Bibliography:Veronica hederifolia (weed)

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Publication list for Veronica hederifolia (weed) sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (4)

Weed Research (2022) 62, 328-339
Matthias Schumacher and Roland Gerhards (2022)
Facilitation of weed seed predation by living mulch and cover crops

Ecology and Evolution (2021) 11, 13166-13174
Elena Kazakou, Guillaume Fried, Pierre-Olivier Cheptou and Olivier Gimenez (2021)
Does seed mass drive interspecies variation in the effect of management practices on weed demography?

Weed Research (2013) 53, 76-87
J.-P. Guillemin, A. Gardarin, S. Granger, C. Reibel, N. Munier-Jolain and N. Colbach (2013)
Assessing potential germination period of weeds with base temperatures and base water potentials

Weed Research (2011) 51, 499-507
P.J.W. Lutman, K.J. Wright, K. Berry, S.E. Freeman and L. Tatnell (2011)
Estimation of seed production by Myosotis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia, Veronica persica and Viola arvensis under different competitive conditions

control - general (11)

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biocontrol - natural enemies (1)

Weed Technology (2016) 30, 688-700
Joseph C. Wolfe, Joseph C. Neal and Christopher D. Harlow (2016)
Selective broadleaf weed control in turfgrass with the bioherbicides Phoma macrostoma and thaxtomin A

damage/losses/economics (4)

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2008) 6, 661-670
G. Pardo, A. Cirujeda, J. Aibar, J. Cavero and C. Zaragoza (2008)
Weed harrowing in winter cereal under semi-arid conditions

Weed Research (1996) 36, 175-187
C. Angonin, J.-P. Caussanel and J.-M. Meynard (1996)
Competition between winter wheat and Veronica hederifolia: influence of weed density and the amount and timing of nitrogen application

Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes (1996) 48, 146-153
Peter Niemann and Hans-Peter Malkomes (1996)
Einfluß definierter Verunkrautungen auf die Ertragsbildung von Mais und Getreide sowie auf mikrobielle Aktivitäten im Boden
[Influence of certain weed infestations on the yield of maize and cereals and the soil microbial activity]

Weed Research (1990) 30, 201-211
B.J. Wilson and Kathryn J. Wright (1990)
Predicting the growth and competitive effects of annual weeds in wheat

environment - cropping system/rotation (13)

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population dynamics/ epidemiology (5)

PLoS ONE (2012) 7 (1 - e30569)
Mauricio Lima, Luis Navarrete and José Luis González-Andujar (2012)
Climate effects and feedback structure determining weed population dynamics in a long-term experiment

Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2011) 63, 255-258
Peter Niemann and Peter Zwerger (2011)
Langfristige Dynamik der Verunkrautung mit Veronica hederifolia nach einem kurzfristigen Sameneintrag
[Long-term dynamics of weed infestation with Veronica hederifolia after a short-term seed input]

Weed Technology (2006) 20, 438-444
Husrev Mennan and Bernard H. Zandstra (2006)
The effects of depth and duration of seed burial on viability, dormancy, germination, and emergence of ivyleaf speedwell (Veronica hederifolia)

Journal of Applied Ecology (2003) 40, 757-770
A.C. Grundy, A. Mead and S. Burston (2003)
Modelling the emergence response of weed seeds to burial depth: interactions with seed density, weight and shape

Weed Science (2000) 48, 594-603
Andrea C. Grundy and Andrew Mead (2000)
Modeling weed emergence as a function of meteorological records

surveys/sampling/distribution (2)

Planta Daninha (2018) 36 (e018172126)
H. Onen, M. Akdeniz, S. Farooq, M. Hussain and C. Ozaslan (2018)
Weed flora of citrus orchards and factors affecting its distribution in western Mediterranean region of Turkey

Biological Invasions (2008) 10, 1411-1429
Ewald Weber, Shi-Guo Sun and Bo Li (2008)
Invasive alien plants in China: diversity and ecological insights