Joel Felix

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Publications of Joel Felix (15 listed):

Weed Technology (2021) 35, 669-673
Albert T. Adjesiwor, Joel Felix and Don W. Morishita (2021)
Volunteer potato interference and removal timing in sugar beet

Weed Technology (2018) 32, 27-33
Vipan Kumar, Joel Felix, Don Morishita and Prashant Jha (2018)
Confirmation of glyphosate-resistant kochia (Kochia scoparia) from sugar beet fields in Idaho and Oregon

Weed Technology (2014) 28, 371-376
O. Steven Norberg and Joel Felix (2014)
Response of teff, barnyardgrass, and broadleaf weeds to postemergence herbicides

Weed Technology (2012) 26, 731-739
Rick A. Boydston, Joel Felix and Kassim Al-Khatib (2012)
Preemergence herbicides for potential use in potato production

Weed Technology (2012) 26, 95-101
Joel Felix, Joseph T. Dauer, Andrew G. Hulting and Carol Mallory-Smith (2012)
Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) growth and tuber production in response to increasing glyphosate rates and selected adjuvants

Weed Technology (2012) 26, 714-717
Doug Doohan and Joel Felix (2012)
Crop response and control of common purslane (Portulaca oleraceae) and prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) in green onion with oxyfluorfen

Weed Technology (2012) 26, 213-219
Joel Felix and George Newberry (2012)
Yellow nutsedge control and reduced tuber production with S-metolachlor, halosulfuron plus dicamba, and glyphosate in furrow-irrigated corn

Weed Science (2012) 60, 440-450
Sam E. Wortman, Adam S. Davis, Brian J. Schutte, John L. Lindquist, John Cardina, Joel Felix, Christy L. Sprague, J. Anita Dille, Analiza H.M. Ramirez, Graig Reicks and Sharon A. Clay (2012)
Local conditions, not regional gradients, drive demographic variation of giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) across northern U.S. maize belt

Weed Technology (2010) 24, 471-477
Joel Felix and Rick A. Boydston (2010)
Evaluation of imazosulfuron for yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and broadleaf weed control in potato

Weed Science (2009) 57, 87-93
Joel Felix, Jerry Ivany, George O. Kegode and Doug Doohan (2009)
Timing potato cultivation using the weedcast model

Weed Technology (2007) 21, 612-617
Steponas Ciuberkis, Stasys Bernotas, Steponas Raudonius and Joel Felix (2007)
Effect of weed emergence time and intervals of weed and crop competition on potato yield

Weed Technology (2007) 21, 213-218
Steponas Ciuberkis, Stasys Bernotas, Steponas Raudonius and Joel Felix (2007)
Effect of weed emergence time and intervals of weed and crop competition on potato yield

Weed Technology (2004) 18, 45-51
Joel Felix and Micheal D.K. Owen (2004)
Weed seedbank comparison in conservation reserve program and adjacent fields under continuous cultivation

Weed Science (2001) 49, 780-787
Joel Felix and Micheal D.K. Owen (2001)
Weed seedbank dynamics in post conservation reserve program land

Weed Science (1999) 47, 511-517
J. Felix and M.D.K. Owen (1999)
Weed population dynamics in land removed from the conservation reserve program