Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38 (1)
Articles of Journal of Chemical Ecology entered for 2012 and volume (issue): 38 (1)
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38, 36-41
Gorou Maruno, Naoki Mori and Yasumasa Kuwahara (2012)
Chemical ecology of astigmatid mites LXXXVII. S-(+)-isopiperitenone: Re-identification of the alarm pheromone as the female sex pheromone in Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae)
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38, 52-62
Miriam F. Cooperband, Katalin Böröczky, Ashley Hartness, Tappey H. Jones, Kelley E. Zylstra, James H. Tumlinson and Victor C. Mastro (2012)
Male-produced pheromone in the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38, 63-70
Andrea Liliana Clavijo McCormick, Miriam Karlsson, Carlos Felipe Bosa Ochoa, Magali Proffit, Marie Bengtsson, Maria Victoria Zuluaga, Takehiko Fukumoto, Cam Oehlschlager, Alba Marina Cotes Prado and Peter Witzgall (2012)
Mating disruption of Guatemalan potato moth Tecia solanivora by attractive and non-attractive pheromone blends
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38, 100-115
Martine Kos, Benyamin Houshyani, Buddhi B. Achhami, Rafal Wietsma, Rieta Gols, Berhane T. Weldegergis, Patrick Kabouw, Harro J. Bouwmeester, Louise E.M. Vet, Marcel Dicke and Joop J.A. van Loon (2012)
Herbivore-mediated effects of glucosinolates on different natural enemies of a specialist aphid