Andrew Kalyebi

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Publications of Andrew Kalyebi (10 listed):

Scientific Reports (2023) 13 (660)
Rahul Rane, Thomas K. Walsh, Pauline Lenancker, Andrew Gock, Thi Hang Dao, Van Liem Nguyen, Thein Nyunt Khin, Divina Amalin, Khonesavanh Chittarath, Muhammad Faheem, Sivapragasam Annamalai, Sathis Sri Thanarajoo, Y. Andi Trisyono, Sathya Khay, Juil Kim, Lastus Kuniata, Kevin Powell, Andrew Kalyebi, Michael H. Otim, Kiwoong Nam, Emmanuelle d'Alençon, Karl H.J. Gordon and Wee Tek Tay (2023)
Complex multiple introductions drive fall armyworm invasions into Asia and Australia

Insects (2021) 12 (3 - 269)
Andrew Kalyebi, Sarina Macfadyen, Andrew Hulthen, Patrick Ocitti, Frances Jacomb, Wee Tek Tay, John Colvin and Paul De Barro (2021)
Within-season changes in land-use impact pest abundance in smallholder African cassava production systems

Pest Management Science (2020) 76, 2699-2710
Hazel Parry, Andrew Kalyebi, Felix Bianchi, Peter Sseruwagi, John Colvin, Nancy Schellhorn and Sarina Macfadyen (2020)
Evaluation of cultural control and resistance-breeding strategies for suppression of whitefly infestation of cassava at the landscape scale: a simulation modeling approach

PLoS ONE (2018) 13 (10 - e0204862)
Andrew Kalyebi, Sarina Macfadyen, Hazel Parry, Wee Tek Tay, Paul De Barro and John Colvin (2018)
African cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, cassava colonization preferences and control implications

Insect Science (2007) 14, 477-484
Lonjino M. Ogwal, Andrew Kalyebi and John B. Kaddu (2007)
The diurnal activity, movement and trypanosome infection rates of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Buvuma Island, Lake Victoria, Uganda

Applied Entomology and Zoology (2006) 41, 365-370
Andrew Kalyebi and Satoshi Nakamura (2006)
The biology of the parasitoid fly Drino inconspicuoides (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the host Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2006) 96, 305-314
A. Kalyebi, W.A. Overholt, F. Schulthess, J.M. Mueke and S. Sithanantham (2006)
The effect of temperature and humidity on the bionomics of six African egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2005) 112, 472-477
A. Kalyebi and S.A. Hassan (2005)
African and European trichogrammatid egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae): a comparison of some biological attributes

Biocontrol Science and Technology (2005) 15, 255-270
A. Kalyebi, S. Sithanantham, W.A. Overholt, S.A. Hassan and J.M. Mueke (2005)
Parasitism, longevity and progeny production of six indigenous Kenyan trichogrammatid egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) at different temperature and relative humidity regimes

International Journal of Pest Management (2005) 51, 17-23
P. Sseruwagi, G. Okao-Okuja, A. Kalyebi, S. Muyango, V. Aggarwal and James P. Legg (2005)
Cassava mosaic geminiviruses associated with cassava mosaic disease in Rwanda