Laura A. Meyerson

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Name Laura A. Meyerson
Position Professor
Affiliation University of Rhode Island
1 Greenhouse Road
Kingston, RI 02881
Website of affiliation
Email lameyerson(at)
Tel. +1 401 932 4375
Remarks research on invasive plants and restoration ecology
Last update 05.12.2016

Publications of Laura A. Meyerson (19 listed):

Journal of Applied Entomology (2022) 146, 596-606
Amado O. Cortez Jr, Cheng-Lung Chu, Hannah J. Broadley, Yong-Sin Lo, Yu-Chun Chen, Michael W. Gates, Laura A. Meyerson, Kim A. Hoelmer, Juli R. Gould and Shaw-Yhi Hwang (2022)
Exploratory surveys in Taiwan of the roseau cane scale Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana (Hemiptera: Aclerdidae) and its associated parasitoids

Ecology and Evolution (2020) 10, 1106-1118
Petr Pysek, Jan Cuda, Petr Smilauer, Hana Skálová, Zuzana Chumová, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lucanová, Hana Rysavá, Pavel Trávnícek, Kristyna Semberová and Laura A. Meyerson (2020)
Competition among native and invasive Phragmites australis populations: An experimental test of the effects of invasion status, genome size, and ploidy level

Biological Invasions (2019) 21, 37-58
Susan Canavan, Laura A. Meyerson, Jasmin G. Packer, Petr Pysek, Noëlie Maurel, Vanessa Lozano, David M. Richardson, Giuseppe Brundu, Kim Canavan, Angela Cicatelli, Jan Cuda, Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Francesco Guarino, Wen-Yong Guo, Mark van Kleunen, Holger Kreft, Carla Lambertini, Jan Pergl, Hana Skálová, Robert J. Soreng, Vernon Visser, Maria S. Vorontsova, Patrick Weigelt, Marten Winter and John R.U. Wilson (2019)
Tall-statured grasses: a useful functional group for invasion science

Biological Invasions (2019) 21, 2529-2541
Erik Kiviat, Laura A. Meyerson, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Warwick J. Allen, Andrew H. Baldwin, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Hans Brix, Joshua S. Caplan, Karin M. Kettenring, Carla Lambertini, Judith Weis, Dennis F. Whigham and James T. Cronin (2019)
Evidence does not support the targeting of cryptic invaders at the subspecies level using classical biological control: the example of Phragmites

Ecology and Evolution (2018) 8, 2440-2452
Wen-Yong Guo, Carla Lambertini, Petr Pysek, Laura A. Meyerson and Hans Brix (2018)
Living in two worlds: Evolutionary mechanisms act differently in the native and introduced ranges of an invasive plant

Biological Invasions (2016) 18, 2739-2747
Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Laura A. Meyerson and Kristen C. Hychka (2016)
From restoration to adaptation: the changing discourse of invasive species management in coastal New England under global environmental change

Biological Invasions (2016) 18, 2421-2431
Laura A. Meyerson, James T. Cronin and Petr Pysek (2016)
Phragmites australis as a model organism for studying plant invasions

Biological Invasions (2016) 18, 2531-2549
Laura A. Meyerson, James T. Cronin, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Hans Brix, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lucanová, Shelby Rinehart, Jan Suda and Petr Pysek (2016)
Do ploidy level and nuclear genome size and latitude of origin modify the expression of Phragmites australis traits and interactions with herbivores?

Biological Invasions (2016) 18, 2649-2660
Thomas J. Mozdzer, Joshua S. Caplan, Rachel N. Hager, C. Edward Proffitt and Laura A. Meyerson (2016)
Contrasting trait responses to latitudinal climate variation in two lineages of an invasive grass

Biological Invasions (2016) 18, 2679-2687
Kimberly L. Dibble and Laura A. Meyerson (2016)
Detection of decreased quantities of actively spawning female Fundulus heteroclitus in tidally restricted marshes relative to restored and reference sites

New Phytologist (2015) 205, 994-1007
Jan Suda, Laura A. Meyerson, Ilia J. Leitch and Petr Pysek (2015)
The hidden side of plant invasions: the role of genome size

Biological Invasions (2015) 17, 3419-3432
Warwick J. Allen, Randee E. Young, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Jordan R. Croy, Adam M. Lambert, Laura A. Meyerson and James T. Cronin (2015)
Multitrophic enemy escape of invasive Phragmites australis and its introduced herbivores in North America

Biological Invasions (2013) 15, 1725-1737
Kimberly L. Dibble, Penelope S. Pooler and Laura A. Meyerson (2013)
Impacts of plant invasions can be reversed through restoration: a regional meta-analysis of faunal communities

Biological Invasions (2013) 15, 2605-2608
Laura A. Meyerson and James T. Cronin (2013)
Evidence for multiple introductions of Phragmites australis to North America: detection of a new non-native haplotype

Invasive Plant Science and Management (2010) 3, 515-520
Laura A. Meyerson, Adam M. Lambert and Kristin Saltonstall (2010)
A tale of three lineages: expansion of common reed (Phragmites australis) in the U.S. southwest and Gulf Coast

Invasive Plant Science and Management (2010) 3, 495-505
Kristin Saltonstall, Adam Lambert and Laura A. Meyerson (2010)
Genetics and reproduction of common (Phragmites australis) and giant reed (Arundo donax)

Biological Invasions (2010) 12, 103-111
Laura A. Meyerson, David V. Viola and Rebecca N. Brown (2010)
Hybridization of invasive Phragmites australis with a native subspecies in North America

Biological Invasions (1999) 1, 115-127
Elizabeth J. Farnsworth and Laura A. Meyerson (1999)
Species composition and inter-annual dynamics of a freshwater tidal plant community following removal of the invasive grass, Phragmites australis

Biological Invasions (1999) 1, 129-136
Laura A. Meyerson, Randolph M. Chambers and Kristiina A. Vogt (1999)
The effects of Phragmites removal on nutrient pools in a freshwater tidal marsh ecosystem