Nina E. Jenkins
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Publications of Nina E. Jenkins (17 listed):
Environmental Entomology (2021) 50, 149-153
Ikkei Shikano, Jason Woolcott, Kevin Cloonan, Stefanos Andreadis and Nina E. Jenkins (2021)
Biology of mushroom phorid flies, Megaselia halterata (Diptera: Phoridae): Effects of temperature, humidity, crowding, and compost stage
Insects (2021) 12 (3 - 214)
Ikkei Shikano, Giovani S. Bellicanta, Simona Principato and Nina E. Jenkins (2021)
Effects of chemical insecticide residues and household surface type on a Beauveria bassiana-based biopesticide (Aprehend®) for bed bug management
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2021) 31, 1098-1106
Stefanos S. Andreadis, Kevin R. Cloonan, Giovani S. Bellicanta and Nina E. Jenkins (2021)
Efficacy of BotaniGard® against the mushroom phorid fly Megaselia halterata
Environmental Entomology (2020) 49, 854-864
Eric H. Clifton, Ann E. Hajek, Nina E. Jenkins, Richard T. Roush, John P. Rost and David J. Biddinger (2020)
Applications of Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) to control populations of spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in semi-natural landscapes and on grapevines
Journal of Economic Entomology (2019) 112, 2489-2492
Ikkei Shikano, Lauren Gomez, Giovani S. Bellicanta and Nina E. Jenkins (2019)
Persistence and lethality of a fungal biopesticide (Aprehend) applied to insecticide-impregnated and encasement-type box spring covers for bed bug management
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2019) 167, 389-395
Maria Mazin, Stefanos S. Andreadis, Nina E. Jenkins, Kevin R. Cloonan, T.C. Baker and Ed G. Rajotte (2019)
Activity and distribution of the mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata, in and around commercial mushroom farms
Journal of Pest Science (2018) 91, 815-822
Maria Mazin, Stefanos S. Andreadis, Nina E. Jenkins and Edwin G. Rajotte (2018)
The mushroom sciarid fly, Lycoriella ingenua, benefits from its association with green mold disease (Trichoderma aggressivum) in commercial mushroom production
Pest Management Science (2017) 73, 1568-1573
Alexis M. Barbarin, Giovani S. Bellicanta, Jason A. Osborne, Coby Schal and Nina E. Jenkins (2017)
Susceptibility of insecticide-resistant bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) to infection by fungal biopesticide
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 1317-1332
Naworaj Acharya, Edwin G. Rajotte, Nina E. Jenkins and Matthew B. Thomas (2015)
Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the persistence of a Beauveria bassiana biopesticide in laboratory and high-rise poultry house settings
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 513-524
Naworaj Acharya, Edwin G. Rajotte, Nina E. Jenkins and Matthew B. Thomas (2015)
Potential for biocontrol of house flies, Musca domestica, using fungal biopesticides
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 697-715
Naworaj Acharya, Rebecca A. Seliga, Edwin G. Rajotte, Nina E. Jenkins and Matthew B. Thomas (2015)
Persistence and efficacy of a Beauveria bassiana biopesticide against the house fly, Musca domestica, on typical structural substrates of poultry houses
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2000) 10, 753-777
N.E. Jenkins and D. Grzywacz (2000)
Quality control of fungal and viral biocontrol agents - Assurance of product performance
Biocontrol Science and Technology (1999) 9, 165-176
T.D. Hong, N.E. Jenkins and R.H. Ellis (1999)
Fluctuating temperature and the longevity of conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride in storage
Biocontrol Science and Technology (1999) 9, 35-51
A. Cherry, N. Jenkins, G. Heviefo, R.P. Bateman and C. Lomer (1999)
Operational and economic analysis of a West African pilotscale production plant for aerial conidia of Metarhizium spp. for use as a mycoinsecticide against locusts and grasshoppers
Pesticide Science (1996) 46, 299-306
N.E. Jenkins and M.B. Thomas (1996)
Effects of formulation and application method on the efficacy of aerial and submerged conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride for locust and grasshopper control
Biocontrol Science and Technology (1996) 6, 51-61
D. Moore, O.K. Douro-Kpindou, N.E. Jenkins and C.J. Lomer (1996)
Effects of moisture content and temperature on storage of Metarhizium flavoviride conidia
Biocontrol Science and Technology (1996) 6, 549-560
R.P. Bateman, M. Carey, D. Batt, C. Prior, Y. Abraham, D. Moore, N. Jenkins and J. Fenlon (1996)
Screening for virulent isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal)