Bibliography:Leptographium wageneri

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Publication list for Leptographium wageneri sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (3)

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2000) 78, 1254-1261
Paul F. Hessburg and Everett M. Hansen (2000)
Infection of Douglas-fir by Leptographium wageneri

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (1998) 28, 1207-1212
Rick G. Kelsey and Gladwin Joseph (1998)
Ethanol in Douglas-fir with black-stain root disease (Leptographium wageneri)

European Journal of Forest Pathology (1997) 27, 381-390
S. Diamandis, L. Epstein, F.W. Cobb, T. Popenuck and E. Hechtpoinar (1997)
Development of Leptographium wageneri on root surfaces and other substrata

damage/losses/economics (2)

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2005) 35, 461-471
H.S.J. Kearns and W.R. Jacobi (2005)
Impacts of black stain root disease in recently formed mortality centers in the piñon-juniper woodlands of southwestern Colorado

The Canadian Entomologist (2005) 137, 367-375
D.R. Owen, D.L. Wood and J.R. Parmeter Jr. (2005)
Association between Dendroctonus valens and black stain root disease on ponderosa pine in the Sierra Nevada of California

environment - cropping system/rotation (2)

Forest Pathology (2019) 49 (5 - e12551)
William Woodruff, David Greenberg and Philip Cannon (2019)
Results of a thinning study in a black stain (Leptographium wageneri)-infested Jeffrey/ponderosa pine forest in northern California

Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 30, 339-344
William R. Jacobi, Stefan Zeglen and Jeffrey D. Beale (2008)
Black stain root disease progression in coastal Douglas-fir in British Columbia

population dynamics/ epidemiology (2)

Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 30, 339-344
William R. Jacobi, Stefan Zeglen and Jeffrey D. Beale (2008)
Black stain root disease progression in coastal Douglas-fir in British Columbia

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2005) 35, 461-471
H.S.J. Kearns and W.R. Jacobi (2005)
Impacts of black stain root disease in recently formed mortality centers in the piñon-juniper woodlands of southwestern Colorado

surveys/sampling/distribution (1)

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2005) 35, 1798-1808
Wolfgang Schweigkofler, William J. Otrosina, Sheri L. Smith, Daniel R. Cluck, Kevin Maeda, Kabir G. Peay and Matteo Garbelotto (2005)
Detection and quantification of Leptographium wageneri, the cause of black-stain root disease, from bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Northern California using regular and real-time PCR

transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (5)

The Canadian Entomologist (2005) 137, 367-375
D.R. Owen, D.L. Wood and J.R. Parmeter Jr. (2005)
Association between Dendroctonus valens and black stain root disease on ponderosa pine in the Sierra Nevada of California

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2005) 35, 1798-1808
Wolfgang Schweigkofler, William J. Otrosina, Sheri L. Smith, Daniel R. Cluck, Kevin Maeda, Kabir G. Peay and Matteo Garbelotto (2005)
Detection and quantification of Leptographium wageneri, the cause of black-stain root disease, from bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Northern California using regular and real-time PCR

Southwestern Entomologist (2003) 28, p. 55 (Bishop et al.)
R. Jason Bishop and William R. Jacobi (2003)
Insects associated with black stain root disease centers in pinyon pine stands

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2000) 78, 1254-1261
Paul F. Hessburg and Everett M. Hansen (2000)
Infection of Douglas-fir by Leptographium wageneri

Environmental Entomology (1986) 15, 1090-1095
Jeffrey J. Witcosky, Timothy D. Schowalter and Everett M. Hansen (1986)
Hylastes nigrinus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), Pissodes fasciatus, and Steremnius carinatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as vectors of black-stain root disease of Douglas-fir