Bibliography:Aureobasidium pullulans (antagonist)

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Publication list for Aureobasidium pullulans (antagonist) sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (16)

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identification/taxonomy (4)

Plant Disease (2009) 93, 993-998
M. Martini, R. Musetti, S. Grisan, R. Polizzotto, S. Borselli, F. Pavan and R. Osler (2009)
DNA-dependent detection of the grapevine fungal endophytes Aureobasidium pullulans and Epicoccum nigrum

Journal of Applied Microbiology (2008) 104, 1433-1441
I. Loncaric, C. Donat, B. Antlinger, J.T. Oberlerchner, B. Heissenberger and R. Moosbeckhofer (2008)
Strain-specific detection of two Aureobasidium pullulans strains, fungal biocontrol agents of fire blight by new, developed multiplex-PCR

Plant Disease (2002) 86, 54-60
Leonardo Schena, Mariella Finetti Sialer and Donato Gallitelli (2002)
Molecular detection of strain L47 of Aureobasidium pullulans, a biocontrol agent of postharvest diseases

EPPO Bulletin (2000) 30, 559-562
L. Schena, M.M. Finetti Sialer and D. Gallitelli (2000)
Specific identification of Aureobasidium pullulans strain L47 using Scorpion PCR

inundative/inoculative release (1)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S13 (Battilani et al.)
P. Battilani, V. De Cicco, F. De Curtis, L. Macchia, A. Pietri, A. Ritieni and A. Silva (2007)
Biological and integrated control of Aspergillus carbonarius
Oral Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

evaluation - screening - selection (24)

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formulation/storage of bioagents (3)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S38 (De Curtis et al.)
F. De Curtis, A.M. Spina, D. Piedimonte, G. Lima and V. De Cicco (2007)
Biological and integrated control of wheat powdery mildew
Poster Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 293 (Lima et al.)
G. Lima, A.M. Spina, F. De Curtis and D. Piedimonte (2003)
Improvement of biocontrol yeast activity by integration with natural compounds
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84, p. 185 (Lima et al.)
G. Lima, F. De Curtis, D. Piedimonte, A.M. Spina and V. De Cicco (2002)
Activity of antagonists and natural compounds against powdery mildew of cucurbits: laboratory and field trials
IX Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology

application technology (4)

Phytopathology (2022) 112, 232-237
Mudassir Iqbal, Matilda Jützeler, Soraya C. França, Felix Wäckers, Erik Andreasson and Johan A. Stenberg (2022)
Bee-vectored Aureobasidium pullulans for biological control of gray mold in strawberry

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S38 (De Curtis et al.)
F. De Curtis, A.M. Spina, D. Piedimonte, G. Lima and V. De Cicco (2007)
Biological and integrated control of wheat powdery mildew
Poster Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, p. 293 (Lima et al.)
G. Lima, A.M. Spina, F. De Curtis and D. Piedimonte (2003)
Improvement of biocontrol yeast activity by integration with natural compounds
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

Phytopathology (1997) 87, 1103-1110
Wolfgang Leibinger, Barbara Breuker, Matthias Hahn and Kurt Mendgen (1997)
Control of postharvest pathogens and colonization of the apple surface by antagonistic microorganisms in the field

non-target effects/fate in environm. (1)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 280 (Pentimone et al.)
I. Pentimone, L. Schena, A. Ligorio, A. Ippolito and F. Nigro (2005)
Table grape berry colonisation and environmental fate of the biocontrol agent Aureobasidium pullulans, strain L47
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005

environment/habitat manipulation (4)

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2011) 77, 2188-2191
Florian Schmid, Gerit Moser, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg (2011)
Functional and structural microbial diversity in organic and conventional viticulture: Organic farming benefits natural biocontrol agents

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2007) 73, 1277-1286
Molly J. McGrath and John H. Andrews (2007)
Role of microbial immigration in the colonization of apple leaves by Aureobasidium pullulans

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2006) 72, 6234-6241
Molly J. McGrath and John H. Andrews (2006)
Temporal changes in microscale colonization of the phylloplane by Aureobasidium pullulans

European Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 105, 123-137
A.J. Dik and Y. Elad (1999)
Comparison of antagonists of Botrytis cinerea in greenhouse-grown cucumber and tomato under different climatic conditions

surveys/distribution/isolation (5)

Phytobiomes Journal (2021) 5, 145-155
Florian Gschwend, Andrea Braun-Kiewnick, Franco Widmer and Cosima Pelludat (2021)
Apple blossoms from a Swiss orchard with low-input plant protection regime reveal high abundance of potential fire blight antagonists

Plant Disease (2009) 93, 993-998
M. Martini, R. Musetti, S. Grisan, R. Polizzotto, S. Borselli, F. Pavan and R. Osler (2009)
DNA-dependent detection of the grapevine fungal endophytes Aureobasidium pullulans and Epicoccum nigrum

Journal of Applied Microbiology (2008) 104, 1433-1441
I. Loncaric, C. Donat, B. Antlinger, J.T. Oberlerchner, B. Heissenberger and R. Moosbeckhofer (2008)
Strain-specific detection of two Aureobasidium pullulans strains, fungal biocontrol agents of fire blight by new, developed multiplex-PCR

Journal of Phytopathology (2005) 153, 431-439
F.M. Dugan, S.L. Lupien, M. Hernandez-Bello, T.L. Peever and W. Chen (2005)
Fungi resident in chickpea debris and their suppression of growth and reproduction of Didymella rabiei under laboratory conditions

European Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 105, 115-122
A.J. Dik, G. Koning and J. Köhl (1999)
Evaluation of microbial antagonists for biological control of Botrytis cinerea stem infection in cucumber and tomato

molecular biology - genes (9)

Environmental Microbiology (2019) 21, 3638-3652
Cene Gostincar, Martina Turk, Janja Zajc and Nina Gunde-Cimerman (2019)
Fifty Aureobasidium pullulans genomes reveal a recombining polyextremotolerant generalist

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 151, 593-611
R.M.S.P. Rathnayake, S. Savocchia, L.M. Schmidtke and C.C. Steel (2018)
Characterisation of Aureobasidium pullulans isolates from Vitis vinifera and potential biocontrol activity for the management of bitter rot of grapes

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S64 (Trullo et al.)
M.C. Trullo, L. Schena, I. Pentimone, A. Ligorio, F. Nigro and A. Ippolito (2007)
Over-expression of chitinase and ß-1,3-glucanase genes in orange fruit treated with Aureobasidium pullulans and chitosan
Poster Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 296 (Ligorio et al.)
A. Ligorio, F. Nigro, L. Schena, I. Pentimone and A. Ippolito (2005)
Induction of resistance in sweet cherry fruits treated with salts and Aureobasidium pullulans
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005 (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 276 (Castoria et al.)
R. Castoria, D.V. De Felice, M. Solfrizzo, V. Lattanzio, F. De Curtis and V. De Cicco (2005)
In vitro degradation of ochratoxin A to less toxic ochratoxin by Aureobasidium pullulans biocontrol strains
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005

Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, p. 296a (Ligorio et al.)
A. Ligorio, L. Schena, I. Pentimone, F. Nigro and A. Ippolito (2005)
Characterization of hydrolytic enzymes produced by Aureobasidium pullulans strain L47
XII Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Reggio Calabria, 29/9 - 1/10, 2005 (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 279-280
F. De Curtis, L. Caputo, R. Castoria, G. Lima and V. De Cicco (2003)
Molecular fingerprinting of antagonist Aureobasidium pullulans isolates by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (oral presentation)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 292-293
A. Ligorio, L. Schena, F. Nigro and A. Ippolito (2003)
Enzymatic activity and isoform patterns of chitinase and ß-1,3-glucanase in sweet cherries and apricots treated with Aureobasidium pullulans (De Bary) Arnaud, strain L47
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 314-315
I. Pentimone, L. Schena, A. Ippolito and F. Nigro (2003)
Partial characterization of an ABC-transporter encoding gene in Aureobasidium pullulans, strain l47, and development of a quantification method of the relative transcript level
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

resistance to pesticides (3)

Biocontrol Science and Technology (2009) 19, 1033-1049
Silvana Vero, Gabriela Garmendia, M. Belén González, M. Fernanda Garat and Michael Wisniewski (2009)
Aureobasidium pullulans as a biocontrol agent of postharvest pathogens of apples in Uruguay

Phytopathology (2005) 95, 1271-1278
Raffaello Castoria, Valeria Morena, Leonardo Caputo, Gianfranco Panfili, Filippo De Curtis and Vincenzo De Cicco (2005)
Effect of the biocontrol yeast Rhodotorula glutinis strain LS11 on patulin accumulation in stored apples

Journal of Plant Pathology (2003) 85, 314-315
I. Pentimone, L. Schena, A. Ippolito and F. Nigro (2003)
Partial characterization of an ABC-transporter encoding gene in Aureobasidium pullulans, strain l47, and development of a quantification method of the relative transcript level
X Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology (poster)

review (1)

Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering (2014) 59, 40-42
Ewa Matyjaszczyk (2014)
Market placement of microorganisms in Poland