Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33 (4)

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Articles of Tropical Plant Pathology entered for 2008 and volume (issue): 33 (4)

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 257-264
Álvaro M.R. Almeida, Daniel R. Sosa-Gomez, Eliseu Binneck, Silvana R.R. Marin, Maria I. Zucchi, Ricardo V. Abdelnoor and Eliezer R. Souto (2008)
Effect of crop rotation on specialization and genetic diversity of Macrophomina phaseolina

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 265-272
Ana R. Soares, Silvia A. Lourenço and Lilian Amorim (2008)
Infecção de goiabas por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum sob diferentes temperaturas e períodos de molhamento
[Infection of guava by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum under different temperatures and wetting periods]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 273-280
Luis A.M. Medeiros, Ricardo S. Balardin, Ivan F.D. Costa, Caroline A. Gulart and Giuvan Lenz (2008)
Reação de germoplasma crioulo de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
[Reaction of germplasm of common bean to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 281-287
Paula G. Schenato, Rosa M. Valdebenito-Sanhueza and Valmir Duarte (2008)
Determinação da presença da raça 1 de Venturia inaequalis no Sul do Brasil
[Determination of the presence of Venturia inaequalis race 1 in southern Brazil]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 288-294
Adriana Magali F.A. Rezende, Celso K. Tomita and Carlos H. Uesugi (2008)
Fungicidas cúpricos, cloretos de benzalcônio e composto bioativo liquído (Bokashi): fitotoxicidade e controle da seca dos ponteiros causada por Erwinia psidii em goiabeiras
[Cupric fungicides, benzalconium chlorides and liquid bioactive compost (Bokashi): phytotoxicity and control of guava bacterial blight caused by Erwinia psidii]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 295-301
Nadja S. Vitória, José L. Bezerra, Karina P. Gramacho and Edna D.M.N. Luz (2008)
Camarotella torrendiella comb. nov. e C. acrocomiae: agentes etiológicos das lixas do coqueiro
[Camarotella torrendiella comb. nov. and C. acrocomiae: etiologic agents of black leaf spot diseases on the coconut tree]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 302-308
Daniel Garcia Júnior, Marta H. Vechiato, José O.M. Menten and Maria Imaculada P.M. Lima (2008)
Relação entre a incidência de Fusarium graminearum em sementes, emergência e ocorrência de giberela em plântulas de trigo
[Relation between incidence of Fusarium graminearum in seeds, emergence and occurrence of giberela in wheat seedlings]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 309-312
Regina M.D.G. Carneiro, Luiz F.G. de Mesquita, Wallace Gonçalves and Antônio A. Pereira (2008)
Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne spp. (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) from Brazil and Central America on two genotypes of Coffea arabic

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 313-316
Maria E. Salustiano, Edson A. Pozza, Antônio C. Ferraz Filho and Hilário A. Castro (2008)
Viability of Puccinia psidii urediniospores stored in different environments

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 317-322
José Belasque Jr., Fabrício José Jaciani, Denis Rogério Marin and José Carlos Barbosa (2008)
Tamanho da amostra para quantificação do diâmetro de lesões de cancro cítrico
[Size of sample to determine the diameter of lesions of citrus canker]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 326-330
Ivan H. Fischer, Leonardo Toffano, Silvia A. Lourenço, Marcel B. Spósito and Lilian Amorim (2008)
Incidência de mancha preta em frutos cítricos em diferentes etapas de beneficiamento em packinghouses e na Ceagesp SP
[Incidence of black spot in citrus fruits from different processing stages in packinghouses and from São Paulo's wholesale market]

Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 331-334
Indira del C.M. Alvarado, Andréa B. Moura, Jaqueline T. Schafer, Cândida R.J. Farias and Carlos R. Pierobom (2008)
Ocorrência de Helicoceras oryzae em sementes e grãos de arroz produzidos no Rio Grande do Sul
[Occurrence of Helicoceras oryzae in rice seeds and grains produced in the state of Rio Grande do Sul]