Bibliography:Verticillium alboatrum
Publication list for Verticillium alboatrum sorted according to research topics
- 1 general biology - morphology - evolution (17)
- 2 identification/taxonomy (17)
- 3 control - general (9)
- 4 biocontrol - natural enemies (7)
- 5 resistance/tolerance/defence of host (36)
- 6 damage/losses/economics (2)
- 7 environment - cropping system/rotation (7)
- 8 population dynamics/ epidemiology (2)
- 9 surveys/sampling/distribution (7)
- 10 transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (3)
- 11 molecular biology - genes (11)
- 12 review (3)
general biology - morphology - evolution (17)
identification/taxonomy (17)
control - general (9)
Australasian Plant Pathology (2021) 50, 457-468
Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez-Gil and Juan Gonzalo Morales Osorio (2021)
Source of inoculum of pathogens, the origin of disorders and diseases management in avocado nurseries
Pest Management Science (2012) 68, 67-74
Alejandro Pérez-de-Luque, Zuny Cifuentes, Jennifer A. Beckstead, Josefina C. Sillero, Carmen Ávila, Josefa Rubio and Robert O. Ryan (2012)
Effect of amphotericin B nanodisks on plant fungal diseases
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2012) 134, 605-617
Charilaos Giotis, Afroditi Theodoropoulou, Julia Cooper, Robert Hodgson, Peter Shotton, Robert Shiel, Mick Eyre, Steve Wilcockson, Emilia Markellou, Aglaia Liopa-Tsakalidis, Nikolaos Volakakis and Carlo Leifert (2012)
Effect of variety choice, resistant rootstocks and chitin soil amendments on soil-borne diseases in soil-based, protected tomato production systems
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 32, 58-67
Dennis A. Johnson and Jeremiah K.S. Dung (2010)
Verticillium wilt of potato - the pathogen, disease and management
Agronomy Journal (2008) 100, 742-747
S.N. Acharya, H.C. Huang, H.A. Cárcamo, S.K. Basu, T. Entz, S. Erickson and D. Friebel (2008)
Do cultivar and burning affect forage yield and incidence of Verticillium wilt or insect pests in alfalfa stands?
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 28, 509-518
P.A. Abbasi, K.L. Conn and G. Lazarovits (2006)
Effect of fish emulsion used as a preplanting soil amendment on verticillium wilt, scab, and tuber yield of potato
Plant Disease (2004) 88, 811-816
F.A. Gray and D.W. Koch (2004)
Influence of late season harvesting, fall grazing, and fungicide treatment on Verticillium wilt incidence, plant density, and forage yield of alfalfa
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2004) 70, 3313-3320
Natascia Biondi, Raffaella Piccardi, M. Cristina Margheri, Liliana Rodolfi, Geoffrey D. Smith and Mario R. Tredici (2004)
Evaluation of Nostoc strain ATCC 53789 as a potential source of natural pesticides
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 25, 328-338
H.C. Huang (2003)
Verticillium wilt of alfalfa: epidemiology and control strategies
biocontrol - natural enemies (7)
Gesunde Pflanzen (2014) 66, 53-61
Katja A. Maurer, Gabriele Berg and Stefan Seefelder (2014)
Untersuchungen zur Verticillium-Welke im Hopfenanbaugebiet Hallertau
[Verticillium wilt in the hop growing area of Hallertau]
Archives of Virology (2014) 159, 3141-3144
M. Carmen Cañizares, Encarnación Pérez-Artés and María D. García-Pedrajas (2014)
The complete nucleotide sequence of a novel partitivirus isolated from the plant pathogenic fungus Verticillium albo-atrum
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2010) 50, 360-365
Laleh Naraghi, Asghar Heydari, Saeed Rezaee, Mohammad Razavi, Hanieh Jahanifar and Elahe Mahmoodi Khaledi (2010)
Biological control of tomato Verticillium wilt disease by Talaromyces flavus
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2010) 49, 321-329
Laleh Naraghi, Asghar Heydari, Saeed Rezaee, Mohammad Razavi and Homayoon Afshari-Azad (2010)
Biological control of Verticillium wilt of greenhouse cucumber by Talaromyces flavus
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 123, 387-400
Charilaos Giotis, Emilia Markelou, Afroditi Theodoropoulou, Eleftheria Toufexi, Robert Hodson, Peter Shotton, Robert Shiel, Julia Cooper and Carlo Leifert (2009)
Effect of soil amendments and biological control agents (BCAs) on soil-borne root diseases caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and Verticillium albo-atrum in organic greenhouse tomato production systems
Phytopathology (1999) 89, 506-517
Nicole Benhamou, Patrice Rey, Karine Picard and Yves Tirilly (1999)
Ultrastructural and cytochemical aspects of the interaction between the mycoparasite Pythium oligandrum and soilborne plant pathogens
Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1993) 71, 426-433
D. Yang, F. Plante, L. Bernier, Y. Piché, M. Dessureault, G. Laflamme and G.B. Ouellette (1993)
Evaluation of a fungal antagonist, Phaeotheca dimorphospora, for biological control of tree diseases
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (36)
Click here to display long list
damage/losses/economics (2)
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1635-1639
James N. Sedman, Christopher T. Bastian, Larry J. Held, Fred A. Gray and David W. Koch (2007)
An economic analysis of alfalfa harvest methods when infested with Verticillium wilt
Plant Disease (2002) 86, 588-592
Paul G. Jefferson and Bruce D. Gossen (2002)
Irrigation increases verticillium wilt incidence in a susceptible alfalfa cultivar
environment - cropping system/rotation (7)
Plant Disease (2009) 93, 747-751
Mark J. Schall and Donald D. Davis (2009)
Ailanthus altissima wilt and mortality: Etiology
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 123, 387-400
Charilaos Giotis, Emilia Markelou, Afroditi Theodoropoulou, Eleftheria Toufexi, Robert Hodson, Peter Shotton, Robert Shiel, Julia Cooper and Carlo Leifert (2009)
Effect of soil amendments and biological control agents (BCAs) on soil-borne root diseases caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and Verticillium albo-atrum in organic greenhouse tomato production systems
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 117, 201-218
A. El Hadrami, O. Wally, L.R. Adam and F. Daayf (2007)
PCR-based determination of colonization patterns during potato tuber infection by single and multiple pathogens
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 28, 509-518
P.A. Abbasi, K.L. Conn and G. Lazarovits (2006)
Effect of fish emulsion used as a preplanting soil amendment on verticillium wilt, scab, and tuber yield of potato
Plant Pathology Journal (2006) 5, 1-6
Hayfa Jabnoun-Khiareddine, Mejda Daami-Remadi, Khaled Hibar, Jane Robb and Mohamed El Mahjoub (2006)
Effect of temperature on Verticillium wilts of tomato in Tunisia
Plant Disease (2002) 86, 588-592
Paul G. Jefferson and Bruce D. Gossen (2002)
Irrigation increases verticillium wilt incidence in a susceptible alfalfa cultivar
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) Pennypacker - Impact of light and ...
B.W. Pennypacker (1998)
Impact of light and CO2 on resistance to vascular wilt fungi in alfalfa
Edinburgh, U.K. (9 - 16 Aug. 1998), Paper presented in section: Environmental physiology of plant-pathogen interactions
population dynamics/ epidemiology (2)
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 117, 201-218
A. El Hadrami, O. Wally, L.R. Adam and F. Daayf (2007)
PCR-based determination of colonization patterns during potato tuber infection by single and multiple pathogens
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 28, 540-547
Natasha Robinson, H.W. (Bud) Platt and L. Hale (2006)
Potato plant and tuber infection and soil colonization by Verticillium tricorpus and Verticillium albo-atrum 'group 2'
surveys/sampling/distribution (7)
Gesunde Pflanzen (2014) 66, 53-61
Katja A. Maurer, Gabriele Berg and Stefan Seefelder (2014)
Untersuchungen zur Verticillium-Welke im Hopfenanbaugebiet Hallertau
[Verticillium wilt in the hop growing area of Hallertau]
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2013) 120, 105-114
Katja A. Maurer, Sebastjan Radisek, Gabriele Berg and Stefan Seefelder (2013)
Real-time PCR assay to detect Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae in hops: development and comparison with a standard PCR method
Plant Pathology Journal (2006) 5, 199-207
Hayfa Jabnoun-Khiareddine, Mejda Daami-Remadi, Khaled Hibar, Fakher Ayed and Mohamed El Mahjoub (2006)
Pathogenecity of Tunisian isolates of three Verticillium species on tomato and eggplant
Environmental Microbiology (2005) 7, 1698-1710
Bart Lievens, Margreet Brouwer, Alfons C.R.C. Vanachter, C. André Lévesque, Bruno P.A. Cammue and Bart P.H.J. Thomma (2005)
Quantitative assessment of phytopathogenic fungi in various substrates using a DNA macroarray
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2004) 43, 273-280
Leonardo Schena, Franco Nigro and Antonio Ippolito (2004)
Real-time PCR detection and quantification of soilborne fungal pathogens: the case of Rosellinia necatrix, Phytophthora nicotianae, P. citrophthora, and Verticillium dahliae
EPPO Bulletin (2003) 33, 343-345
M.R. Hajlaoui, S. Gargouri, A. Guermech and N. Hamza (2003)
Emergence en Tunisie d'un nouveau pathotype de Verticillium alboatrum pouvant attaquer les cultivars de tomate possédant le gène de résistance Ve
FEMS Microbiology Letters (2003) 223, 113-122
Bart Lievens, Margreet Brouwer, Alfons C.R.C. Vanachter, C.André Lévesque, Bruno P.A. Cammue and Bart P.H.J. Thomma (2003)
Design and development of a DNA array for rapid detection and identification of multiple tomato vascular wilt pathogens
transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (3)
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 25, 328-338
H.C. Huang (2003)
Verticillium wilt of alfalfa: epidemiology and control strategies
Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1994) 72, 1121-1125
H.C. Huang, G.C. Kozub and E.G. Kokko (1994)
Survival of Verticillium albo-atrum in alfalfa seeds
Environmental Entomology (1984) 13, 117-120
A.M. Harper and H.C. Huang (1984)
Contamination of insects by the plant pathogen Verticillium albo-atrum in an alfalfa Field
molecular biology - genes (11)
review (3)
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 32, 58-67
Dennis A. Johnson and Jeremiah K.S. Dung (2010)
Verticillium wilt of potato - the pathogen, disease and management
Molecular Plant Pathology (2006) 7, 71-86
Emilie F. Fradin and Bart P.H.J. Thomma (2006)
Physiology and molecular aspects of Verticillium wilt diseases caused by V. dahliae and V. albo-atrum
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 21, 213-221
Gary A. Secor and Neil C. Gudmestad (1999)
Managing fungal diseases of potato