IDESIA (Chile) (2007) 25, 63-71

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Ramón Rebolledo R., Rubén Palma M., Carlos Klein K. and Alfonso Aguilera (2007)
Coccinellini (Col. Coccinellidae) presentes en diferentes estratos vegetacionales en la IX Región de La Araucanía (Chile)
[Coccinellids (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) present in different plant strata in the IXth Region off La Araucanía (Chile)]
IDESIA (Chile) 25 (1), 63-71
Abstract: The greatest part of this research conducted in Chile regarding coccinellids is related to their taxonomy, new records, predatory activity or distribution. but there are only a few contributions about host plants of aphids that are visited by species of this tribe. The present research was developed in the five agroecological areas of La Araucanía (Chile) dividing the host plants intro three categories: herbal substrate, shrubs and trees. Coccinellini surveys were conducted in each category, including their relative abundance. Coccinellids were found on 26 herbs, 9 shrubs and 13 trees, being the host plants (Foeniculum vulgare) and different species of Cirsium outstanding considering the species diversity and the abundance of ladybeetles found on them. Eriopis spp. preferred herbs and trees and in a minor degree shrubs and, finally, Hippodamia spp preferred herbs and shrubs.
(The abstract is excluded from the Creative Commons licence and has been copied with permission by the publisher.)
(original language: Spanish)
Full text of article

Research topic(s) for pests/diseases/weeds:
biocontrol - natural enemies
Research topic(s) for beneficials or antagonists:
environment/habitat manipulation

Pest and/or beneficial records:

Beneficial Pest/Disease/Weed Crop/Product Country Quarant.

Adalia bipunctata (predator) Chile (continental)
Hippodamia variegata (predator) Chile (continental)
Hippodamia convergens (predator) Chile (continental)
Eriopis connexa (predator) Chile (continental)
Cycloneda sanguinea (predator) Chile (continental)
Adalia angulifera (predator) Chile (continental)
Adalia deficiens (predator) Chile (continental)