Wiseana mimica
From Pestinfo-Wiki
Wiseana mimica (Philpott, 1923)
This moth is endemic in New Zealand, where it is one of seven species damaging grasses. The larvae live in vertical tunnels in the ground and emerge during the night for feeding.
Publications covering Wiseana mimica
Pest Management Science (2017) 73, 2334-2344
Nicola K. Richards, Sarah Mansfield, Richard J. Townsend and Colin M. Ferguson (2017)
Genetic variation within species and haplotypes of the Wiseana (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) complex and development of non-sequenced based identification tools to aid field studies
Bulletin of Entomological Research (1999) 89, 287-293
B. Brown, R.M. Emberson and A.M. Paterson (1999)
Mitochondrial COI and II provide useful markers for Wiseana (Lepidoptera : Hepialidae) species identification