Weed Science (2000) 48 (1)

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Articles of Weed Science entered for 2000 and volume (issue): 48 (1)

Weed Science (2000) 48, 2-6
Jason R. Maschhoff, Stephen E. Hart and John L. Baldwin (2000)
Effect of ammonium sulfate on the efficacy, absorption, and translocation of glufosinate

Weed Science (2000) 48, 7-14
J.C. Jennings, P.C. Apel-Birkhold, B.A. Bailey and J.D. Anderson (2000)
Induction of ethylene biosynthesis and necrosis in weed leaves by a Fusarium oxysporum protein

Weed Science (2000) 48, 15-19
W.M. Thompson and S.J. Nissen (2000)
Absorption and fate of carfentrazone-ethyl in Zea mays, Glycine max, and Abutilon theophrasti

Weed Science (2000) 48, 20-26
M.P. Crotser and W.W. Witt (2000)
Effect of Glycine max canopy characteristics, G. max interference, and weed-free period on Solanum ptycanthum growth

Weed Science (2000) 48, 27-34
Jodie L. Woolcock and Roger Cousens (2000)
A mathematical analysis of factors affecting the rate of spread of patches of annual weeds in an arable field

Weed Science (2000) 48, 35-42
D. Mulugeta and C.M. Boerboom (2000)
Critical time of weed removal in glyphosate-resistant Glycine max

Weed Science (2000) 48, 43-52
J.S. Holt and A.B. Boose (2000)
Potential for spread of Abutilon theophrasti in California

Weed Science (2000) 48, 61-68
J.B. Kadir, R. Charudattan and R.D. Berger (2000)
Effects of some epidemiological factors on levels of disease caused by Dactylaria higginsii on Cyperus rotundus

Weed Science (2000) 48, 69-74
I.G. Eleftherohorinos, I.B. Vasilakoglou and K.V. Dhima (2000)
Metribuzin resistance in Amaranthus retroflexus and Chenopodium album in Greece