Bibliography:Eutypella parasitica

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Publication list for Eutypella parasitica sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (4)

Plant Disease (2020) 104, p. 1257 (Jurc et al.)
D. Jurc, B. Piskur, N. Ogris, A. Brglez, B.T. Linaldeddu, C. Bregant and L. Montecchio (2020)
First report of Eutypella canker caused by Eutypella parasitica on Acer campestre in Italy

Forests (2020) 11 (10 - 1072)
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piskur and Nikica Ogris (2020)
In vitro interactions between Eutypella parasitica and some frequently isolated fungi from the wood of the dead branches of young sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)

Plant Disease (2016) 100, p. 1241 (Jurc et al.)
D. Jurc, N. Ogris, B. Piskur and G. Csóka (2016)
First report of Eutypella canker of maple (Eutypella parasitica) in Hungary

Plant Pathology (2008) 57, p. 785 (Ogris et al.)
N. Ogris, D. Diminic, B. Piskur and H. Kraigher (2008)
First report of Eutypella parasitica causing cankers on field maple (Acer campestre) in Croatia

identification/taxonomy (1)

Plant Disease (2007) 91, 1579-1584
Barbara Piskur, Nikica Ogris and Dusan Jurc (2007)
Species-specific primers for Eutypella parasitica, the causal agent of Eutypella canker of maple

quarantine treatments/regulations/aspects (1)

EPPO Bulletin (2006) 36, 475-485
N. Ogris, D. Jurc and M. Jurc (2006)
Spread risk of Eutypella canker of maple in Europe

environment - cropping system/rotation (2)

Forests (2020) 11 (4 - 467)
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piskur and Nikica Ogris (2020)
Eutypella parasitica and other frequently isolated fungi in wood of dead branches of young sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) in Slovenia

Forests (2020) 11 (10 - 1072)
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piskur and Nikica Ogris (2020)
In vitro interactions between Eutypella parasitica and some frequently isolated fungi from the wood of the dead branches of young sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)

surveys/sampling/distribution (4)

Forest Pathology (2017) 47 (4 - e12347)
K. Cerny, M. Hrabetová, I. Svobodová, M. Mrázková and T. Kowalski (2017)
Eutypella parasitica naturalised in Bohemian and Polish Silesia

Forest Pathology (2016) 46, 336-340
T.L. Cech, K. Schwanda, M. Klosterhuber, L. Straßer and T. Kirisits (2016)
Eutypella canker of maple: first report from Germany and situation in Austria

Plant Disease (2007) 91, 1579-1584
Barbara Piskur, Nikica Ogris and Dusan Jurc (2007)
Species-specific primers for Eutypella parasitica, the causal agent of Eutypella canker of maple

Plant Pathology (2006) 55, p. 577 (Jurc et al.)
D. Jurc, N. Ogris, B. Slippers and J. Stenlid (2006)
First report of eutypella canker of Acer pseudoplatanus in Europe

new introduction of pest (1)

EPPO Bulletin (2006) 36, 475-485
N. Ogris, D. Jurc and M. Jurc (2006)
Spread risk of Eutypella canker of maple in Europe