Yves Le Conte
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Publications of Yves Le Conte (26 listed):
Ecology and Evolution (2021) 11, 5937-5949
Arrigo Moro, Tjeerd Blacquière, Bjørn Dahle, Vincent Dietemann, Yves Le Conte, Barbara Locke, Peter Neumann and Alexis Beaurepaire (2021)
Adaptive population structure shifts in invasive parasitic mites, Varroa destructor
Insects (2021) 12 (6 - 536)
Arrigo Moro, Alexis Beaurepaire, Raffaele Dall'Olio, Steve Rogenstein, Tjeerd Blacquière, Bjørn Dahle, Joachim R. de Miranda, Vincent Dietemann, Barbara Locke, Rosa María Licón Luna, Yves Le Conte and Peter Neumann (2021)
Using citizen science to scout honey bee colonies that naturally survive Varroa destructor infestations
Insects (2021) 12 (2 - 122)
Anne Dalmon, Virgine Diévart, Maxime Thomasson, Romain Fouque, Bernard E. Vaissière, Laurent Guilbaud, Yves Le Conte and Mickaël Henry (2021)
Possible spillover of pathogens between bee communities foraging on the same floral resource
Chemoecology (2021) 31, 189-200
Elisa Kathe, Karsten Seidelmann, Oleg Lewkowski, Yves Le Conte and Silvio Erler (2021)
Changes in chemical cues of Melissococcus plutonius infected honey bee larvae
Insects (2020) 11 (8 - 492)
Sonia E. Eynard, Christina Sann, Benjamin Basso, Anne-Laure Guirao, Yves Le Conte, Bertrand Servin, Lea Tison, Alain Vignal and Fanny Mondet (2020)
Descriptive analysis of the varroa non-reproduction trait in honey bee colonies and association with other traits related to varroa resistance
Insects (2020) 11 (12 - 873)
Yves Le Conte, Marina D. Meixner, Annely Brandt, Norman L. Carreck, Cecilia Costa, Fanny Mondet and Ralph Büchler (2020)
Geographical distribution and selection of European honey bees resistant to Varroa destructor
Biological Invasions (2019) 21, 1451-1459
Marc Oliver Schäfer, Ilaria Cardaio, Giovanni Cilia, Bram Cornelissen, Karl Crailsheim, Giovanni Formato, Akinwande Kayode Lawrence, Yves Le Conte, Franco Mutinelli, Antonio Nanetti, Jorge Rivera-Gomis, Anneke Teepe and Peter Neumann (2019)
How to slow the global spread of small hive beetles, Aethina tumida
PLoS ONE (2019) 14 (8 - e0220703)
Marianne Coulon, Frank Schurr, Anne-Claire Martel, Nicolas Cougoule, Adrien Bégaud, Patrick Mangoni, Gennaro Di Prisco, Anne Dalmon, Cédric Alaux, Magali Ribière-Chabert, Yves Le Conte, Richard Thiéry and Eric Dubois (2019)
Influence of chronic exposure to thiamethoxam and Chronic bee paralysis virus on winter honey bees
Insects (2019) 10 (9 - 299)
Alexis Beaurepaire, Christina Sann, Daniela Arredondo, Fanny Mondet and Yves Le Conte (2019)
Behavioral genetics of the interactions between Apis mellifera and Varroa destructor
Viruses (2019) 11 (11 - 1041)
Anne Dalmon, Philippe Gayral, Damien Decante, Christophe Klopp, Diane Bigot, Maxime Thomasson, Elisabeth A Herniou, Cédric Alaux and Yves Le Conte (2019)
Viruses in the invasive hornet Vespa velutina
Environmental Microbiology (2018) 20, 1302-1329
Raquel Martín-Hernández, Carolina Bartolomé, Nor Chejanovsky, Yves Le Conte, Anne Dalmon, Claudia Dussaubat, Pilar García-Palencia, Aranzazu Meana, M. Alice Pinto, Victoria Soroker and Mariano Higes (2018)
Nosema ceranae in Apis mellifera: a 12 years postdetection perspective
Annual Review of Entomology (2016) 61, 417-432
Francesco Nazzi and Yves Le Conte (2016)
Ecology of Varroa destructor, the major ectoparasite of the western honey bee, Apis mellifera
Parasitology Research (2016) 115, 2381-2388
Christoph Kurze, Christopher Mayack, Frank Hirche, Gabriele I. Stangl, Yves Le Conte, Per Kryger and Robin F.A. Moritz (2016)
Nosema spp. infections cause no energetic stress in tolerant honeybees
Journal of Economic Entomology (2015) 108, 1435-1443
A. Kretzschmar, E. Durand, A. Maisonnasse, J. Vallon and Y. Le Conte (2015)
A new stratified sampling procedure which decreases error estimation of Varroa mite number on sticky boards
Apidologie (2014) 45, 248-256
Qiang Huang, Per Kryger, Yves Le Conte, H. Michael G. Lattorff, F. Bernhard Kraus and Robin F.A. Moritz (2014)
Four quantitative trait loci associated with low Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) spore load in the honeybee Apis mellifera
Ecology and Evolution (2012) 2, 1144-1150
Barbara Locke, Yves Le Conte, Didier Crauser and Ingemar Fries (2012)
Host adaptations reduce the reproductive success of Varroa destructor in two distinct European honey bee populations
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2010) 36, 522-525
Claudia Dussaubat, Alban Maisonnasse, Cedric Alaux, Sylvie Tchamitchan, Jean-Luc Brunet, Erika Plettner, Luc P. Belzunces and Yves Le Conte (2010)
Nosema spp. infection alters pheromone production in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Environmental Microbiology (2010) 12, 774-782
Cédric Alaux, Jean-Luc Brunet, Claudia Dussaubat, Fanny Mondet, Sylvie Tchamitchan, Marianne Cousin, Julien Brillard, Aurelie Baldy, Luc P. Belzunces and Yves Le Conte (2010)
Interactions between Nosema microspores and a neonicotinoid weaken honeybees (Apis mellifera)
Apidologie (2010) 41, 181-193
Maria Navajas, Denis L. Anderson, Lilia I. de Guzman, Zachary Y. Huang, Jeremy Clement, Ting Zhou and Yves Le Conte (2010)
New Asian types of Varroa destructor: a potential new threat for world apiculture
Apidologie (2010) 41, 353-363
Yves Le Conte, Marion Ellis and Wolfgang Ritter (2010)
Varroa mites and honey bee health: Can Varroa explain part of the colony losses?
Apidologie (2010) 41, 393-408
Ralph Büchler, Stefan Berg and Yves Le Conte (2010)
Breeding for resistance to Varroa destructor in Europe
Apidologie (2007) 38, 566-572
Yves Le Conte, Gérard de Vaublanc, Didier Crauser, François Jeanne, Jean-Claude Rousselle and Jean-Marc Bécard (2007)
Honey bee colonies that have survived Varroa destructor
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (2005) 272, 411-419
Michel Solignac, Jean–Marie Cornuet, Dominique Vautrin, Yves Le Conte, Denis Anderson, Jay Evans, Sandrine Cros-Arteil and Maria Navajas (2005)
The invasive Korea and Japan types of Varroa destructor, ectoparasitic mites of the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera), are two partly isolated clones
Molecular Ecology Notes (2003) 3, 556-559
Michel Solignac, Dominique Vautrin, Astrid Pizzo, Maria Navajas, Yves Le Conte and Jean-Marie Cornuet (2003)
Characterization of microsatellite markers for the apicultural pest Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) and its relatives
Apidologie (1994) 25, 314-321
J. Trouiller, G. Arnold, B. Chappe, Y. Le Conte, A. Billion and C. Masson (1994)
The kairomonal esters attractive to the Varroa jacobsoni mite in the queen brood
Environmental Entomology (1990) 19, 1780-1785
Y. Le Conte, G. Arnold and Ph. Desenfant (1990)
Influence of brood temperature and hygrometry variations on the development of the honey bee ectoparasite Varroa jacobsoni (Mesostigmata: Varroidae)