Weed Technology (2008) 22 (2)

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Articles of Weed Technology entered for 2008 and volume (issue): 22 (2)

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 217-221
Jason K. Norsworthy, Griff M. Griffith and Robert C. Scott (2008)
Imazethapyr use with and without clomazone for weed control in furrow-irrigated, imidazolinone-tolerant rice

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 222-230
Christopher L. Schuster, Kassim Al-Khatib and J. Anita Dille (2008)
Efficacy of sulfonylurea herbicides when tank mixed with mesotrione

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 231-239
Evan M.A. Elford, François J. Tardif, Darren E. Robinson and Eric M. Lyons (2008)
Effect of perennial ryegrass overseeding on weed suppression and sward composition

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 245-248
Kendall C. Hutto, James M. Taylor and Byrd Jr. John D. (2008)
Soil temperature as an application indicator for perennial ryegrass control

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 249-252
Glenn Wehtje, James P. Bostick and Robert A. Dawkins (2008)
Seed head suppression of knotroot foxtail (Setaria parviflora) in bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) grown for seed

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 257-262
Patrick E. McCullough and Stephen E. Hart (2008)
Spray adjuvants influence bispyribac-sodium efficacy for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in cool-season turf grass

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 267-274
Anil Shrestha, Greg T. Browne, Bruce D. Lampinen, Sally M. Schneider, Leo Simon and Thomas J. Trout (2008)
Perennial crop nurseries treated with methyl bromide and alternative fumigants: Effects on weed seed viability, weed densities, and time required for hand weeding

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 275-279
James D. McCurdy, J. Scott McElroy, Greg K. Breeden and Dean A. Kopsell (2008)
Mesotrione plus prodiamine for smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) control in established bermudagrass turf

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 280-285
Carlene A. Chase and Odemari S. Mbuya (2008)
Greater interference from living mulches than weeds in organic broccoli production

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 286-289
B.A. Sellers and J.J. Mullahey (2008)
Broadcast vs. wet-blade herbicide applications for southern wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) control

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 290-295
Juan Jose Cisneros and Bernard H. Zandstra (2008)
Flame weeding effects on several weed species

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 296-302
Jason K. Norsworthy, Marcos J. Oliveira, Prashant Jha, Mayank Malik, Juliana K. Buckelew, Katherine M. Jennings and David W. Monks (2008)
Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass growth with plasticulture-grown bell pepper

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 303-308
A.H. Pahlevani, M.H. Rashed and R. Ghorbani (2008)
Effects of environmental factors on germination and emergence of swallowwort

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 309-317
Anne Légère, F. Craig Stevenson and Noura Ziadi (2008)
Contrasting responses of weed communities and crops to 12 years of tillage and fertilization treatments

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 318-325
Eric R. Walker and Lawrence R. Oliver (2008)
Weed seed production as influenced by glyphosate applications at flowering across a weed complex

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 331-338
Vince M. Davis, Kevin D. Gibson and William G. Johnson (2008)
A field survey to determine distribution and frequency of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis) in Indiana

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 351-353
Kendall C. Hutto, Barry J. Brecke and J. Bryan Unruh (2008)
Comparison of flazasulfuron to pyridine herbicides for Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) control

Weed Technology (2008) 22, 354-358
Barry J. Brecke, Kendall C. Hutto and J. Bryan Unruh (2008)
Postemergence southern crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris) control with sulfonylurea herbicides