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Epinotia aporema
Has query
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Epinotia aporema +
Categories Epinotia (genus)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
9 November 2018 09:20:40  +
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Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001) 67, 3702-3706 + , Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001) 67, 3702-3706 + , Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001) 67, 3702-3706 + , Environmental Entomology (1981) 10, 363-371 + , FAO Plant Protection Bulletin (1993) 41, p. 91 (Moscardi) + , Florida Entomologist (2004) 87, 65-78 + , Insect Science and its Application (1995) 16, 237-250 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (2009) 35, 349-354 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2005) 98, 577-587 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2005) 98, 577-587 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2005) 98, 577-587 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2005) 98, 577-587 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2023) 116, 297-309 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 324-329 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 324-329 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 767-773 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 767-773 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 767-773 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 767-773 + , Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina (1999) 58, 307-311 + ... Pest
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001) 67, 3702-3706 + , Environmental Entomology (1981) 10, 363-371 + , FAO Plant Protection Bulletin (1993) 41, p. 91 (Moscardi) + , Florida Entomologist (2004) 87, 65-78 + , Insect Science and its Application (1995) 16, 237-250 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (2009) 35, 349-354 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2005) 98, 577-587 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2023) 116, 297-309 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 324-329 + , Neotropical Entomology (2010) 39, 767-773 + , Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina (1999) 58, 307-311 + , Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina (2005) 64, 37-44 + , Virus Genes (2002) 25, 329-341 + , Virus Genes (2008) 37, 203-211 + Publication on pest
Bean shoot borer + , Bean shoot moth + , Broca-dos-ponteiros-da-soja + , Crocidosema aporema + redirect page


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