Plant Pathology (2001) 50 (5)
Articles of Plant Pathology entered for 2001 and volume (issue): 50 (5)
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 546-551
J.A. Kolmer and J.Q. Liu (2001)
Simple inheritance of partial resistance to leaf rust in two wheat cultivars
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 552-560
H. Haugaard, H.J. Lyngs Jørgensen, M.F. Lyngkjær, V. Smedegaard-Petersen and D.B. Collinge (2001)
Control of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei by treatment with mycelial extracts from cultured fungi
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 561-568
X.-M. Xu, L. Guerin and J.D. Robinson (2001)
Effects of temperature and relative humidity on conidial germination and viability, colonization and sporulation of Monilinia fructigena
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 569-578
X.-M. Xu, J.D. Robinson, A.M. Berrie and D.C. Harris (2001)
Spatio-temporal dynamics of brown rot (Monilinia fructigena) on apple and pear
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 579-586
S. Ziadi, S. Barbedette, J.F. Godard, C. Monot, D. Le Corre and D. Silué (2001)
Production of pathogenesis-related proteins in the cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)–downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) pathosystem treated with acibenzolar-S-methyl
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 587-593
C.J. Wilkinson, J.M. Holmes, B. Dell, K.M. Tynan, J.A. McComb, B.L. Shearer, I.J. Colquhoun and G.E. St. J. Hardy (2001)
Effect of phosphite on in planta zoospore production of Phytophthora cinnamomi
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 594-600
C.D. Georgiou and K.P. Petropoulou (2001)
Effect of the antioxidant ascorbic acid on sclerotial differentiation in Rhizoctonia solani
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 601-608
S.H. Khan, J. Aked and N. Magan (2001)
Control of the anthracnose pathogen of banana (Colletotrichum musae) using antioxidants alone and in combination with thiabendazole or imazalil
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 609-619
J. Mercado-Blanco, D. Rodríguez-Jurado, E. Pérez-Artés and R.M. Jiménez-Díaz (2001)
Detection of the nondefoliating pathotype of Verticillium dahliae in infected olive plants by nested PCR
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 620-627
A. Zoina, A. Raio, R. Peluso and A. Spasiano (2001)
Characterization of agrobacteria from weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 628-636
S.M. Aljanabi, Y. Parmessur, Y. Moutia, S. Saumtally and A. Dookun (2001)
Further evidence of the association of a phytoplasma and a virus with yellow leaf syndrome in sugarcane
Plant Pathology (2001) 50, 637-643
B. Bertrand, F. Anthony and P. Lashermes (2001)
Breeding for resistance to Meloidogyne exigua in Coffea arabica by introgression of resistance genes of Coffea canephora