Journal of Nematology (2007) 39 (4)
Articles of Journal of Nematology entered for 2007 and volume (issue): 39 (4)
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 283-294
J.L. Starr, S.R. Koenning, T.L. Kirkpatrick, A.F. Robinson, P.A. Roberts and R.L. Nichols (2007)
The future of nematode management in cotton
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 298-304
C.F. Mercer and R.N. Watson (2007)
Effects of nematicides and plant resistance on white clover performance and seasonal populations of nematodes parasitizing white clover in grazed pasture
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 305-312
D.L. Porazinska, P.D. Pratt and R.M. Giblin-DAvis (2007)
Consequences of Melaleuca quinquenervia invasion on soil nematodes in the Florida Everglades
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 313-316
H. Mojtahedi, R.A. Boydston, J.M. Crosslin, C.R. Brown, E. Riga, T.L. Anderson, D. Spellman and R.A. Quick (2007)
Establishing a corky ringspot disease plot for research purposes
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 321-326
G. Bélair, N. Dauphinais, D.L. Benoit and Y. Fournier (2007)
Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans on 24 common weeds in potato fields in Québec
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 327-332
J.A. Brito, J.D. Stanley, R. Kaur, R. Cetintas, M. Di Vito, J.A. Thies and D.W. Dickson (2007)
Effects of the Mi-1, N and tabasco genes on infection and reproduction of Meloidogyne mayaguensis on tomato and pepper genotypes
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 333-337
A. Fujimoto, E.E. Lewis, G. Cobanoglu and H.K. Kaya (2007)
Dispersal, infectivity and sex ratio of early- or late-emerging infective juveniles of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 338-342
J.P. Molina, C. Dolinski, R.M. Souza and E.E. Lewis (2007)
Effect of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) on Meloidogyne mayaguensis Rammah and Hirschmann (Tylenchida: Meloidoginidae) infection in tomato plants
Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 343-355
J.L. McCuiston, L.C. Hudson, S.A. Subbotin, E.L. Davis and C.Y. Warfield (2007)
Conventional and PCR detection of Aphelenchoides fragariae in diverse ornamental host plant species