M. Teresa Vera

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Publications of M. Teresa Vera (42 listed):

Pest Management Science (2022) 78, 2502-2511
Paula G. Páez Jerez, Jorge G. Hill, Eliseu J.G. Pereira, Pilar Medina Pereyra and M. Teresa Vera (2022)
The role of genetically engineered soybean and Amaranthus weeds on biological and reproductive parameters of Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2021) 169, 172-182
María J. Ruiz, María L. Juárez, Flavia Jofré Barud, Lucía Goane, Gabriela A. Valladares, Guillermo E. Bachmann, Silvina A. Belliard, Paula Páez Jerez, Ana Lucía Zamora Belli, F. Daniela García Méndez, Diego F. Segura, M. Liza López and María T. Vera (2021)
Lemon and Schinus polygama essential oils enhance male mating success of Anastrepha fraterculus

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2020) 110, 438-448
G.A. Valladares, M.V. Coll-Aráoz, M. Alderete, M.T. Vera and P.C. Fernández (2020)
Tephritidae fruit fly gut microbiome diversity, function and potential for applications

Journal of Applied Entomology (2020) 144, 701-709
María Clara Liendo, María Alejandra Parreño, Alejandro G. Pietrek, Juan Pedro Bouvet, Fabián H. Milla, M. Teresa Vera, Jorge L. Cladera and Diego F. Segura (2020)
Infestation of fruit by conspecific and heterospecific females deters oviposition in two Tephritidae fruit fly species

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2019) 109, 178-190
L. Goane, P.M. Pereyra, F. Castro, M.J. Ruiz, M.L. Juárez, D.F. Segura and M.T. Vera (2019)
Yeast derivatives and wheat germ in the adult diet modulates fecundity in a tephritid pest

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2019) 109, 408-417
A.K.P. Roriz, H.F. Japyassú, C. Cáceres, M. Teresa Vera and I.S. Joachim-Bravo (2019)
Pheromone emission patterns and courtship sequences across distinct populations within Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera-Tephritidae) cryptic species complex

PLoS ONE (2019) 14 (6 - e0214698)
Guillermo E. Bachmann, Francisco Devescovi, Ana L. Nussenbaum, Fabián H. Milla, Todd E. Shelly, Jorge L. Cladera, Patricia C. Fernández, María T. Vera and Diego F. Segura (2019)
Mate choice confers direct benefits to females of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Ecological Entomology (2018) 43, 294-303
Maria C. Liendo, Maria A. Parreño, Jorge L. Cladera, Maria T. Vera and Diego F. Segura (2018)
Coexistence between two fruit fly species is supported by the different strength of intra- and interspecific competition

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2018) 111, 239-264
Diego F. Segura, Silvina A. Belliard, M. Teresa Vera, Guillermo E. Bachmann, M. Josefina Ruiz, Flavia Jofre-Barud, Patricia C. Fernández, M. Liza López and Todd E. Shelly (2018)
Plant chemicals and the sexual behavior of male tephritid fruit flies

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2016) 158, 25-33
M.L. Juárez, M.J. Ruiz, P.C. Fernández, L. Goane, M.E. Villagrán, O.E.A. Arce, A. Armiñana, P.G. Páez Jerez, M.H. de la Vega, M.T. Vera and A.T. Groot (2016)
Communication interference in sympatrically occurring moth species

Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2016) 18, 349-356
María C. Liendo, Francisco Devescovi, Teresa Boca, Jorge L. Cladera, Maria T. Vera and Diego F. Segura (2016)
Patterns of resource distribution among conspecific larvae in two fruit fly species: Anastrepha fraterculus and Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2015) 157, 198-213
M.J. Ruiz, M.L. Juárez, R.A. Alzogaray, F. Arrighi, L. Arroyo, G. Gastaminza, E. Willink, A. Bardón and M.T. Vera (2015)
Oviposition behaviour and larval development of Anastrepha fraterculus from Argentina in citrus

Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2015) 17, 325-335
Francisco Devescovi, M. Clara Liendo, Guillermo E. Bachmann, Juan P. Bouvet, Fabián H. Milla, M. Teresa Vera, Jorge L. Cladera and Diego F. Segura (2015)
Fruit infestation patterns by Anastrepha fraterculus and Ceratitis capitata reveal that cross-recognition does not lead to complete avoidance of interspecific competition in nature

PLoS ONE (2015) 10 (4 - e0124250)
Guillermo E. Bachmann, Diego F. Segura, Francisco Devescovi, M. Laura Juárez, M. Josefina Ruiz, M. Teresa Vera, Jorge L. Cladera, Peter E.A. Teal and Patricia C. Fernández (2015)
Male sexual behavior and pheromone emission is enhanced by exposure to guava fruit volatiles in Anastrepha fraterculus

International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2014) 34, S73-S81
M. Teresa Vera, Andrea Oviedo, Solana Abraham, M. Josefina Ruiz, M. Mendoza, Chiou Ling Chang and Eduardo Willink (2014)
Development of a larval diet for the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2014) 152, 238-247
Francisco Devescovi, Solana Abraham, Alzira K.P. Roriz, Norma Nolazco, Rosario Castañeda, Eduardo Tadeo, Carlos Caceres, Diego F. Segura, M. Teresa Vera, Iara Joachim-Bravo, Nelson Canal and Juan Rull (2014)
Ongoing speciation within the Anastrepha fraterculus cryptic species complex: the case of the Andean morphotype

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2014) 104, 376-382
S. Abraham, J. Rull, M. Mendoza, M.C. Liendo, F. Devescovi, A.K. Roriz, A. Kovaleski, D.F. Segura and M.T. Vera (2014)
Differences in sperm storage and remating propensity between adult females of two morphotypes of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) cryptic species complex

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2014) 152, 182-199
M.L. Juárez, G. Schöfl, M.T. Vera, J.C. Vilardi, M.G. Murúa, E. Willink, S. Hänniger, D.G. Heckel and A.T. Groot (2014)
Population structure of Spodoptera frugiperda maize and rice host forms in South America: are they host strains?

Neotropical Entomology (2013) 42, 72-81
L. Goane, A. Casmuz, H. Salas, M. Lizondo, G. Gastaminza and M.T. Vera (2013)
Spatial and temporal variation in Chaetanaphothrips orchidii Moulton (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population and its damage on lemon

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2013) 148, 213-222
Juan Rull, Solana Abraham, Adalecio Kovaleski, Diego F. Segura, Mariana Mendoza, M. Clara Liendo and M. Teresa Vera (2013)
Evolution of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic barriers to gene flow among three cryptic species within the Anastrepha fraterculus complex

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2013) 103, 310-317
S. Abraham, M.C. Liendo, F. Devescovi, P.A. Peralta, V. Yusef, J. Ruiz, J.L. Cladera, M.T. Vera and D.F. Segura (2013)
Remating behavior in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) females is affected by male juvenile hormone analog treatment but not by male sterilization

Journal of Economic Entomology (2013) 106, 695-707
M.K. Schutze, A. Jessup, I. Ul-Haq, M.J.B. Vreysen, V. Wornoayporn, M.T. Vera and A.R. Clarke (2013)
Mating compatibility among four pest members of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly species complex (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2013) 103, 1-13
M.C. Liendo, F. Devescovi, G.E. Bachmann, M.E. Utgés, S. Abraham, M.T. Vera, S.B. Lanzavecchia, J.P. Bouvet, P. Gómez-Cendra, J. Hendrichs, P.E.A. Teal, J.L. Cladera and D.F. Segura (2013)
Precocious sexual signalling and mating in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males achieved through juvenile hormone treatment and protein supplements

Journal of Economic Entomology (2012) 105, 573-582
M. Laura Juárez, M. Gabriela Murúa, M. Gabriela García, Marta Ontivero, M. Teresa Vera, Juan C. Vilardi, Astrid T. Groot, Atilio P. Castagnaro, Gerardo Gastaminza and Eduardo Willink (2012)
Host association of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) corn and rice strains in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2012) 102, 435-443
J. Rull, S. Abraham, A. Kovaleski, D.F. Segura, A. Islam, V. Wornoayporn, T. Dammalage, U. Santo Tomas and M.T. Vera (2012)
Random mating and reproductive compatibility among Argentinean and southern Brazilian populations of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Journal of Economic Entomology (2012) 105, 1178-1185
M. Elvira Villagrán, Eduardo Willink, M. Teresa Vera and Peter Follett (2012)
Export of commercial Hass avocados from Argentina poses negligible risk of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2011) 102, 346-354
Diego F. Segura, M. Teresa Vera, Juan Rull, Viwat Wornoayporn, Amirul Islam and Alan S. Robinson (2011)
Assortative mating among Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) hybrids as a possible route to radiation of the fraterculus cryptic species complex

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2011) 141, 15-24
Solana Abraham, Lucía Goane, Juan Rull, Jorge Cladera, Eduardo Willink and M. Teresa Vera (2011)
Multiple mating in Anastrepha fraterculus females and its relationship with fecundity and fertility

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2009) 131, 75-84
Diego F. Segura, Carlos Cáceres, M. Teresa Vera, Viwat Wornoayporn, Amirul Islam, Peter E.A. Teal, Jorge L. Cladera, Jorge Hendrichs and Alan S. Robinson (2009)
Enhancing mating performance after juvenile hormone treatment in Anastrepha fraterculus: a differential response in males and females acts as a physiological sexing system

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2009) 97, 152-165
Carlos Cáceres, Diego F. Segura, M. Teresa Vera, Viwat Wornoayporn, Jorge L. Cladera, Peter Teal, Panagiotis Sapountzis, Kostas Bourtzis, Antigone Zacharopoulou and Alan S. Robinson (2009)
Incipient speciation revealed in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera; Tephritidae) by studies on mating compatibility, sex pheromones, hybridization, and cytology

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2008) 101, 639-649
M.G. Murúa, M.T. Vera, S. Abraham, M.L. Juaréz, S. Prieto, G.P. Head and E. Willink (2008)
Fitness and mating compatibility of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from different host plant species and regions in Argentina

Florida Entomologist (2007) 90, 53-57
Teresa Vera, Solana Abraham, Andrea Oviedo and Eduardo Willink (2007)
Demographic and quality control parameters of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) maintained under artificial rearing

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2006) 99, 70-83
Diego F. Segura, M. Teresa Vera, Cynthia L. Cagnotti, Norma Vaccaro, Olga De Coll, Sergio M. Ovruski and Jorge L. Cladera (2006)
Relative abundance of Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) in diverse host species and localities of Argentina

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2006) 99, 387-397
M. Teresa Vera, Carlos Cáceres, Viwat Wornoayporn, Amirul Islam, Alan S. Robinson, Marcelo H. De La Vega, Jorge Hendrichs and Jean-Pierre Cayol (2006)
Mating incompatibility among populations of the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2004) 97, 1320-1327
N. Petit-Marty, M.T. Vera, G. Calcagno, J.L. Cladera, D.F. Segura, A. Allinghi, M. Rodriguero, P. Gómez Cendra, M.M. Viscarret and J.C. Vilardi (2004)
Sexual behavior and mating compatibility among four populations of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2003) 96, 563-570
M.T. Vera, J.L. Cladera, G. Calcagno, J.C. Vilardi and D.O. McInnis (2003)
Remating of wild Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) females in field cages

Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2002) 95, 133-138
J.L. Cladera, M.T. Vera, G. Calcagno, J.C. Vilardi and D.O. McInnis (2002)
Mating competitiveness of cast-191, a promising genetic sexing strain of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Florida Entomologist (2002) 85, 102-112
S.A. Lux, J.C. Vilardi, P. Liedo, K. Gaggl, G.E. Calcagno, F.N. Munyiri, M.T. Vera and F. Manso (2002)
Effects of irradiation on the courtship behavior of medfly (Diptera, Tephritidae) mass reared for the sterile insect technique

Environmental Entomology (2002) 31, 1009-1022
M. Teresa Vera, Rafael Rodriguez, Diego F. Segura, Jorge L. Cladera and Robert W. Sutherst (2002)
Potential geographical distribution of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), with emphasis on Argentina and Australia

Florida Entomologist (2002) 85, 156-164
M.T. Vera, R.J. Wood, J.L. Cladera and A.S. Gilburn (2002)
Factors affecting female remating frequency in the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Journal of Economic Entomology (1999) 92, 373-379
Graciela E. Calcagno, Maria T. Vera, Fanny Manso, Slawomir A. Lux, Fabian M. Norry, Florence N. Munyiri and Juan C. Vilardi (1999)
Courtship behavior of wild and mass-reared Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera : Tephritidae) males from Argentina

Journal of Economic Entomology (1999) 92, 140-145
J.-P. Cayol, J. Vilardi, E. Rial and M.T. Vera (1999)
New indices and method to measure the sexual compatibility and mating performance of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera : Tephritidae) laboratory-reared strains under field cage conditions