Bibliography:Melaleuca quinquenervia (weed)
Publication list for Melaleuca quinquenervia (weed) sorted according to research topics
general biology - morphology - evolution (5)
Plants (2022) 11 (7 - 981)
Fei-Xue Zhang, Chun-Jing Wang and Ji-Zhong Wan (2022)
Using consensus land cover data to model global invasive tree species distributions
American Journal of Plant Sciences (2017) 8, 1659-1671
Min B. Rayamajhi, Paul D. Pratt, Philip W. Tipping, Jorge G. Leidi, F. Allen Dray Jr, Paul T. Madeira and Ted D. Center (2017)
Attributes of naturally fallen (rained) Melaleuca quinquenervia seeds in two habitat types of South Florida wetlands
Planta Daninha (2011) 29, 1-6
C.C. Martins, M.R.R. Pereira and S.R. Marchi (2011)
Germinação de sementes de Melaleuca quinquenervia em condições de estresse hídrico e salino
[Germination of Melaleuca quinquenervia seeds under water and salt stress conditions]
Oecologia (2001) 127, 487-494
Sylvan R. Kaufman and Peter E. Smouse (2001)
Comparing indigenous and introduced populations of Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) Blake: response of seedlings to water and pH levels
Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1996) 74, 243-246
Christine S. Lockhart (1996)
Aquatic heterophylly as a survival strategy in Melaleuca quinquenervia (Myrtaceae)
control - general (4)
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2020) 13, 258-265
Samantha L. Dietz, Chad T. Anderson, Dexter R. Sowell, Robert L. Gundy and Linda E. King (2020)
The effects of treatment and management history on the control of Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum), Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolia), and punktree (Melaleuca quinquenervia)
Weed Research (2015) 55, 226-238
F.D. Panetta (2015)
Weed eradication feasibility: lessons of the 21st century
Weed Technology (1998) 12, 726-732
François B. Laroche (1998)
Managing melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) in the Everglades
Phytopathology (1996) 86, p. S22 (Rayachhetry et al.)
Min B. Rayachhetry and M.L. Elliott (1996)
Compatibility of a native fungus with herbicides for melaleuca control in south Florida
biocontrol - natural enemies (64)
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pesticide resistance of pest (1)
Weed Science (2016) 64, 609-626
David E. Ervin and George B. Frisvold (2016)
Community-based approaches to herbicide-resistant weed management: Lessons from science and practice
environment - cropping system/rotation (13)
population dynamics/ epidemiology (3)
Biological Invasions (2014) 16, 663-675
Philip W. Rundel, Ian A. Dickie and David M. Richardson (2014)
Tree invasions into treeless areas: mechanisms and ecosystem processes
Biological Invasions (2012) 14, 915-927
César Delnatte and Jean-Yves Meyer (2012)
Plant introduction, naturalization, and invasion in French Guiana (South America)
Weed Technology (1998) 12, 726-732
François B. Laroche (1998)
Managing melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) in the Everglades
surveys/sampling/distribution (2)
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2014) 7, 360-374
LeRoy Rodgers, Tony Pernas and Steven D. Hill (2014)
Mapping invasive plant distributions in the Florida Everglades using the digital aerial sketch mapping technique
Weed Research (2009) 49, 381-390
M.S. Watt, D.J. Kriticos and L.K. Manning (2009)
The current and future potential distribution of Melaleuca quinquenervia
review (1)
BioControl (2012) 57, 151-165
Ted D. Center, Matthew F. Purcell, Paul D. Pratt, Min B. Rayamajhi, Philip W. Tipping, Susan A. Wright and F. Allen Dray (2012)
Biological control of Melaleuca quinquenervia: an Everglades invader