European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102 (4)
Articles of European Journal of Plant Pathology entered for 1996 and volume (issue): 102 (4)
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 311-316
Byung Kook Hwang, Young Jin Kim and Choong Hoe Kim (1996)
Differential interactions of Phytophthora capsici isolates with pepper genotypes at various plant growth stages
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 317-324
A.J. Haverkort, F.J. de Ruijter, M. Boerma and M. van de Waart (1996)
Foliar calcium concentration of potato and its relation to genotype lateness and tolerance of cyst nematodes
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 325-337
M.L. Gac, F. Montfort, N. Cavelier and A. Sailland (1996)
Comparative study of morphological, cultural and molecular markers for the characterization of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides isolates
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 339-348
Reuven Reuveni, Moshe Reuveni and Vladimir Agapov (1996)
Foliar sprays of NPK fertilizers induce systemic protection against Puccinia sorghi and Exserohilum turcicum and growth response in maize
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 349-352
Chang-Yong Chen, Kim M. Plummer and Barbara J. Howlett (1996)
Ability of a Leptosphaeria maculans isolate to form stem cankers on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) segregates as a single locus
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 353-363
Catherine Grondeau, Alexandre Mabiala, Rachid Ait-Oumeziane and Régine Samson (1996)
Epiphytic life is the main characteristic of the life cycle of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi, pea bacterial blight agent
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 365-375
W.D. Smilde, M. van Nes and H.D. Frinking (1996)
Rain-driven epidemics of Phytophthora porri on leek
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 377-383
Roeland E. Voorrips (1996)
Production, characterization and interaction of single-spore isolates of Plasmodiophora brassicae
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 385-395
Kaspar Müller, Joe M. McDermott, Martin S. Wolfe and Eckhard Limpert (1996)
Analysis of diversity in populations of plant pathogens: the barley powdery mildew pathogen across Europe
European Journal of Plant Pathology (1996) 102, 401-405
J.M. Cachinero, F. Cabello, J. Jorrin and M. Tena (1996)
Induction of different chitinase and ß-1,3-glucanase isoenzymes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seedlings in response to infection by Plasmopara halstedii