe Lapidot, Michael Friedmann, Meir Pilowsky, Rachel Ben-Joseph and Shlomo Cohen (2001)
Effect of host plant resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on virus acquisition and transmission by its whitefly vector

Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2000) 13, 673-682
Molly Jahn, Ilan Paran, Katrin Hoffmann, Elaine R. Radwanski, Kevin D. Livingstone, Rebecca C. Grube, Ester Aftergoot, Moshe Lapidot and James Moyer (2000)
Genetic mapping of the Tsw locus for resistance to the Tospovirus Tomato spotted wilt virus in Capsicum spp. and its relationship to the Sw-5 Gene for resistance to the same pathogen in tomato

EPPO Bulletin (2000) 30, 317-321
M. Lapidot, O. Goldray, R. Ben-Joseph, S. Cohen, M. Friedmann, A. ShIomo, S. Nahon, L. Chen and M. Pilowsky (2000)
Breeding tomatoes for resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (1998) 123, 1004-1007
M. Friedmann, M. Lapidot, S. Cohen and M. Pilowsky (1998)
A novel source of resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus exhibiting a symptomless reaction to viral infection

The Plant Journal (1998) 15, 15-25
Theodore W. Kahn, Moshe Lapidot, Manfred Heinlein, Christoph Reichel, Bret Cooper, Ron Gafny and Roger N. Beachy (1998)
Domains of the TMV movement protein involved in subcellular localization

Journal of Economic Entomology (1998) 91, 1401-1405
Yehezkel Antignus, Moshe Lapidot, Dror Hadar, Yoel Messika and Shlomo Cohen (1998)
Ultraviolet-absorbing screens serve as optical barriers to protect crops from virus and insect pests

Plant Disease (1997) 81, 185-188
Moshe Lapidot, Ilan Paran, Rachel Ben-Joseph, Serge Ben-Harush, Meir Pilowsky, Shlomo Cohen and Chen Shifriss (1997)
Tolerance to Cucumber mosaic virus in pepper: Development of advanced breeding lines and evaluation of virus level

Phytoparasitica (1997) 25, p. 227 (Lapidot et al.)
Moshe Lapidot, Patricio Arce-Johnson, Rafael Rivera-Bustamante and Roger N. Beachy (1997)
Evaluation of viral resistance in transgenic tobacco plants that contain both a defective movement protein and the coat protein of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
The Xth International Congress of Virology, August 11-16, 1996, Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem, Israel, lecture

Phytoparasitica (1997) 25, 319-330
Y. Antignus, M. Lapidot, N. Ganaim, J. Cohen and O. Lachman (1997)
Biological and molecular characterization of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Israel

Phytoparasitica (1997) 25, 363-364
Yeheskel Antignus and Moshe Lapidot (1997)
UV-blocking plastic covers protect crops from insects and insect-borne virus diseases
Japan-Israel Workshop on Novel Approaches for Controlling Insect Pests and Plant Diseases, July 12-17, 1997, Kibbutz Ma'ale haHamisha, Israel

Plant Disease (1997) 81, 1425-1428
Moshe Lapidot, Michael Friedmann, Oded Lachman, Avidan Yehezkel, Saadia Nahon, Shlomo Cohen and Meir Pilowsky (1997)
Comparison of resistance level to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus among commercial cultivars and breeding lines

Phytoparasitica (1997) 25, 244-245
M. Lapidot, M. Friedmann, O. Lachman, A. Yehezkel, S. Nahon, S. Cohen and M. Pilowsky (1997)
Effect of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on yield of commercial cultivars, and new breeding lines tolerant to the virus
18th Congress of the Israeli Phytopathological Society, February 3-4, 1997, Bet Dagan, Israel, lecture

Phytoparasitica (1996) 24, 171-172
M. Lapidot, S. Cohen, Rachel Ben-Joseph, S. Ben Harush, M. Pilowsky and C. Shifriss (1996)
Tolerance to Cucumber mosaic virus derived from 'Perennial' Capsicum annuum and analysis of virus level
The 17th Congress of the Israeli Phytopathological Society, February 19-20, 1996 (Bet Dagan, Israel)

Environmental Entomology (1996) 25, 919-924
Yeheskel Antignus, Netta Mor, Rachel Ben Joseph, Moshe Lapidot and Shlomo Cohen (1996)
Ultraviolet-absorbing plastic sheets protect crops from insect pests and from virus diseases vectored by insects

The Plant Journal (1993) 4, 959-970
Moshe Lapidot, Ron Gafny, Biao Ding, Shmuel Wolf, William J. Lucas and Roger N. Beachy (1993)
A dysfunctional movement protein of Tobacco mosaic virus that partially modifies the plasmodesmata and limits virus spread in transgenic plants