Agronomy Journal (2007)
Articles of Agronomy Journal entered for 2007:
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 113-121
K.D. Subedi, B.L. Ma and A.G. Xue (2007)
Planting date and nitrogen effects on fusarium head blight and leaf spotting diseases in spring wheat
Agronomy Journal 99 (1), p. 113
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 127-132
Stephen Machado (2007)
Allelopathic potential of various plant species on downy brome - implications for weed control in wheat production
Agronomy Journal 99 (1), p. 127
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 148-157
J. Timsina, K.J. Boote and S. Duffield (2007)
Evaluating the CROPGRO soybean model for predicting impacts of insect defoliation and depodding
Agronomy Journal 99 (1), p. 148
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 562-569
J.M. Krupinsky, A.D. Halvorson, D.L. Tanaka and S.D. Merrill (2007)
Nitrogen and tillage effects on wheat leaf spot diseases in the Northern Great Plains
Agronomy Journal 99 (2), p. 562
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 650-656
James E. Board, Vijay Maka, Randy Price, Dina Knight and Matthew E. Baur (2007)
Development of vegetation indices for identifying insect infestations in soybean
Agronomy Journal 99 (3), p. 650
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 657-664
Trenton F. Stanger and Joseph G. Lauer (2007)
Corn stalk response to plant population and the Bt-European corn borer trait
Agronomy Journal 99 (3), p. 657
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 797-807
Senyu Chen (2007)
Tillage and crop sequence effects on Heterodera glycines and soybean yields
Agronomy Journal 99 (3), p. 797
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 842-846
H.A. Cárcamo and R.E. Blackshaw (2007)
Insect pest incidence and injury to herbicide-tolerant canola in western Canada
Agronomy Journal 99 (3), p. 842
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 912-920
Joseph M. Krupinsky, Donald L. Tanaka, Steven D. Merrill, Mark A. Liebig, Michael T. Lares and Jonathan D. Hanson (2007)
Crop sequence effects on leaf spot diseases of no-till spring wheat
Agronomy Journal 99 (4), p. 912
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1066-1072
Martin M. Williams II and John L. Lindquist (2007)
Influence of planting date and weed interference on sweet corn growth and development
Agronomy Journal 99 (4), p. 1066
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1265-1270
E. Uscanga-Mortera, S.A. Clay, F. Forcella and J. Gunsolus (2007)
Common waterhemp growth and fecundity as influenced by emergence date and competing crop
Agronomy Journal 99 (5), p. 1265
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1463-1470
Yantai Gan, Bruce D. Gossen, Lin Li, Greg Ford and Sabine Banniza (2007)
Cultivar type, plant population, and Ascochyta blight in chickpea
Agronomy Journal 99 (6), p. 1463
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1635-1639
James N. Sedman, Christopher T. Bastian, Larry J. Held, Fred A. Gray and David W. Koch (2007)
An economic analysis of alfalfa harvest methods when infested with Verticillium wilt
Agronomy Journal 99 (6), p. 1635
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99, 1640-1644
W.J. Cox, E. Shields, D.J.R. Cherney and J.H. Cherney (2007)
Seed-applied insecticides inconsistently affect corn forage in continuous corn
Agronomy Journal 99 (6), p. 1640