Bibliography:Pissodes strobi
Publication list for Pissodes strobi sorted according to research topics
- 1 general biology - morphology - evolution (22)
- 2 identification/taxonomy (2)
- 3 biocontrol - natural enemies (11)
- 4 resistance/tolerance/defence of host (23)
- 5 quarantine treatments/regulations/aspects (1)
- 6 damage/losses/economics (1)
- 7 environment - cropping system/rotation (14)
- 8 population dynamics/ epidemiology (9)
- 9 surveys/sampling/distribution (1)
- 10 molecular biology - genes (4)
- 11 rearing/culturing/mass production (2)
general biology - morphology - evolution (22)
identification/taxonomy (2)
The Canadian Entomologist (2002) 134, 9-45
Daryl J.M. Williams and David W. Langor (2002)
Description of mature larvae of the four species of the Pissodes strobi complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
The Canadian Entomologist (2002) 134, 447-466
D.J.M. Williams and D.W. Langor (2002)
Morphometric study of the Pissodes strobi complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
biocontrol - natural enemies (11)
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (23)
quarantine treatments/regulations/aspects (1)
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil (1998) 27, 313-323
Guy J. Hallman (1998)
Ionizing radiation quarantine treatments
damage/losses/economics (1)
Impact Note (2012) no.56 - Silvicultural control of the ...
John Major (2012)
Silvicultural control of the white pine weevil
Lutte sylvicole contre le charançon du pin blanc
environment - cropping system/rotation (14)
population dynamics/ epidemiology (9)
Environmental Entomology (2009) 38, 1189-1196
Jordan M. Koopmans, Honey-Marie C. De La Giroday, B. Staffan Lindgren and Brian H. Aukema (2009)
Take me to your leader: Does early successional nonhost vegetation spatially inhibit Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)?
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2002) 4, 301-308
Richard Trudel, Robert Lavallée, Éric Bauce and Claude Guertin (2002)
The effect of cold temperature exposure and long-day photoperiod on the termination of the reproductive diapause of newly emerged female Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
The Canadian Entomologist (2001) 133, 333-341
Richard Trudel and Robert Lavallée (2001)
Oviposition biology of Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on white pine (Pinaceae) under laboratory conditions
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research (1999) 14, 334-340
Kornelia G. Lewis, Rene I. Alfaro and Danny Andrucko (1999)
Variation in Elatobium abietinum attack on Picea glauca and its relation to Pissodes strobi resistance
The Canadian Entomologist (1999) 131, 131-136
R.I. McIntosh (1999)
Technique for labeling individual Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) for mark-recapture studies
Ecological Entomology (1998) 23, 305-313
V.G. Nealis (1998)
Population dynamics of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi, infesting jack pine, Pinus banksiana, in Ontario, Canada
Environmental Entomology (1997) 26, 888-895
Fangliang He and René I. Alfaro (1997)
White pine weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) attack on white spruce: Spatial and temporal patterns
Environmental Entomology (1983) 12, 43-49
Wayne N. Dixon and Mark W. Houseweart (1983)
Spring temporal and spatial activity patterns of adult white pine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Maine
Environmental Entomology (1981) 10, 611-614
D.L. Overhulser and R.I. Gara (1981)
Site and host factors affecting the Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes strobi, in western Washington
surveys/sampling/distribution (1)
The Canadian Entomologist (2007) 139, 378-396
C.G. Majka, R.S. Anderson, D.F. McAlpine and R.P. Webster (2007)
The weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of the Maritime Provinces of Canada, I: New records from New Brunswick
molecular biology - genes (4)
Plant Molecular Biology (2006) 60, 21-40
Steven Ralph, Ji-Young Park, Jörg Bohlmann and Shawn D. Mansfield (2006)
Dirigent proteins in conifer defense: gene discovery, phylogeny, and differential wound- and insect-induced expression of a family of DIR and DIR-like genes in spruce (Picea spp.)
European Journal of Entomology (2005) 102, 577-597
J. Gomez-Zurita and J. Galian (2005)
Current knowledge on genes and genomes of phytophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea, Curculionoidea): a review
Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2004) 97, 949-956
R.D. Laffin, D.W. Langor and F.A.H. Sperling (2004)
Population structure and gene flow in the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Molecular Ecology Notes (2001) 1, 248-249
Cherdsak Liewlaksaneeyanawin, Carol E. Ritland, Craig H. Newton and Yousry A. El-Kassaby (2001)
Characterization of microsatellite loci in white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi)
rearing/culturing/mass production (2)
The Canadian Entomologist (1998) 130, 201-214
R. Trudel, R. Lavalle and E. Bauce (1998)
Gonadal development and egg-laying response of female white pine weevils reared on artificial and natural diets
Journal of Economic Entomology (1994) 87, 96-100
Richard Trudel, Robert Lavallée, Éric Bauce, Jean Cabana and Claude Guertin (1994)
Variations in ground white pine bark concentration in artificial diet in relation to egg laying, feeding, and mortality of Pissodes strobi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)