Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39 (2)
Articles of Neotropical Entomology entered for 2010 and volume (issue): 39 (2)
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 160-162
Daniel González-Acuña, Pamela Vargas, Karen Ardiles, Luis Parra and Alberto Guglielmone (2010)
Developmental biology of Argas neghmei Kohls and Hoogstraal (Acari: Argasidae) under laboratory conditions
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 172-180
Patrícia Milano, Evoneo Berti Filho, José R.P. Parra, Melissa L. Oda and Fernando L. Cônsoli (2010)
Efeito da alimentação da fase adulta na reprodução e longevidade de espécies de Noctuidae, Crambidae, Tortricidae e Elachistidae
[Effects of adult feeding on the reproduction and longevity of Noctuidae, Crambidae, Tortricidae and Elachistidae species]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 181-186
Suêrda W.J. de Santana, Reginaldo Barros, Jorge B. Torres and Manoel G.C. Gondim Jr. (2010)
Exigências térmicas da praga do coqueiro Atheloca subrufella (Hulst)(Lepidoptera: Phycitidae)
[Thermal requirements of the coconut pest Atheloca subrufella (Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae)]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 187-193
Rudiney Ringenberg, João R.S. Lopes, Marcos Botton, Wilson S. de Azevedo-Filho and Rodney R. Cavichioli (2010)
Análise faunística de cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) na cultura da videira no Rio Grande do Sul
[Faunistic analysis of leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) species in vineyards of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 194-197
Cristine R. Zimmer, Sabrina M. Pires, Marcial C. Cárcamo and Paulo B. Ribeiro (2010)
Comportamento de propagação radial de larvas de Muscina stabulans (Fallén) (Diptera: Muscidae) em condições de laboratório
[Behavior of radial larval propagation of Muscina stabulans (Fallén) (Diptera: Muscidae) under laboratory conditions]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 207-213
Zahaed Evangelista-Martínez, José L. Imbert-Palafox, Marco A. Becerril-Flores and Juan V. Gómez-Gómez (2010)
Análisis morfológico de huevos de Triatoma barberi Usinger(Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
[Morphologic analysis of eggs of Triatoma barberi Usinger (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 214-220
João A. da Rosa, Silvia C.M. de Freitas, Flávio F. Malara and Cláudia S. Rocha (2010)
Morphometry and morphology of the antennae of Panstrongylus megistus Burmeister, Rhodnius neglectus Lent, Rhodnius prolixus Stal and Triatoma vitticeps Stal (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 221-226
Fernanda Von H.M. Fontes, Carlos A. Colombo and André L. Lourenção (2010)
Caracterização molecular e divergência genética de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em diferentes culturas e locais de cultivo
[Molecular characterization and genetic divergence of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on different crops and growing areas]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 235-240
Alberto M. da Silva Neto, Vanessa S. Dias and Iara S. Joachim-Bravo (2010)
Importância da ingestão de proteína na fase adulta para o sucesso de acasalamento dos machos de Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae)
[Importance of adult protein ingestion on the mating success of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann males (Diptera: Tephritidae)]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 241-247
Hugo B. Zago, Reginaldo Barros, Jorge B. Torres and Dirceu Pratissoli (2010)
Distribuição de ovos de Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) e o parasitismo por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)
[Egg distribution of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and the parasitism by Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 248-252
Marcos A.M. Fadini, Madelaine Venzon, Hamilton Oliveira, Angelo Pallini and Evaldo F. Vilela (2010)
Response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) to volatiles produced by strawberry plants in response to attack by Tetranychid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Tetranychidae)
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 253-259
Norton R. Chagas Filho, Arlindo L. Boiça Jr. and Tania F. Alonso (2010)
Biologia de Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) em cultivaresde couve-flor
[Biology of Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) reared on cauliflower genotypes]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 260-265
Rafael M. Pitta, Arlindo L. Boiça Jr., Flávio G. de Jesus and Sônia R.A. Tagliari (2010)
Seleção de genótipos resistentes de amendoinzeiro a Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) com base em análises multivariadas
[Selection of resistant peanut genotypes to Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) supported by multivariate analysis]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 275-281
André L. Lourenção, Paulo C. Reco, Nelson R. Braga, Giuliana E. do Valle and José B. Pinheiro (2010)
Produtividade de genótipos de soja sob infestação da lagarta-da-soja e de percevejos
[Yield of soybean genotypes under infestation of the velvetbean caterpillar and stink bugs]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 282-288
Ana C. Dalla Bona and Mário A. Navarro-Silva (2010)
Physiological age and longevity of Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii Dyar Knab (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 289-298
Rachel B. dos Santos, José Lopes and Karen B. dos Santos (2010)
Distribuição espacial e variação temporal da composição de espécies de borrachudos (Diptera: Simuliidae) em uma microbacia situada no norte do Paraná
[Spatial distribution and temporal variation in composition of black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) in a small watershed located in the northern region of Paraná State, Brazil]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 299-302
Eloína Santos, Juliana Correia, Luciana Muniz, Marcos Meiado and Cleide Albuquerque (2010)
Oviposition activity of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) in response to different organic infusions
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 303-305
Juan R. Rosa, Oscar D. Salomon, José D. Andrade Filho, Gustavo M.L. Carvalho, Enrique A. Szelag, Marina Stein, Eliana S. Tapia and Reginaldo P. Brazil (2010)
Phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the province of Chaco, Argentina
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 306-307
Edson L.L. Baldin, Ricardo T. Fujihara, Arlindo L. Boiça Jr. and Maria C. de Almeida (2010)
Parasitismo de percevejos-praga do maracujazeiro no Brasil por Hexacladia smithii Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
[Parasitism of passion fruit bugs in Brazil by Hexacladia smithii Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)]
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 308-310
Fátima T. Rampelotti-Ferreira, Anderson Ferreira, José D. Vendramim, Paulo T. Lacava, João L. Azevedo and Welington L. Araújo (2010)
Colonization of rice and Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae by genetically modified endophytic Methylobacterium mesophilicum
Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, p. 313 (Almeida et al.)
Lúcia M. Almeida and Cibele S. Ribeiro-Costa (2010)
Name rectification and comparisons between Nephaspis cocois Gordon and Stethorus minutalus Gordon and Chapin (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)