Journal of Nematology (1997) 29 (3)

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Articles of Journal of Nematology entered for 1997 and volume (issue): 29 (3)

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 241-249
S.K. Ibrahim, J.G. Baldwin, P.A. Roberts and B.C. Hyman (1997)
Genetic variation in Nacobbus aberrans: An approach toward taxonomic resolution

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 255-267
Allen L. Szalanski, Dezhi D. Sui, T.S. Harris and Thomas O. Powers (1997)
Identification of cyst nematodes of agronomic and regulatory concern with PCR-RFLP of ITS1

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 268-275
S.Y. Chen, J. Charnecki, J.F. Preston, D.W. Dickson and J.D. Rice (1997)
Antibodies from chicken eggs as probes for antigens from Pasteuria penetrans endospores

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 276-281
M.J. Kennedy, J.E. Schoelz, P.A. Donald and T.L. Niblack (1997)
Unique immunogenic proteins in Heterodera glycines eggshells

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 282-288
S.L.F. Meyer, G. Johnson, M. Dimock, J.W. Fahey and R.N. Huettel (1997)
Field efficacy of Verticillium lecanii, sex pheromone, and pheromone analogs as potential management agents for soybean cyst nematode

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 289-295
Z.X. Chen and D.W. Dickson (1997)
Estimating incidence of attachment of Pasteuria penetrans endospores to Meloidogyne spp. with tally thresholds

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 306-314
Takayuki Mizukubo and Hiroshi Adachi (1997)
Effect of temperature on Pratylenchus penetrans development

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 315-321
J.M. Thompson and G.L. Tylka (1997)
Differences in hatching of Heterodera glycines egg-mass and encysted eggs in vitro

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 322-328
C.G. Cook, A.F. Robinson and L.N. Namken (1997)
Tolerance to Rotylenchulus reniformis and resistance to Meloidogyne incognita race 3 in high-yielding breeding lines of upland cotton

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 356-369
G.S. Griffith, R. Cook and K.A. Mizen (1997)
Ditylenchus dipsaci infestation of Trifolium repens. II. Dynamics of infestation development

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 370-380
D. Esmenjaud, J.C. Minot, R. Voisin, J. Pinochet, M.H. Simard and G. Salesses (1997)
Differential response to root-knot nematodes in Prunus species and correlative genetic implications

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 381-388
Haddish Melakeberhan, George W. Bird and Rebecca Gore (1997)
Impact of plant nutrition on Pratylenchus penetrans infection of Prunus avium rootstocks

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 389-394
Susan L.F. Meyer, David J. Chitwood and Paula Crowley (1997)
Influence of soybean cultivar on reproduction of Heterodera glycines in monoxenic culture

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 395-403
S.R. Stetina, E.C. McGawley and J.S. Russin (1997)
Relationship between Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis as influenced by soybean genotype

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 404-410
S.H. Thomas, J. Schroeder, M.J. Kenney and L.W. Murray (1997)
Meloidogyne incognita inoculum source affects host suitability and growth of yellow nutsedge and chile pepper

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 411-415
Xiang Huang and J. Ole Becker (1997)
In vitro culture and feeding behavior of Belonolaimus longicaudatus on excised Zea mays roots

Journal of Nematology (1997) 29, 416-419
C.R. Brown, H. Mojtahedi, G.S. Santo and V.M. Williamson (1997)
Effect of the Mi gene in tomato on reproductive factors of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla