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This wiki has a literature database where each publication page contains information on which pests, diseases, or weeds the publication deals with. Related information like which research topic, host plants or field location (country or part of a country) the article has been covering can also be included in a publication page. These data can then be retrieved on other pages. For example, a page on a pest can then display lists of literature which are relevant to this pest, like lists sorted by research topics (e.g. Bibliography:Leptinotarsa decemlineata) or lists of distribution records or host plant records (e.g. see the top left in the page Leptinotarsa decemlineata). The page Category talk:Publications contains a summary of the development work for the literature database.
Linking an existing article to a publication list
Click on the link in the heading.
Entering a new article into the database
Existing publication pages can be located either through the category journals or the category books. In order to make sure an article is not entered twice, a standard name is used and generated by the system depending on the type of publication and often specific to a given journal. To enter a new publication:
- Important: Log-in before entering a new article. The system allows you to initally enter some data without having logged-in, but you might loose those data if you log-in too late. Try the back button if this happens by mistake.
- Go to category journals and follow one of the 3 options described there:
- Select the journal or conference proceedings and click on "Enter a new publication" on top of the respective journal page.
- If the journal or proceedings is not yet listed use the following form to enter an article in a new journal.
- For books, book chapters, and any publication outside journals, series or proceedings click here to enter a new publication in a book or thesis.
- You are directed to a preliminary form for entering the data needed for generating the page name. The system will then also check if the publication has been already entered (more details on the preliminary form).
- After completing the preliminary form you are directed to the main publication form for entering the remaining data (data already entered into the preliminary form will be copied to the final form). In case the publication has been already entered you are directed to that publication page where you can check the data and edit or modify the page.
In the following sections more explanations and guidance on the main publication form are provided.
Publication details
This section contains general data and the following fields:
Enter the authors like they have been published. However use the following format, as in the above example:
- "first names last name" (not "last name, first names"),
- separate more than 2 authors by commas and the last 2 authors by an "and",
- if pages for one or more authors already exit in this wiki include links to these pages in the form "[[pagename of the author page|published author name]]", in case the page name for the author is exactly the same as the published name you can simply use the form "[[author name]]" (this will provide useful links to the author pages in literature lists).
Author page(s) - literature database assignments
List again the pagenames of the authors who have their own page in this wiki, all separated by commas. This will produce database assignments for these authors which will automatically add this publication to the publication lists of the authors. Please note:
- simply creating a link to an author page in the list of authors does not add the article to the publication list of the author,
- the spelling of the authors should match the pagenames of the author pages which can be different from the published spelling,
- when you start typing you get spelling suggestions below the input box, but only names of registered scientists will appear,
- to obtain the accurate pagename for an author you can search for the last name of an author,
- after you have entered a new publication you might find that it does not immediately appear on the publication lists of the author pages and in those cases you can speed up the process by clicking in the author page on "refresh" (use the arrow after "View history", you need to have logged-in).
Year or date
This field needs to be completed for all publications, usually the publication year is entered through the preliminary form. For some series which do not have page numbers or issue numbers the exact publication date can be important. For an example see the publication North American Plant Protection Organization - Official Pest Reports (2009-03-06) no.369 - Deregulation of swede midge ...
This field also needs to be completed for all publications. Remember to use wiki formatting tags like the double apostophes to convert scientific names into italic.
Journal or series
For journal articles this field is also usually entered through the preliminary form. This field will be left blank for book chapters or theses.
Volume (issue), first page, last page
For journal articles these fields are also usually entered through the preliminary form. For conference proceedings it is useful to enter a text like "14th meeting" into the volume field, see for example the publication International Congress of Entomology (1972) Hogan - A genetic approach to the ....
This field is mainly used for books and book chapters and can then contain the editor, book title and publisher, see for example the publication Bernays et al. (1976) - The ability of Locusta migratoria L. to perceive ....
DOI number
The internet address for the full text of a publication can change over time, for example when the publisher of a journal changes. The DOI (data object identifier) number provides a permanent link (via the DOI system) to the webpage of a particular publication in a format like The DOI number should always start with "10.".
URL for open access articles
Complete this field if the full text of the publication is freely available on the internet. This may be a link to a PDF file, a link involving the DOI number (preferred), or another internet address.
Language (if not English)
If the article is published in a language other than English click on the drop down list and select the language. If the language is not on the list contact the organisers and request the language to be added to the list. It is recommended that you include English versions of the title and the abstract. For an example of a publication in a different language see Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique (1970) 104, 149-213.
The abstract of a publication provides important information to the user and will help others to find the article when searching for words or phrases. You can include the original abstract if:
- the journal or publisher is on our list of acknowledgements to copy abstracts,
- the article is published under a creative commons licence like articles of the Virology Journal or the journal Neotropical Entomology,
- you are the author of the publication,
- you have permission from the publisher.
In the above cases 1 and 4 you should mark the checkbox "Original abstract copied with permission by the publisher" under the abstract field, in case number 3 the checkbox "Abstract supplied by author".
Assignments to the literature database
There are limits to finding articles relevant to a particular field of research by searching for words or phrases in the titles and abstracts. This wiki also provides an alternative search system where lists of publications are provided, sorted according to pests, diseases or weed species (which can be called up by their latin names, common names, or synonyms), natural enemies or antagonists, research topics, and associated information like host plants and countries or parts of countries (for articles involving field observations). This search system is especially designed for finding specific publications on common pests, diseases and weeds. For entering an article into this search systems it is necessary to provide information under the following 3 sections.
Research topics
If the publication deals with specific pests, diseases or weeds select 1 or 2 research topics in the row "Research topic (pests) - Additional topic" relevant to the research aspects on pests (example). If the publication deals with natural enemies, bioagents or antagonists select 1 or 2 research topics in the row "Research topic (beneficials) - Additional topic" relevant to the research aspects on beneficials. If pests as well as beneficials are covered in a publication then both rows should be completed (example).
Note: The research topics selected in the first row should apply to ALL pests/diseases/weeds listed under the next section "Pest records". Similarly, research topics on beneficials should apply to all beneficials or antagonists listed below under "Beneficial records". This is important because for each pest/disease/weed or benefical the publication will be listed under the selected research topic(s). For an example on a publication list sorted by research topics see Bibliography:Leptinotarsa decemlineata.
For pests/diseases/weeds there are 20 research topics available in the drop-down list, for beneficals/bioagents/antagonists there are 18 research topics available. Kindly consult Help:Publications/Research topics for details and guidance on these topics. Following the descriptions of the research topics will improve the consistency of the data and will help finding relevant articles. For example for pests/diseases/weeds the research topic "biocontrol - natural enemies" has been used only if the article deals with beneficial organisms and for a publication on botanical pesticides the research topic "control - general" has been used.
Pest records
This section contains data on important pests, diseases or weeds which the article covers.
For each combination of pest/disease/weed, crop and country covered by the article click on the "Add another" button and enter the data. This means if the articles deals with several host plants of a specific pest the pest name should be entered repeatedly for each pest - crop combination. Note further:
- Pests, diseases or weeds are always entered as latin names (rather than common names). If you start typing the name (rather than pasting it into the field) the system will try to complete the name in the suggestion list below the field (click on a name in this list to select it). Typing the name also facilitates entering different combinations of host plants and countries for the same pest/disease/weed because the system will already enter the pest name the next time you click on the "Add another" button.
- Some names have a special format. Names of weeds always have the addition "(weed)" at the end, e.g. "Cirsium arvense (weed)", in order to distinguish them from crop names. Fungal names are used in the format teleomorph/anamorph (e.g. "Gibberella avenacea/Fusarium avenaceum").
- Names for common crops start with the English name, followed by the latin name or latin genus in brackets. Other crops start with the latin genus , followed by the addtion "(genus)" or "(crop)" if there is a conflict with names of weeds. The Category:Crops provides lists of all crops sorted into 18 subcategories.
- Enter a country (or part of a country) if the publication covers field observations or field records. Unlike the fields "Pest" and "Crop" a country name cannot be entered directly into the field but needs to be selected from the drop-down list. You can find the correct country name faster in the list by typing the first letter. In the Category:Countries all countries in the system are listed, grouped in 15 regions.
- Mark the checkbox "Quarantined" if the pest in the specified "Country" is placed under quarantine and erradication is being attempted. These are temporary (or possible temporary) occurences of the pest, like the occurrence of Ceratitis capitata in California.
Beneficial records
This section contains data on important beneficials, as well as associated pests, diseases or weeds, crops and countries.
Data should be entered into this section if the publication covers one or more specific natural enemy, biocontrol agent or antagonist.
If the article deals with a specific natural enemy of a specific pest the sections "Pest records" and "Beneficial records" should BOTH be completed.
- Entries under "Pest records" will add the publication to the publication lists of the specified pests.
- Entries under "Beneficial records" will add the publication to the publication lists of the specified beneficials. The field "Pest" in the "Beneficial records" has the function to record that the pest has a specific natural enemy or antagonist.
See the publication Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (2005) 89, 78-84 for examples of data entries for combinations of pests, beneficials, crops and countries.
Watchlist, saving the data
If you are the author of the publication mark the checkbox "Watch this page". The system will then alert you by email when others have edited this page and also when comments have been added to the discussion section of this page.
Note that when clicking on the "Show preview" button the form will disappear and the system switches to the normal edit mode where the texts for the different fields are formatted as parts of templates. If this format is too confusing click on the "Save page" button, review the page and then click on "edit with form" if further changes need to be done.