Stephen W. Fraedrich

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Publications of Stephen W. Fraedrich (32 listed):

Forest Pathology (2022) 52 (2 - e12733)
Michelle M. Cram and Stephen W. Fraedrich (2022)
Effects of Caliciopsis pinea inoculation with and without wounding on Pinus strobus

Plant Disease (2022) 106, p. 3213 (Cram et al.)
M.M. Cram, M.-S. Kim, S.W. Fraedrich, R.O. Olatinwo and N.B. Klopfenstein (2022)
First report of Armillaria root disease of Celtis laevigata caused by A. gallica in South Carolina, United States

Plant Disease (2021) 105, p. 1226 (Hanna et al.)
J.W. Hanna, N.B. Klopfenstein, M.M. Cram, R.O. Olatinwo, S.W. Fraedrich and M.-S. Kim (2021)
First report of Armillaria root disease pathogen, Armillaria gallica, on Rhododendron and Quercus rubra in Georgia, U.S.A.

Plant Disease (2020) 104, 3151-3158
Jeffrey L. Hamilton, J. Noah Workman, Campbell J. Nairn, Stephen W. Fraedrich and Caterina Villari (2020)
Rapid detection of Raffaelea lauricola directly from host plant and beetle vector tissues using loop-mediated isothermal amplification

Plant Disease (2020) 104, p. 567 (Loyd et al.)
A.L. Loyd, K.D. Chase, A. Nielson, N. Hoover, T.J. Dreaden, A.E. Mayfield, E. Crocker and S.W. Fraedrich (2020)
First report of laurel wilt caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Sassafras albidum in Tennessee and Kentucky

Plant Disease (2019) 103, p. 155 (Mayfield III et al.)
A.E. Mayfield III, C. Villari, J.L. Hamilton, J. Slye, W. Langston, K. Oten and S.W. Fraedrich (2019)
First report of laurel wilt disease caused by Raffaelea lauricola on sassafras in North Carolina

Plant Disease (2019) 103, p. 1777 (Olatinwo et al.)
R. Olatinwo, J. Hwang, W. Johnson and S.W. Fraedrich (2019)
First report of laurel wilt disease caused by Raffaelea lauricola on swamp bay in Louisiana

Plant Disease (2017) 101, 619-628
Caroline E. Wuest, Thomas C. Harrington, Stephen W. Fraedrich, Hye-Young Yun and Sheng-Shan Lu (2017)
Genetic variation in native populations of the laurel wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola, in Taiwan and Japan and the introduced population in the United States

Journal of Nematology (2016) 48, 20-27
Zafar A. Handoo, Lynn K. Carta, Andrea M. Skantar, Sergei A. Subbotin and Stephen W. Fraedrich (2016)
Molecular and morphological characterization of Xiphinema chambersi population from live oak in Jekyll Island, Georgia, with comments on morphometric variations

Plant Disease (2016) 100, p. 1502 (Menard et al.)
R.D. Menard, S.R. Clarke, S.W. Fraedrich and T.C. Harrington (2016)
First report of laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, on redbay (Persea borbonia) in Texas

Forest Pathology (2015) 45, 60-70
S.W. Fraedrich, T.C. Harrington and G.S. Best (2015)
Xyleborus glabratus attacks and systemic colonization by Raffaelea lauricola associated with dieback of Cinnamomum camphora in the southeastern United States

Florida Entomologist (2015) 98, 1266-1268
Stephen W. Fraedrich, C. Wood Johnson, Roger D. Menard, Thomas C. Harrington, Rabiu Olatinwo and G. Susan Best (2015)
First report of Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and laurel wilt in Louisiana, USA: The disease continues westward on Sassafras

Journal of Economic Entomology (2014) 107, 174-184
A.E. Mayfield III, S.W. Fraedrich, A. Taylor, P. Merten and S.W. Myers (2014)
Efficacy of heat treatment for the thousand cankers disease vector and pathogen in small black walnut logs

Mycologia (2014) 106, 835-845
Thomas C. Harrington, Douglas McNew, Chase Mayers, Stephen W. Fraedrich and Sharon E. Reed (2014)
Ambrosiella roeperi sp. nov. is the mycangial symbiont of the granulate ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus

Plant Disease (2013) 97, p. 688 (Bates et al.)
C.A. Bates, S.W. Fraedrich, T.C. Harrington, R.S. Cameron, R.D. Menard and G.S. Best (2013)
First report of laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, on sassafras (Sassafras albidum) in Alabama

Nematology (2012) 14, 417-425
Stephen W. Fraedrich, Michelle M. Cram, Zafar A. Handoo and Stanley J. Zarnoch (2012)
Influence of Tylenchorhynchus ewingi on growth of loblolly pine seedlings, and host suitability of legumes and small grains

Plant Disease (2011) 95, p. 1479 (Riggins et al.)
J.J. Riggins, S.W. Fraedrich and T.C. Harrington (2011)
First report of laurel wilt caused by Raffaelea lauricola on sassafras in Mississippi

Plant Disease (2011) 95, 1056-1062
S.W. Fraedrich, T.C. Harrington, C.A. Bates, J. Johnson, L.S. Reid, G.S. Best, T.D. Leininger and T.S. Hawkins (2011)
Susceptibility to laurel wilt and disease incidence in two rare plant species, pondberry and pondspice

Plant Disease (2011) 95, p. 612 (Stanosz et al.)
G.R. Stanosz, D.R. Smith, J.P. Sullivan, A.M. Mech, K.J.K. Gandhi, M.J. Dalusky, A.E. Mayfield and S.W. Fraedrich (2011)
Shoot blight caused by Sirococcus tsugae on eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in Georgia

Phytopathology (2010) 100, 1118-1123
T.C. Harrington and S.W. Fraedrich (2010)
Quantification of propagules of the laurel wilt fungus and other mycangial fungi from the redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus

Plant Disease (2009) 93, p. 198 (Smith et al.)
J.A. Smith, L. Mount, A.E. Mayfield, C.A. Bates, W.A. Lamborn and S.W. Fraedrich (2009)
First report of laurel wilt disease caused by Raffaelea lauricola on camphor in Florida and Georgia

Plant Disease (2009) 93, p. 198 (Stanosz et al.)
G.R. Stanosz, D.R. Smith, S.W. Fraedrich, R.E. Baird and A. Mangini (2009)
Diplodia pinea, the cause of Diplodia blight of pines, confirmed in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi

Plant Disease (2009) 93, p. 1079 (Smith et al.)
J.A. Smith, T.J. Dreaden, A.E. Mayfield III, A. Boone, S.W. Fraedrich and C. Bates (2009)
First report of laurel wilt disease caused by Raffaelea lauricola on sassafras in Florida and South Carolina

Journal of Economic Entomology (2008) 101, 1276-1286
James L. Hanula, Albert E. Mayfield, Stephen W. Fraedrich and Robert J. Rabaglia (2008)
Biology and host associations of redbay ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), exotic vector of laurel wilt killing redbay trees in the southeastern United States

Mycotaxon (2008) 104, 399-404
T.C. Harrington, S.W. Fraedrich and D.N. Aghayeva (2008)
Raffaelea lauricola, a new ambrosia beetle symbiont and pathogen on the Lauraceae

Plant Disease (2008) 92, p. 1469 (Fraedrich)
S.W. Fraedrich (2008)
California laurel is susceptible to laurel wilt caused by Raffaelea lauricola

Plant Disease (2008) 92, 215-224
S.W. Fraedrich, T.C. Harrington, R.J. Rabaglia, M.D. Ulyshen, A.E. Mayfield III, J.L. Hanula, J.M. Eickwort and D.R. Miller (2008)
A fungal symbiont of the redbay ambrosia beetle causes a lethal wilt in redbay and other Lauraceae in the southeastern United States

Nematology (2005) 7, 487-493
Stephen W. Fraedrich, Michelle M. Cram and Stanley J. Zarnoch (2005)
The effect of fallow on Longidorus americanus, a nematode associated with stunting of loblolly pine seedlings in Georgia, USA

Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, 94-104
Z.A. Handoo, L.K. Carta, A.M. Skantar, W. Ye, R.T. Robbins, S.A. Subbotin, S.W. Fraedrich and M.M. Cram (2005)
Morphological and molecular characterization of Longidorus americanum n. sp. (Nematoda: Longidoridae), a needle nematode parasitizing pine in Georgia

Plant Disease (2003) 87, 1129-1132
S.W. Fraedrich, M.M. Cram and Z.A. Handoo (2003)
Suitability of southern pines, other selected crops, and nutsedge to a Longidorus sp. associated with stunting of loblolly pine seedlings

Plant Disease (2002) 86, 803-807
Stephen W. Fraedrich and Michelle M. Cram (2002)
The association of a Longidorus species with stunting and root damage of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings

European Journal of Forest Pathology (1995) 25, 73-82
S.W. Fraedrich and T. Miller (1995)
Mycoflora associated with slash-pine seeds from cones collected at seed orchards and cone-processing facilities in the south-eastern USA