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{{HeaderLeft400|Plant Pathology}}
{{HeaderLeft400|Plant Pathology}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Plant Pathology (2022) 71, 5-22}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Plant Pathology (2022) 71, 5-22}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Phytopathology (2021) 111, 1122-1128}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2022) 44, 128-135}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Tropical Plant Pathology (2022) 47, 14-24}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Tropical Plant Pathology (2022) 47, 14-24}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Molecular Plant Pathology (2021) 22, 1520-1537}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Molecular Plant Pathology (2022) 23, 461-474}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2022) 115, 127-140}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2022) 115, 127-140}}
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{{HeaderLeft500|Biological Control}}
{{HeaderLeft500|Biological Control}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Ecology and Evolution (2022) 12 (3 - e8654)}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Ecology and Evolution (2022) 12 (3 - e8654)}}
{{ReferenceRow2|Evolutionary Applications (2022) 15, 60-77}}
{{HeaderLeft500|Pest/Disease management}}
{{HeaderLeft500|Pest/Disease management}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Journal of Integrated Pest Management (2022) 13 (1 - pmac001)}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Journal of Integrated Pest Management (2022) 13 (1 - pmac001)}}
{{ReferenceSelect|Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2021) 169, 918-927}}

Revision as of 15:46, 3 May 2022

  Pests, diseases, weeds  
Plant pathogens
Bacteria (156 species)
Fungi & similar organisms (1289 species)
Plant viruses (543 species)
Other pathogens (73 species)
Insect plant pests
Coleoptera (616 species)
Hemiptera (670 species)
Lepidoptera (473 species)
plant parasitic Diptera (186 species)
Other insect plant pests (412 species)
Other pest groups - weeds
Plant parasitic nematodes (162 species)
Veterinary/medical pests (833 species)
Weeds, parasitic plants (960 species)
Various other groups (236 species)

Welcome to the Pest Information Wiki
With 192884 research publications and other information on pests, diseases and weeds
Organized by the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI)

Selected publications of the week:
(click on an image to enlarge it)     (other selected articles)
Plant Pathology
Ustilago violacea en Silene alba.002.JPGPlant Pathology (2022) 71, 5-22
Agathe Dutt, Didier Andrivon and Christophe Le May (2022)
Multi-infections, competitive interactions, and pathogen coexistence
Colletotrichum lentis CanJPlantPath 2018.jpgCanadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2022) 44, 128-135
Mascha Hoffmeister, Gerald Martens, Lori Yarnell, Natalie Blain, Birgit Wieja, Nadine Riediger and Gerd Stammler (2022)
Method for QoI sensitivity monitoring in Colletotrichum lentis by a species-specific pyrosequencing assay
Apple tree with fire blight.jpgTropical Plant Pathology (2022) 47, 14-24
Clive H. Bock, Sarah J. Pethybridge, Jayme G.A. Barbedo, Paul D. Esker, Anne-Katrin Mahlein and Emerson M. Del Ponte (2022)
A phytopathometry glossary for the twenty-first century: towards consistency and precision in intra- and inter-disciplinary dialogues
Synchytridium endobioticum.jpgMolecular Plant Pathology (2022) 23, 461-474
Bart.T.L.H. van de Vossenberg, Charlotte Prodhomme, Jack H. Vossen and Theo A.J. van der Lee (2022)
Synchytrium endobioticum, the potato wart disease pathogen
The Blueberry Hunters (7932669124).jpgAnnals of the Entomological Society of America (2022) 115, 127-140
Derek A. Uhey and Richard W. Hofstetter (2022)
From pests to keystone species: Ecosystem influences and human perceptions of harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex, Veromessor, and Messor spp.)
Sitobion avenae IPM5512066.jpgEcography (2021) 44, 1429-1442
Thomas Delaune, Malick S. Ouattara, Rémy Ballot, Christophe Sausse, Irène Felix, Fabienne Maupas, Mathilde Chen, Muriel Morison, David Makowski and Corentin Barbu (2021)
Landscape drivers of pests and pathogens abundance in arable crops
Biological Control
Trissolcus japonicus.jpgEcology and Evolution (2022) 12 (3 - e8654)
Benjamin J.M. Jarrett and Marianna Szücs (2022)
Traits across trophic levels interact to influence parasitoid establishment in biological control releases
DiorhabdaelongataCrete.jpgEvolutionary Applications (2022) 15, 60-77
Amanda R. Stahlke, Ellyn V. Bitume, Zeynep A. Özsoy, Dan W. Bean, Anne Veillet, Meaghan I. Clark, Eliza I. Clark, Patrick Moran, Ruth A. Hufbauer and Paul A. Hohenlohe (2022)
Hybridization and range expansion in tamarisk beetles (Diorhabda spp.) introduced to North America for classical biological control
Pest/Disease management
IPMimage5253016.jpgJournal of Integrated Pest Management (2022) 13 (1 - pmac001)
Molly N. Darr, David R. Coyle and Robert M. Jetton (2022)
Arthropod and disease management in Fraser fir (Pinales: Pinaceae) Christmas trees in the southeastern United States
European honey bee extracts nectar.jpgJournal_of_Economic_Entomology_(2022)_115,_10-25
Kevi Mace, Jessica Rudder, Rachael Goodhue, Tor Tolhurst, Daniel Tregeagle, Hanlin Wei, Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Ian Grettenberger, Houston Wilson, Robert Van Steenwyk, Frank Zalom and John Steggall (2022)
Balancing bees and pest management: Projected costs of proposed bee-protective neonicotinoid regulation in California

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