Ramularia phaseoli
From Pestinfo-Wiki
Ramularia phaseoli (O.A. Drumm.) Deighton 1967 - (floury leaf spot of bean)
The fungus is widely distributed and causes floury leaf spot on bean. The symptoms appear on the older leaves first and than progress to younger ones. Severe infections can result in defoliation. The conidia develop on the lower surface and form white, flowery mats.
Mycovellosiella phaseoli
Publications covering Ramularia phaseoli
Studies in Mycology (2016) 83, 49-163
S.I.R. Videira, J.Z. Groenewald, U. Braun, H.D. Shin and P.W. Crous (2016)
All that glitters is not Ramularia
FAO Plant Protection Bulletin (1993) 41, 73-90
J. Kannaiyan and H.C. Haciwa (1993)
Diseases of food legume crops and the scope for their management in Zambia